This section provides information about how to install and configure the Apache web tier to load balance Oracle SOA Suite domain clusters. You can configure Apache web tier for non-SSL and SSL termination access of the application URL.
Follow these steps to set up the Apache web tier as a load balancer for an Oracle SOA Suite domain in a Kubernetes cluster:
Refer to the sample, to build the Apache web tier Docker image.
The configuration file named custom_mod_wl_apache.conf
should have all the URL routing rules for the Oracle SOA Suite applications deployed in the domain that needs to be accessible externally. Update this file with values based on your environment. The file content is similar to below.
# Copyright (c) 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
WebLogicPort 7001
# Directive for weblogic admin Console deployed on WebLogic Admin Server
<Location /console>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /em>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /servicebus>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /lwpfconsole>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /xbusrouting>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /xbustransform>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
<Location /weblogic/ready>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost soainfra-adminserver
WebLogicPort 7001
# Directive for all applications deployed on weblogic cluster with a prepath defined by LOCATION variable.
# For example, if the LOCATION is set to '/weblogic', all applications deployed on the cluster can be accessed via
# http://myhost:myport/weblogic/application_end_url
# where 'myhost' is the IP of the machine that runs the Apache web tier, and
# 'myport' is the port that the Apache web tier is publicly exposed to.
# Note that LOCATION cannot be set to '/' unless this is the only Location module configured.
<Location /soa-infra>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster:7003
PathTrim /weblogic1
<Location /soa/composer>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster:7003
PathTrim /weblogic1
<Location /integration/worklistapp>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster:7003
PathTrim /weblogic1
<Location /ess>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster:7003
PathTrim /weblogic1
<Location /EssHealthCheck>
WLSRequest On
WebLogicCluster soainfra-cluster-soa-cluster:7003
PathTrim /weblogic1
# Directive for all application deployed on weblogic cluster with a prepath defined by LOCATION2 variable
# For example, if the LOCATION2 is set to '/weblogic2', all applications deployed on the cluster can be accessed via
# http://myhost:myport/weblogic2/application_end_url
# where 'myhost' is the IP of the machine that runs the Apache web tier, and
# 'myport' is the port that the Apache webt ier is publicly exposed to.
#<Location /weblogic2>
#WLSRequest On
#WebLogicCluster domain2-cluster-cluster-1:8021
#PathTrim /weblogic2
Create a PV and PVC (pv-claim-name) that can be used to store the custom_mod_wl_apache.conf. Refer to the Sample for creating a PV or PVC.
(For the SSL termination configuration only) Run the following commands to generate your own certificate and private key using openssl
$ cd ${WORKDIR}
$ cd charts/apache-samples/custom-sample
$ sh
NOTE: Replace WEBLOGIC_HOST with the host name on which Apache web tier is to be installed.
$ls custom_mod_wl_apache.conf custom_mod_wl_apache.conf_orig input.yaml
$ sh
Generating certs for WEBLOGIC_HOST
Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
unable to write 'random state'
writing new private key to 'apache-sample.key'
$ ls custom_mod_wl_apache.conf_orig
config.txt input.yaml WEBLOGIC_HOST.key
custom_mod_wl_apache.conf WEBLOGIC_HOST.crt
Prepare input values for the Apache web tier Helm chart.
Run the following commands to prepare the input value file for the Apache web tier Helm chart.
$ base64 -i ${SSL_CERT_FILE} | tr -d '\n'
$ base64 -i ${SSL_CERT_KEY_FILE} | tr -d '\n'
$ touch input.yaml
Update the input parameters file, charts/apache-samples/custom-sample/input.yaml
$ cat apache-samples/custom-sample/input.yaml
# Use this to provide your own Apache web tier configuration as needed; simply define this
# Persistence Volume which contains your own custom_mod_wl_apache.conf file.
persistentVolumeClaimName: <pv-claim-name>
# The VirtualHostName of the Apache HTTP server. It is used to enable custom SSL configuration.
virtualHostName: <WEBLOGIC_HOST>
# The customer-supplied certificate to use for Apache web tier SSL configuration.
# The value must be a string containing a base64 encoded certificate. Run following command to get it.
# base64 -i ${SSL_CERT_FILE} | tr -d '\n'
customCert: <cert_data>
# The customer-supplied private key to use for Apache web tier SSL configuration.
# The value must be a string containing a base64 encoded key. Run following command to get it.
# base64 -i ${SSL_KEY_FILE} | tr -d '\n'
customKey: <key_data>
Install the Apache web tier Helm chart to the domain namespace (for example soans
) with the specified input parameters:
$ cd ${WORKDIR}/charts
$ helm install apache-webtier --values apache-samples/custom-sample/input.yaml --namespace soans apache-webtier --set image=oracle/apache:
Check the status of the Apache web tier:
$ kubectl get all -n soans | grep apache
Sample output of the status of the Apache web tier:
pod/apache-webtier-apache-webtier-65f69dc6bc-zg5pj 1/1 Running 0 22h
service/apache-webtier-apache-webtier NodePort <none> 80:30305/TCP,4433:30443/TCP 22h
deployment.apps/apache-webtier-apache-webtier 1/1 1 1 22h
replicaset.apps/apache-webtier-apache-webtier-65f69dc6bc 1 1 1 22h
After the Apache web tier load balancer is running, verify that the domain applications are accessible through the load balancer port 30305/30443
. The application URLs for domain of type soa
Note: Port
is the LOADBALANCER-Non-SSLPORT and port30443
$ helm delete apache-webtier -n soans