If the OIG domain creation fails, run the following to diagnose the issue:
Run the following command to diagnose the create domain job:
$ kubectl logs <job_name> -n <domain_namespace>
For example:
$ kubectl logs governancedomain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-9wqzb -n oigns
Also run:
$ kubectl describe pod <job_domain> -n <domain_namespace>
For example:
$ kubectl describe pod governancedomain-create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job-9wqzb -n oigns
Using the output you should be able to diagnose the problem and resolve the issue.
Clean down the failed domain creation by following steps 1-3 in Delete the OIG domain home. Then follow RCU schema creation onwards to recreate the RCU schema, Kubernetes secrets for domain and RCU, the persistent volume and the persistent volume claim. Then execute the OIG domain creation steps again.
If any of the above commands return the following error:
Failed to start container "create-fmw-infra-sample-domain-job": Error response from daemon: error while creating mount source path
'/scratch/shared/governancedomainpv ': mkdir /scratch/shared/governancedomainpv : permission denied
then there is a permissions error on the directory for the PV and PVC and the following should be checked:
a) The directory has 777 permissions: chmod -R 777 <persistent_volume>/governancedomainpv
b) If it does have the permissions, check if an oracle
user exists and the uid
and gid
equal 1000
, for example:
$ uid=1000(oracle) gid=1000(spg) groups=1000(spg),59968(oinstall),8500(dba),100(users),1007(cgbudba)
Create the oracle
user if it doesn’t exist and set the uid
and gid
to 1000
c) Edit the $WORKDIR/kubernetes/create-weblogic-domain-pv-pvc/create-pv-pvc-inputs.yaml
and add a slash to the end of the directory for the weblogicDomainStoragePath
weblogicDomainStoragePath: /scratch/shared/governancedomainpv/
Clean down the failed domain creation by following steps 1-3 in Delete the OIG domain home. Then follow RCU schema creation onwards to recreate the RCU schema, kubernetes secrets for domain and RCU, the persistent volume and the persistent volume claim. Then execute the OIG domain creation steps again.
The instructions in this section relate to problems patching a deployment with a new image as per Patch an image.
If the OIG domain patching fails when running patch_oig_domain.sh
, run the following to diagnose the issue:
$ kubectl describe domain <domain name> -n <domain_namespace>
For example:
$ kubectl describe domain governancedomain -n oigns
Using the output you should be able to diagnose the problem and resolve the issue.
If the domain is already patched successfully and the script failed at the last step of waiting for pods to come up with the new image, then you do not need to rerun the script again after issue resolution. The pods will come up automatically once you resolve the underlying issue.
If the script is stuck at the following message for a long time:
"[INFO] Waiting for weblogic pods to be ready..This may take several minutes, do not close the window. Check log /scratch/OIGK8Slatest/fmw-kubernetes/OracleIdentityGovernance/kubernetes/domain-lifecycle/log/oim_patch_log-<DATE>/monitor_weblogic_pods.log for progress"
run the following command to diagnose the issue:
$ kubectl get pods -n <domain_namespace>
For example:
$ kubectl get pods -n oigns
Run the following to check the logs of the AdminServer, SOA server or OIM server pods, as there may be an issue that is not allowing the domain pods to start properly:
$ kubectl logs <pod> -n oigns
If the above does not glean any information you can also run:
$ kubectl describe pod <pod> -n oigns
Further diagnostic logs can also be found under the $WORKDIR/kubernetes/domain-lifecycle
Once any issue is resolved the pods will come up automatically without the need to rerun the script.
The instructions in this section relate to problems creating OIG domains using WDT models Create OIG domain using WDT Models.
If the domain creation fails while creation domain resources using the domain.yaml
file, run the following steps to diagnose the issue:
Check the domain events, by running the following command:
kubectl describe domain <domain name> -n <domain_namespace>
For example:
kubectl describe domain governancedomain -n oigns
Using the output, you should be able to diagnose the problem and resolve the issue.
If the instrospector job fails due to validation errors, then you can recreate the domain resources using the commands:
kubectl delete -f domain.yaml
kubectl create -f domain.yaml
If the domain creation fails because of database issues:
a. Create a helper pod:
kubectl run --image=container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:<January`25> --image-pull-policy="IfNotPresent" --overrides='{"apiVersion": "v1","spec":{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "orclcred"}]}}' helper -n oigns -- sleep infinity
b. Clean down the failed domain creation by following steps 1-3 in Delete the OIG domain home.
c. Execute the steps in Create OIG domain using WDT Models again.
Note You might need to recreate the domain creation image depending upon the errors. Domain creation logs are stored in <persistent_volume>/domains/wdt-logs
If there is any issues while bringing up AdminServer, SOA Server or OIM Server, you can run the following to check the logs:
$ kubectl logs <pod> -n oigns
If the above does not give any information you can also run:
$ kubectl describe pod <pod> -n oigns
For more details related to debugging issues, refer to Domain Debugging.