Create Oracle SOA Suite domains

The SOA deployment scripts demonstrate the creation of an Oracle SOA Suite domain home on an existing Kubernetes persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC). The scripts also generate the domain YAML file, which can then be used to start the Kubernetes artifacts of the corresponding domain.


Before you begin, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Domain resource documentation.
  2. Review the requirements and limitations.
  3. Ensure that you have executed all the preliminary steps in Prepare your environment.
  4. Ensure that the database and the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator are running.

Prepare to use the create domain script

The sample scripts for Oracle SOA Suite domain deployment are available at ${WORKDIR}/create-soa-domain.

You must edit create-domain-inputs.yaml (or a copy of it) to provide the details for your domain. Refer to the configuration parameters below to understand the information that you must provide in this file.

Configuration parameters

The following parameters can be provided in the inputs file.

Note: In versions 24.2.2 and above, the default ports used to create the domain are updated.

Parameter Definition Default
sslEnabled Boolean value that indicates whether SSL must be enabled for each WebLogic Server instance. To enable end-to-end SSL access during load balancer setup, set sslEnabled to true and also, set appropriate value for the javaOptions property as detailed in this table. false
adminPort Port number for the Administration Server inside the Kubernetes cluster. 7001
adminServerSSLPort SSL port number of the Administration Server inside the Kubernetes cluster. 7002
adminNodePort Port number of the Administration Server outside the Kubernetes cluster. 30701
adminServerName Name of the Administration Server. AdminServer
configuredManagedServerCount Number of Managed Server instances to generate for the domain. 5
soaClusterName Name of the SOA WebLogic Server cluster instance to generate for the domain. By default, the cluster name is soa_cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for soa and soaosb domain types. soa_cluster
osbClusterName Name of the Oracle Service Bus WebLogic Server cluster instance to generate for the domain. By default, the cluster name is osb_cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for osb and soaosb domain types. osb_cluster
createDomainFilesDir Directory on the host machine to locate all the files to create a WebLogic Server domain, including the script that is specified in the createDomainScriptName parameter. By default, this directory is set to the relative path wlst, and the create script will use the built-in WLST offline scripts in the wlst directory to create the WebLogic Server domain. An absolute path is also supported to point to an arbitrary directory in the file system. The built-in scripts can be replaced by the user-provided scripts as long as those files are in the specified directory. Files in this directory are put into a Kubernetes config map, which in turn is mounted to the createDomainScriptsMountPath, so that the Kubernetes pod can use the scripts and supporting files to create a domain home. wlst
createDomainScriptsMountPath Mount path where the create domain scripts are located inside a pod. The script creates a Kubernetes job to run the script (specified by the createDomainScriptName parameter) in a Kubernetes pod to create a domain home. Files in the createDomainFilesDir directory are mounted to this location in the pod, so that the Kubernetes pod can use the scripts and supporting files to create a domain home. /u01/weblogic
createDomainScriptName Script that the create domain script uses to create a WebLogic Server domain. The script creates a Kubernetes job to run this script to create a domain home. The script is located in the in-pod directory that is specified by the createDomainScriptsMountPath parameter. If you need to provide your own scripts to create the domain home, instead of using the built-in scripts, you must use this property to set the name of the script that you want the create domain job to run.
domainHome Home directory of the SOA domain. If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as /shared/domains/<domainUID>. /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/soainfra
domainPVMountPath Mount path of the domain persistent volume. /u01/oracle/user_projects
domainUID Unique ID that will be used to identify this particular domain. Used as the name of the generated WebLogic Server domain as well as the name of the Kubernetes domain resource. This ID must be unique across all domains in a Kubernetes cluster. This ID cannot contain any character that is not valid in a Kubernetes service name. soainfra
domainType Type of the domain. Mandatory input for Oracle SOA Suite domains. You must provide one of the supported domain type values: soa (deploys a SOA domain with Enterprise Scheduler (ESS)), osb (deploys an Oracle Service Bus domain), and soaosb (deploys a domain with SOA, Oracle Service Bus, and Enterprise Scheduler (ESS)). soa
exposeAdminNodePort Boolean value indicating if the Administration Server is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster. false
exposeAdminT3Channel Boolean value indicating if the T3 administrative channel is exposed outside the Kubernetes cluster. false
