Uninstall an Oracle WebCenter Portal domain

To clean up the Oracle WebCenter Portal domain setup, follow the steps below.

Delete the Generated Domain Home

To remove a domain home that you generated by running the create-domain.sh script in your production or testing environment, use the delete-domain-job.yaml file located at, <$WORKDIR>/create-wcp-domain/domain-home-on-pv/output/weblogic-domains/wcp-domain> directory.

$ kubectl create -f delete-domain-job.yaml

Clean Up the create-domain-job script After Execution Failure

To clean up the create-domain-job script:

  1. Get the create domain job and configmaps:

    $ kubectl get configmaps,jobs -n wcpns |grep "create-domain-job"
  2. Delete the job and configmap:

    $ kubectl delete job  job.batch/wcp-domain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job -n wcpns
    $ kubectl delete configmap  wcp-domain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-cm  -n wcpns
  3. Delete the contents of the PV, if any:

    $ sudo rm -rf /scratch/kubevolume