a. Using Design Console with NGINX(non-SSL)

Configure an NGINX ingress (non-SSL) to allow Design Console to connect to your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Prerequisites

  2. Setup routing rules for the Design Console ingress

  3. Create the ingress

  4. Update the T3 channel

  5. Restart the OIG Managed Server

  6. Design Console client

    a. Using an on-premises installed Design Console

    b. Using a container image for Design Console

  7. Login to the Design Console


If you haven’t already configured an NGINX ingress controller (Non-SSL) for OIG, follow Using an Ingress with NGINX (non-SSL).

Make sure you know the master hostname and ingress port for NGINX before proceeding e.g http://${MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}:${MASTERNODE-PORT}.

Note: In all steps below if you are using a load balancer for your ingress instead of NodePort then replace ${MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}:${MASTERNODE-PORT} with `${LOADBALANCER-HOSTNAME}:${LOADBALANCER-PORT}.

Setup routing rules for the Design Console ingress

  1. Setup routing rules by running the following commands:

    $ cd $WORKDIR/kubernetes/design-console-ingress

    Edit values.yaml and ensure that tls: NONSSL and domainUID: governancedomain are set, for example:

    # Load balancer type.  Supported values are: NGINX
    type: NGINX
    # Type of Configuration Supported Values are : NONSSL,SSL
    # tls: NONSSL
    tls: NONSSL
    # TLS secret name if the mode is SSL
    secretName: dc-tls-cert
    # WLS domain as backend to the load balancer
      domainUID: governancedomain
      oimClusterName: oim_cluster
      oimServerT3Port: 14002

Create the ingress

  1. Run the following command to create the ingress:

    $ cd $WORKDIR
    $ helm install governancedomain-nginx-designconsole kubernetes/design-console-ingress  --namespace oigns  --values kubernetes/design-console-ingress/values.yaml

    For example:

    The output will look similar to the following:

    NAME: governancedomain-nginx-designconsole
    NAMESPACE: oigns
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  2. Run the following command to show the ingress is created successfully:

    $ kubectl describe ing governancedomain-nginx-designconsole -n <domain_namespace>

    For example:

    $ kubectl describe ing governancedomain-nginx-designconsole -n oigns

    The output will look similar to the following:

    Name:             governancedomain-nginx-designconsole
    Namespace:        oigns
    Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
      Host        Path  Backends
      ----        ----  --------
                     governancedomain-cluster-oim-cluster:14002 (
    Annotations:  kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
                  meta.helm.sh/release-name: governancedomain-nginx-designconsole
                  meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: oigns
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: cookie
                  nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-access-log: false
      Type    Reason  Age   From                      Message
      ----    ------  ----  ----                      -------
      Normal  Sync    13s   nginx-ingress-controller  Scheduled for sync

Update the T3 channel

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Console using http://${MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}:${MASTERNODE-PORT}/console.

  2. Navigate to Environment, click Servers, and then select oim_server1.

  3. Click Protocols, and then Channels.

  4. Click the default T3 channel called T3Channel.

  5. Click Lock and Edit.

  6. Set the External Listen Address to the ingress controller hostname ${MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}.

  7. Set the External Listen Port to the ingress controller port ${MASTERNODE-PORT}.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Activate Changes.

Restart the OIG Managed Server

Restart the OIG Managed Server for the above changes to take effect:

$ cd $WORKDIR/kubernetes/domain-lifecycle
$ ./restartServer.sh -s oim_server1 -d <domain_uid> -n <domain_namespace>

For example:

$ cd $WORKDIR/kubernetes/domain-lifecycle
./restartServer.sh -s oim_server1 -d governancedomain -n oigns

Make sure the <domain_uid>-oim-server1 has a READY status of 1/1 before continuing:

$ kubectl get pods -n oigns | grep oim-server1   

The output will look similar to the following:

governancedomain-oim-server1                                1/1     Running     0          8m

Design Console client

It is possible to use Design Console from an on-premises install, or from a container image.