httpAccessLogInLogHome Boolean value indicating if server HTTP access log files should be written to the same directory as logHome. If false, server HTTP access log files will be written to the directory specified in the WebLogic Server domain home configuration. true
image SOA Suite Docker image. The operator requires Oracle SOA Suite Refer to Obtain the Oracle SOA Suite Docker image for details on how to obtain or create the image. soasuite:release-version
imagePullPolicy Oracle SOA Suite Docker image pull policy. Valid values are IfNotPresent, Always, Never. IfNotPresent
imagePullSecretName Name of the Kubernetes secret to access the Docker Store to pull the WebLogic Server Docker image. The presence of the secret will be validated when this parameter is specified.
includeServerOutInPodLog Boolean value indicating whether to include the server .out to the pod’s stdout. true
initialManagedServerReplicas Number of Managed Servers to initially start for the domain. 1
javaOptions Java options for initiating the Administration Server and Managed Servers. A Java option can have references to one or more of the following predefined variables to obtain WebLogic Server domain information: $(DOMAIN_NAME), $(DOMAIN_HOME), $(ADMIN_NAME), $(ADMIN_PORT), and $(SERVER_NAME). If sslEnabled is set to true, add -Dweblogic.ssl.Enabled=true to allow the Managed Servers to connect to the Administration Server while booting up. In this environment, the demo certificate generated by the WebLogic Server contains a host name that is different from the runtime container’s host name. -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
logHome The in-pod location for the domain log, server logs, server out, and Node Manager log files. If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as /shared/logs/<domainUID>. /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/logs/soainfra
soaManagedServerNameBase Base string used to generate Managed Server names in the SOA cluster. The default value is soa_server. This configuration parameter is applicable only for soa and soaosb domain types. soa_server
osbManagedServerNameBase Base string used to generate Managed Server names in the Oracle Service Bus cluster. The default value is osb_server. This configuration parameter is applicable only for osb and soaosb domain types. osb_server
soaManagedServerPort Port number for each Managed Server in the SOA cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for soa and soaosb domain types. 7003
osbManagedServerPort Port number for each Managed Server in the Oracle Service Bus cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for osb and soaosb domain types. 8002
soaManagedServerSSLPort SSL port number for each Managed Server in the SOA cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for soa and soaosb domain types. 7004
osbManagedServerSSLPort SSL port number for each Managed Server in the Oracle Service Bus cluster. This configuration parameter is applicable only for osb and soaosb domain types. 8003
namespace Kubernetes namespace in which to create the domain. soans
persistentVolumeClaimName Name of the persistent volume claim created to host the domain home. If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as <domainUID>-weblogic-sample-pvc. soainfra-domain-pvc
productionModeEnabled Boolean value indicating if production mode is enabled for the domain. true
secureEnabled Boolean value indicating if secure mode is enabled for the domain. This value has significance only with Oracle SOA Suite false
serverStartPolicy Determines which WebLogic Server instances will be started. Valid values are Never, IfNeeded, or AdminOnly. IfNeeded
t3ChannelPort Port for the T3 channel of the NetworkAccessPoint. 30012
t3PublicAddress Public address for the T3 channel. This should be set to the public address of the Kubernetes cluster. This would typically be a load balancer address. For development environments only: In a single server (all-in-one) Kubernetes deployment, this may be set to the address of the master, or at the very least, it must be set to the address of one of the worker nodes. If not provided, the script will attempt to set it to the IP address of the Kubernetes cluster.
weblogicCredentialsSecretName Name of the Kubernetes secret for the Administration Server’s user name and password. If not specified, then the value is derived from the domainUID as <domainUID>-weblogic-credentials. soainfra-domain-credentials
weblogicImagePullSecretName Name of the Kubernetes secret for the Docker Store, used to pull the WebLogic Server image.
serverPodCpuRequest, serverPodMemoryRequest, serverPodCpuCLimit, serverPodMemoryLimit The maximum amount of compute resources allowed, and minimum amount of compute resources required, for each server pod. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation on Managing Compute Resources for Containers for details. Resource requests and resource limits are not specified.
rcuSchemaPrefix The schema prefix to use in the database. For example SOA1. You may wish to make this the same as the domainUID in order to simplify matching domains to their RCU schemas. SOA1
rcuDatabaseURL The database URL. oracle-db.default.svc.cluster.local:1521/devpdb.k8s
rcuCredentialsSecret The Kubernetes secret containing the database credentials. soainfra-rcu-credentials
persistentStore The persistent store for ‘JMS servers’ and ‘Transaction log store’ in the domain. Valid values are jdbc, file. jdbc

