The following commands show how to remove the OHS container, OHS nodeport service, configmaps, secrets, and namespace:
Run the following command to delete the OHS nodeport service:
$ kubectl delete -f $MYOHSFILES/ohs_service.yaml
Run the following command to delete the OHS container:
$ kubectl delete -f $MYOHSFILES/ohs.yaml
Run the following commands to delete any configmaps you have created, for example:
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns ohs-config
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns ohs-httpd
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns ohs-htdocs
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns ohs-myapp
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns webgate-config
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns webgate-wallet
$ kubectl delete cm -n ohsns ohs-wallet
Run the following command to delete the secrets:
$ kubectl delete secret regcred -n ohsns
$ kubectl delete secret ohs-secret -n ohsns
Run the following command to delete the namespace:
$ kubectl delete namespace ohsns