Using an on-premises installed Design Console

  1. Install Design Console on an on-premises machine

  2. Follow Login to the Design Console.

Using a container image for Design Console

Using Docker

The Design Console can be run from a container using X windows emulation.

  1. On the parent machine where the Design Console is to be displayed, run xhost +.

  2. Find which worker node the <domain>-oim-server1 pod is running. For example:

    $ kubectl get pods -n oigns -o wide | grep governancedomain-oim-server1 

    The output will look similar to the following:

    governancedomain-oim-server1                                1/1     Running     0          31m   worker-node2   <none>           <none>
  3. On the worker node returned above e.g worker-node2, execute the following command to find the OIG container image name:

    $ docker images

    Then execute the following command to start a container to run Design Console:

    $ docker run -u root --name oigdcbase -it <image> bash

    For example:

    $ docker run -u root -it --name oigdcbase container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:<January'25> bash

    This will take you into a bash shell inside the container:

  4. Inside the container set the proxy, for example:

    bash-4.2# export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:80
  5. Install the relevant X windows packages in the container:

    bash-4.2# yum install libXext libXrender libXtst
  6. Execute the following outside the container to create a new Design Console image from the container:

    $ docker commit <container_name> <design_console_image_name>

    For example:

    $ docker commit oigdcbase oigdc
  7. Exit the container bash session:

    bash-4.2# exit
  8. Start a new container using the Design Console image:

    $ docker run --name oigdc -it oigdc /bin/bash

    This will take you into a bash shell for the container:

  9. In the container run the following to export the DISPLAY:

    $ export DISPLAY=<parent_machine_hostname:1>
  10. Start the Design Console from the container:

    bash-4.2# cd idm/designconsole
    bash-4.2# sh xlclient.sh

    The Design Console login should be displayed. Now follow Login to the Design Console.

Using podman
  1. On the parent machine where the Design Console is to be displayed, run xhost +.

  2. Find which worker node the <domain>-oim-server1 pod is running. For example:

    $ kubectl get pods -n oigns -o wide | grep governancedomain-oim-server1 

    The output will look similar to the following:

    governancedomain-oim-server1                                1/1     Running     0          31m   worker-node2   <none>           <none>
  3. On the worker node returned above e.g worker-node2, execute the following command to find the OIG container image name:

    $ podman images

    Then execute the following command to start a container to run Design Console:

    $ podman run -u root --name oigdcbase -it <image> bash

    For example:

    $ podman run -u root -it --name oigdcbase container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:<January'25> bash

    This will take you into a bash shell inside the container:

  4. Inside the container set the proxy, for example:

    bash-4.2# export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:80
  5. Install the relevant X windows packages in the container:

    bash-4.2# yum install libXext libXrender libXtst
  6. Execute the following outside the container to create a new Design Console image from the container:

    $ podman commit <container_name> <design_console_image_name>

    For example:

    $ podman commit oigdcbase oigdc
  7. Exit the container bash session:

    bash-4.2# exit
  8. Start a new container using the Design Console image:

    $ podman run --name oigdc -it oigdc /bin/bash

    This will take you into a bash shell for the container:

  9. In the container run the following to export the DISPLAY:

    $ export DISPLAY=<parent_machine_hostname:1>
  10. Start the Design Console from the container:

    bash-4.2# cd idm/designconsole
    bash-4.2# sh xlclient.sh

    The Design Console login should be displayed. Now follow Login to the Design Console.

Login to the Design Console

  1. Launch the Design Console and in the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console login page enter the following details:

    Enter the following details and click Login:

    • Server URL: <url>
    • User ID: xelsysadm
    • Password: <password>.

    where <url> is http://${MASTERNODE-HOSTNAME}:${MASTERNODE-PORT}

  2. If successful the Design Console will be displayed.