Note that the names of the Kubernetes resources in the generated YAML files may be formed with the value of some of the properties specified in the create-domain-inputs.yaml file. Those properties include the adminServerName, soaClusterName, and soaManagedServerNameBase etc. If those values contain any characters that are invalid in a Kubernetes service name, those characters are converted to valid values in the generated YAML files. For example, an uppercase letter is converted to a lowercase letter and an underscore ("_") is converted to a hyphen ("-").

The sample demonstrates how to create an Oracle SOA Suite domain home and associated Kubernetes resources for the domain. In addition, the sample provides the capability for users to supply their own scripts to create the domain home for other use cases. The generated domain YAML file could also be modified to cover more use cases.

Run the create domain script

Run the create domain script, specifying your inputs file and an output directory to store the generated artifacts:

$ ./ \
  -i create-domain-inputs.yaml \
  -o <path to output-directory>

The script will perform the following steps:

  • Create a directory for the generated Kubernetes YAML files for this domain if it does not already exist. The path name is <path to output-directory>/weblogic-domains/<domainUID>. If the directory already exists, its contents must be removed before using this script.
  • Create a Kubernetes job that will start up a utility Oracle SOA Suite container and run offline WLST scripts to create the domain on the shared storage.
  • Run and wait for the job to finish.
  • Create a Kubernetes domain YAML file, domain.yaml, in the “output” directory that was created above.
  • Create a convenient utility script, delete-domain-job.yaml, to clean up the domain home created by the create script.

Start the domain

The domain.yaml created by script above has details about the Oracle SOA Suite Domain and Cluster Kubernetes resources. You can create Oracle SOA Suite Domain using the kubectl create -f or kubectl apply -f command:

$ kubectl apply -f <path to output-directory>/weblogic-domains/<domainUID>/domain.yaml

The default domain created by the script has the following characteristics:

  • An Administration Server named AdminServer listening on port 7001.
  • A configured cluster named soa_cluster of size 5.
  • Managed Server, named soa_server1 listening on port 7003.
  • Log files that are located in /shared/logs/<domainUID>.
  • SOA Infra, SOA Composer, and WorklistApp applications deployed.

Refer to the troubleshooting page to troubleshoot issues during the domain creation.

Verify the results

The create domain script verifies that the domain was created, and reports failure if there is an error. However, it may be desirable to manually verify the domain, even if just to gain familiarity with the various Kubernetes objects that were created by the script.

Generated YAML files with the default inputs
Click here to see sample content of the generated `domain.yaml` for `soaosb` domainType that creates SOA and Oracle Service Bus clusters.

Verify the domain

To confirm that the domain was created, enter the following command:

$ kubectl describe domain DOMAINUID -n NAMESPACE

Replace DOMAINUID with the domainUID and NAMESPACE with the actual namespace.

Click here to see a sample domain description.

In the Status section of the output, the available servers and clusters are listed. Note that if this command is issued very soon after the script finishes, there may be no servers available yet, or perhaps only the Administration Server but no Managed Servers. The operator will start up the Administration Server first and wait for it to become ready before starting the Managed Servers.

Verify the pods

Enter the following command to see the pods running the servers:

$ kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE

Here is an example of the output of this command. You can verify that an Administration Server and a Managed Server for each cluster (SOA and Oracle Service Bus) are running for soaosb domain type.

$ kubectl get pods -n soans
NAME                                                READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
soainfra-adminserver                         1/1     Running     0          53m
soainfra-osb-server1                         1/1     Running     0          50m
soainfra-soa-server1                         1/1     Running     0          50m

Verify the services

Enter the following command to see the services for the domain:

$ kubectl get services -n NAMESPACE

Here is an example of the output of this command. You can verify that services for Administration Server and Managed Servers (for SOA and Oracle Service Bus clusters) are created for soaosb domain type.

Click here to see a sample list of services.