Expose the T3/T3S protocol

Oracle strongly recommends that you do not expose non-HTTPS traffic (T3/T3s/LDAP/IIOP/IIOPs) outside of the external firewall. You can control this access using a combination of network channels and firewalls.

You can create T3/T3S channels and the corresponding Kubernetes service to expose the T3/T3S protocol for the Administration Server and Managed Servers in an Oracle SOA Suite domain.

The WebLogic Kubernetes Operator provides an option to expose a T3 channel for the Administration Server using the exposeAdminT3Channel setting during domain creation, then the matching T3 service can be used to connect. By default, when exposeAdminT3Channel is set, the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator environment exposes the NodePort for the T3 channel of the NetworkAccessPoint at 30012 (use t3ChannelPort to configure the port to a different value).

If you miss enabling exposeAdminT3Channel during domain creation, follow these steps to create a T3 channel for Administration Server manually.

Exposing SOA Managed Server T3 Ports

Expose a T3/T3S Channel for the Administration Server

To create a custom T3/T3S channel for the Administration Server that has a listen port listen_port and a paired public port public_port:

  1. Create t3_admin_config.py with the following content:

    admin_pod_name = sys.argv[1]
    admin_port = sys.argv[2]
    user_name = sys.argv[3]
    password = sys.argv[4]
    listen_port = sys.argv[5]
    public_port = sys.argv[6]
    public_address = sys.argv[7]
    AdminServerName = sys.argv[8]
    channelType = sys.argv[9]
    print('custom admin_pod_name : [%s]' % admin_pod_name);
    print('custom admin_port : [%s]' % admin_port);
    print('custom user_name : [%s]' % user_name);
    print('custom password : ********');
    print('public address : [%s]' % public_address);
    print('channel listen port : [%s]' % listen_port);
    print('channel public listen port : [%s]' % public_port);
    connect(user_name, password, 't3://' + admin_pod_name + ':' + admin_port)
    cd('Servers/%s/' % AdminServerName )
    if channelType == 't3':
       set('PublicAddress', public_address)
       print('Channel T3Channel_AS added')
    elif channelType == 't3s':	  
       set('PublicAddress', public_address)
       set('HttpEnabledForThisProtocol', true)
       set('OutboundEnabled', false)
       set('Enabled', true)
       set('TwoWaySSLEnabled', true)
       set('ClientCertificateEnforced', false)
       print('channelType [%s] not supported',channelType)  
  2. Copy t3_admin_config.py into the domain home (for example, /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra) of the Administration Server pod (for example, soainfra-adminserver in soans namespace).

     $ kubectl cp t3_admin_config.py soans/soainfra-adminserver:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra
  3. Run wlst.sh t3_admin_config.py by using exec into the Administration Server pod with the following parameters:

    • admin_pod_name: soainfra-adminserver # Administration Server pod
    • admin_port: 7011
    • user_name: weblogic
    • password: Welcome1 # weblogic password
    • listen_port: 30014 # New port for T3 Administration Server
    • public_port: 30014 # Kubernetes NodePort which will be used to expose T3 port externally
    • public_address:
    • AdminServerName: AdminServer # Give administration Server name
    • channelType: t3 # t3 or t3s protocol channel
    $ kubectl exec -it <Administration Server pod> -n <namespace> -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh  <domain_home>/t3_admin_config.py <Administration Server pod>  <Administration Server port>  weblogic <password for weblogic> <t3 port on Administration Server> <t3 nodeport> <master_ip> <AdminServerName> <channelType t3 or t3s>

    For example:

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra/t3_admin_config.py soainfra-adminserver  7011 weblogic Welcome1 30014 30014 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx AdminServer t3
  4. Create t3_admin_svc.yaml with the following contents to expose T3 at NodePort 30014 for domainName and domainUID as soainfra and domain deployed in soans namespace:

    Note: For T3S, replace NodePort 30014 with the appropriate value used with public_port while creating the T3S channel using wlst.sh in the previous step.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
       name: soainfra-adminserver-t3-external
       namespace: soans
         weblogic.serverName: AdminServer
         weblogic.domainName: soainfra
         weblogic.domainUID: soainfra
      type: NodePort
        weblogic.domainName: soainfra
        weblogic.domainUID: soainfra
        weblogic.serverName: AdminServer
      - name: t3adminport
        protocol: TCP
        port: 30014
        targetPort: 30014
        nodePort: 30014
  5. Create the NodePort service for port 30014:

    $ kubectl create -f t3_admin_svc.yaml
  6. Verify that you can access T3 for the Administration Server with the following URL:

  7. Similarly, you can access T3S as follows:

    a. First get the certificates from the Administration Server to be used for secured (T3S) connection from the client. You can export the certificate from the Administration Server with WLST commands. For example, to export the default demoidentity:

    Note: If you are using the custom SSL certificate, replace the steps accordingly.

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- bash
    $ /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh
    $ connect('weblogic','Welcome1','t3://soainfra-adminserver:7011')
    $ svc = getOpssService(name='KeyStoreService')
    $ svc.exportKeyStoreCertificate(appStripe='system', name='demoidentity', password='DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase', alias='DemoIdentity', type='Certificate', filepath='/tmp/cert.txt/')

    These steps download the certificate at /tmp/cert.txt.

    b. Use the same certificates from the client side and connect using t3s. For example:

    $ export JAVA_HOME=/u01/jdk
    $ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias soadomain -file cert.txt -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
    $ export WLST_PROPERTIES="-Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true"
    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
    $ ./wlst.sh
      Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
      Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
      Type help() for help on available commands
    $ wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','Welcome1','t3s://<Master IP address>:30014')

Expose T3/T3S for Managed Servers

To create a custom T3/T3S channel for all Managed Servers, with a listen port listen_port and a paired public port public_port:

  1. Create t3_ms_config.py with the following content:

    admin_pod_name = sys.argv[1]
    admin_port = sys.argv[2]
    user_name = sys.argv[3]
    password = sys.argv[4]
    listen_port = sys.argv[5]
    public_port = sys.argv[6]
    public_address = sys.argv[7]
    managedNameBase = sys.argv[8]
    ms_count = sys.argv[9]
    channelType = sys.argv[10]
    print('custom host : [%s]' % admin_pod_name);
    print('custom port : [%s]' % admin_port);
    print('custom user_name : [%s]' % user_name);
    print('custom password : ********');
    print('public address : [%s]' % public_address);
    print('channel listen port : [%s]' % listen_port);
    print('channel public listen port : [%s]' % public_port);
    connect(user_name, password, 't3://' + admin_pod_name + ':' + admin_port)
    for index in range(0, int(ms_count)):
      msIndex = index+1
      name = '%s%s' % (managedNameBase, msIndex)
      cd('Servers/%s/' % name )
      if channelType == 't3':
        set('PublicAddress', public_address)
        print('Channel T3Channel_MS added ...for ' + name)
      elif channelType == 't3s':	  
        set('PublicAddress', public_address)
        set('HttpEnabledForThisProtocol', true)
        set('OutboundEnabled', false)
        set('Enabled', true)
        set('TwoWaySSLEnabled', true)
        set('ClientCertificateEnforced', false)
        print('Channel T3SChannel_MS added ...for ' + name)
        print('Protocol [%s] not supported' % channelType)  	
  2. Copy t3_ms_config.py into the domain home (for example, /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra) of the Administration Server pod (for example, soainfra-adminserver in soans namespace).

    $ kubectl cp t3_ms_config.py soans/soainfra-adminserver:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra
  3. Run wlst.sh t3_ms_config.py by exec into the Administration Server pod with the following parameters:

    • admin_pod_name: soainfra-adminserver # Administration Server pod
    • admin_port: 7011
    • user_name: weblogic
    • password: Welcome1 # weblogic password
    • listen_port: 30016 # New port for T3 Managed Servers
    • public_port: 30016 # Kubernetes NodePort which will be used to expose T3 port externally
    • public_address:
    • managedNameBase: soa_server # Give Managed Server base name. For osb_cluster this will be osb_server
    • ms_count: 5 # Number of configured Managed Servers
    • channelType: t3 # channelType is t3 or t3s
    $ kubectl exec -it <Administration Server pod> -n <namespace> -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh  <domain_home>/t3_ms_config.py <Administration Server pod>  <Administration Server port>  weblogic <password for weblogic> <t3 port on Managed Server> <t3 nodeport> <master_ip> <managedNameBase> <ms_count> <channelType t3 or t3s>

    For example:

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra/t3_ms_config.py soainfra-adminserver  7011 weblogic Welcome1 30016 30016 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx soa_server 5 t3
  4. Create t3_ms_svc.yaml with the following contents to expose T3 at Managed Server port 30016 for domainName, domainUID as soainfra, and clusterName as soa_cluster for the SOA cluster. Similarly, you can create the Kubernetes service with clusterName as osb_cluster for an Oracle Service Bus cluster:

    Note: For T3S, replace NodePort 30016 with the appropriate value used with public_port while creating the T3S channel using wlst.sh in the previous step.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
       name: soainfra-soa-cluster-t3-external
       namespace: soans
         weblogic.clusterName: soa_cluster
         weblogic.domainName: soainfra
         weblogic.domainUID: soainfra
      type: NodePort
        weblogic.domainName: soainfra
        weblogic.domainUID: soainfra
        weblogic.clusterName: soa_cluster
      - name: t3soaport
        protocol: TCP
        port: 30016
        targetPort: 30016
        nodePort: 30016
  5. Create the NodePort service for port 30016:

    $ kubectl create -f t3_ms_svc.yaml
  6. Verify that you can access T3 for the Managed Server with the following URL:

  7. Similarly, you can access T3S as follows:

    a. First get the certificates from the Administration Server to be used for secured (t3s) connection from client. You can export the certificate from the Administration Server with wlst commands. Sample commands to export the default demoidentity:

    Note: In case you are using the custom SSL certificate, replaces the steps accordingly

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- bash
    $ /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh
    $ connect('weblogic','Welcome1','t3://soainfra-adminserver:7011')
    $ svc = getOpssService(name='KeyStoreService')
    $ svc.exportKeyStoreCertificate(appStripe='system', name='demoidentity', password='DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase', alias='DemoIdentity', type='Certificate', filepath='/tmp/cert.txt/')

    The above steps download the certificate at /tmp/cert.txt.

    b. Use the same certificates from the client side and connect using t3s. For example:

    $ export JAVA_HOME=/u01/jdk
    $ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias soadomain -file cert.txt -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
    $ export WLST_PROPERTIES="-Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true"
    $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
    $ ./wlst.sh
      Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
      Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
      Type help() for help on available commands
    $ wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','Welcome1','t3s://<Master IP address>:30016')

Remove T3/T3S configuration

For Administration Server

  1. Create t3_admin_delete.py with the following content:

    admin_pod_name = sys.argv[1]
    admin_port = sys.argv[2]
    user_name = sys.argv[3]
    password = sys.argv[4]
    AdminServerName = sys.argv[5]
    channelType = sys.argv[6]
    print('custom admin_pod_name : [%s]' % admin_pod_name);
    print('custom admin_port : [%s]' % admin_port);
    print('custom user_name : [%s]' % user_name);
    print('custom password : ********');
    connect(user_name, password, 't3://' + admin_pod_name + ':' + admin_port)
    cd('Servers/%s/' % AdminServerName )
    if channelType == 't3':
    elif channelType == 't3s':
       print('channelType [%s] not supported',channelType)
  2. Copy t3_admin_delete.py into the domain home (for example, /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra) of the Administration Server pod (for example, soainfra-adminserver in soans namespace).

    $ kubectl cp t3_admin_delete.py soans/soainfra-adminserver:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra
  3. Run wlst.sh t3_admin_delete.py by exec into the Administration Server pod with the following parameters:

    • admin_pod_name: soainfra-adminserver # Administration Server pod
    • admin_port: 7011
    • user_name: weblogic
    • password: Welcome1 # weblogic password
    • AdminServerName: AdminServer # Give administration Server name
    • channelType: t3 # T3 channel
    $ kubectl exec -it <Administration Server pod> -n <namespace> -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh  <domain_home>/t3_admin_delete.py <Administration Server pod>  <Administration Server port>  weblogic <password for weblogic> <AdminServerName> <protocol t3 or t3s>

    For example:

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra/t3_admin_delete.py soainfra-adminserver 7011 weblogic Welcome1 AdminServer t3
  4. Delete the NodePort service for port 30014:

    $ kubectl delete -f t3_admin_svc.yaml

For Managed Servers

These steps delete the custom T3/T3S channel created by Expose T3/T3S for Managed Servers for all Managed Servers.

  1. Create t3_ms_delete.py with the following content:

    admin_pod_name = sys.argv[1]
    admin_port = sys.argv[2]
    user_name = sys.argv[3]
    password = sys.argv[4]
    managedNameBase = sys.argv[5]
    ms_count = sys.argv[6]
    channelType = sys.argv[7]
    print('custom host : [%s]' % admin_pod_name);
    print('custom port : [%s]' % admin_port);
    print('custom user_name : [%s]' % user_name);
    print('custom password : ********');
    connect(user_name, password, 't3://' + admin_pod_name + ':' + admin_port)
    for index in range(0, int(ms_count)):
      msIndex = index+1
      name = '%s%s' % (managedNameBase, msIndex)
      cd('Servers/%s/' % name )
      if channelType == 't3':
      elif channelType == 't3s':
        print('Protocol [%s] not supported' % channelType)
  2. Copy t3_ms_delete.py into the domain home (for example, /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra) of the Administration Server pod (for example, soainfra-adminserver in soans namespace).

    $ kubectl cp t3_ms_delete.py soans/soainfra-adminserver:/u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra
  3. Run wlst.sh t3_ms_delete.py by exec into the Administration Server pod with the following parameters:

    • admin_pod_name: soainfra-adminserver # Administration Server pod
    • admin_port: 7011
    • user_name: weblogic
    • password: Welcome1 # weblogic password
    • managedNameBase: soa_server # Give Managed Server base name. For osb_cluster this will be osb_server
    • ms_count: 5 # Number of configured Managed Servers
    • channelType: t3 # channelType is t3 or t3s
    $ kubectl exec -it <Administration Server pod> -n <namespace> -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh  <domain_home>/t3_ms_delete.py <Administration Server pod>  <Administration Server port>  weblogic <password for weblogic> <t3 port on Managed Server> <t3 nodeport> <master_ip> <managedNameBase> <ms_count> <channelType t3 or t3s>

    For example:

    $ kubectl exec -it soainfra-adminserver -n soans -- /u01/oracle/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra/t3_ms_delete.py soainfra-adminserver 7011 weblogic Welcome1 soa_server 5 t3
  4. Delete the NodePort service for port 30016 (or the NodePort used while creating the Kubernetes service):

    $ kubectl delete -f t3_ms_svc.yaml