Namespace management



An operator deployment must be configured to manage Kubernetes namespaces, and a number of Kubernetes resources must be present in a namespace before any WebLogic Server instances can be successfully started by operator. These Kubernetes resources are created either as part of the installation of the operator’s Helm chart, or are created by the operator.

An operator can manage all WebLogic domains in all namespaces in a Kubernetes cluster, or only manage domains in a specific subset of the namespaces, or manage only the domains that are located in the same namespace as the operator. You can change the namespaces that an operator deployment manages while the operator is still running. You can also create and prepare a namespace for the operator to manage while the operator is still running.

There can be multiple operators in a Kubernetes cluster, and in that case, you must ensure that the namespaces managed by these operators do not overlap. At most, a namespace can be managed by one operator.

Choose a domain namespace selection strategy

An operator can manage domain resources in multiple namespaces, including its own namespace, but two operators cannot manage domains that are in the same namespace. The operator installation Helm chart domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy configuration setting controls which namespaces an operator manages.

Strategy Description Example
LabelSelector This is the default. The operator will manage namespaces with Kubernetes labels that match the label selector defined by your Helm chart configuration domainNamespaceLabelSelector attribute, which defaults to weblogic-operator=enabled. With the Helm chart defaults, the operator will manage namespaces that have a label named weblogic-operator when this label has the value enabled. You can label the namespace sample-domain1-ns using the command kubectl label namespace sample-domain1-ns weblogic-operator=enabled. You can define a different label selector for your operator installation using the domainNamespaceLabelSelector, such as --set "domainNamespaceLabelSelector=environment\=prod". For detailed syntax requirements, see domainNamespaceLabelSelector in the Configuration Reference.
RegExp The operator will manage namespaces that match the regular expression set by your domainNamespaceRegExp Helm chart configuration attribute. If you want an operator to manage namespaces that start with the string prod, then use --set "domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy=RegExp" for your operator Helm configuration setting, and set the domainNamespaceRegExp Helm chart configuration attribute using --set "domainNamespaceRegExp=^prod".
Dedicated The operator will manage only domains that are in the same namespace as the operator. If the operator is deployed to namespace my-operator-ns and was installed using --set "domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy=Dedicated" in its Helm chart configuration, then the operator will manage only domains in the my-operator-ns namespace.
List The operator will manage the namespaces included in the domainNamespaces operator installation Helm chart configuration value, which is a list that defaults to {default}. If you want to manage namespaces default and ns1, then in your operator installation Helm chart configuration, use --set "domainNamespaceSelectionStrategy=List" and --set "domainNamespaces={default,ns1}".

For detailed reference information about each setting, see WebLogic domain management.


  • Your security strategy may determine which namespace strategy you should choose, see Choose a security strategy.
  • As has been noted previously, two operators cannot manage domains that are in the same namespace. If two operators are configured to manage the same namespace, then their behavior is undefined but it is likely that the second operator installation will deploy a FAILED Helm release and generate an error similar to Error: release op2 failed: "weblogic-operator-rolebinding-namespace" already exists.
  • For more information about ensuring an operator has permission to manage a namespace, see Ensuring the operator has permission to manage a namespace.
  • For more information about listing, adding, deleting, or recreating the namespaces that an already running operator manages, see Altering namespaces for a running operator.
  • For more information about common namespace management issues, see Common mistakes and solutions.

Ensuring the operator has permission to manage a namespace

If your operator Helm enableClusterRoleBinding configuration value is true, then the operator has permission to manage any namespace and can automatically manage a namespace that is added after the operator was last installed or upgraded.

If your operator Helm enableClusterRoleBinding configuration value is false, then:

  • The operator Helm chart will create RoleBindings in each namespace that matches your domain namespace selection criteria during a call to helm install or helm upgrade. These RoleBindings give the operator’s service account the necessary privileges in the namespace.

  • The Helm chart will only create these RoleBindings in namespaces that match the operator’s domain namespace selection criteria at the time the chart is installed or upgraded.

  • If you later create namespaces that match a List, LabelSelector, or RegExp selector, then the operator will not have privilege in these namespaces until you upgrade the Helm release. You can resolve this issue by performing a helm upgrade on an already installed operator Helm release.

    For example, with an operator release name weblogic-operator:

    $ helm upgrade weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator --reuse-values

    NOTE: If you still run into problems after you perform the helm upgrade to re-initialize a namespace that is deleted and recreated, then you can try forcing the operator to restart.

For a detailed description of the operator’s security related resources, see the operator’s role-based access control (RBAC) requirements which are documented here.

Check the namespaces that a running operator manages

Prior to version 3.1.0, the operator supported specifying the namespaces that it would manage only through a list. Now, the operator supports a list of namespaces, a label selector, or a regular expression matching namespace names.

When using a namespace list

For operators that specify namespaces by a list, you can find the list of the namespaces using the helm get values command. For example, the following command shows all the values of the operator release weblogic-operator; the domainNamespaces list contains default and ns1:

$ helm get values weblogic-operator
- default
- ns1
elasticSearchHost: elasticsearch.default.svc.cluster.local
elasticSearchPort: 9200
elkIntegrationEnabled: false
externalDebugHttpPort: 30999
externalRestEnabled: false
externalRestHttpsPort: 31001

imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
internalDebugHttpPort: 30999
javaLoggingLevel: INFO
logStashImage: logstash:6.6.0
remoteDebugNodePortEnabled: false
serviceAccount: default
suspendOnDebugStartup: false

If you don’t know the release name of the operator, you can use helm list to list all the releases for a specified namespace or all namespaces:

$ helm list --namespace <namespace>
$ helm list --all-namespaces

When using a label selector

For operators that select namespaces with a selector, simply list namespaces using that selector:

$ kubectl get ns --selector="weblogic-operator=enabled"

You can see the labels on all namespaces by calling:

$ kubectl get ns --show-labels

When using regular expression matching

For operators that select namespaces with a regular expression matching the name, you can use a combination of kubectl and any command-line tool that can process the regular expression, such as grep:

$ kubectl get ns -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | grep "^weblogic"

Altering namespaces for a running operator

This section describes the steps for adding, deleting, or recreated namespaces that are managed by a running operator.

Add a Kubernetes namespace to a running operator

The following are steps for adding namespaces that are managed by a running operator.

When using a namespace list

When the operator is configured to manage a list of namespaces and you want the operator to manage an additional namespace, you need to add the namespace to the operator’s domainNamespaces list. Note that this namespace has to already exist, for example, using the kubectl create command.

Adding a namespace to the domainNamespaces list tells the operator to initialize the necessary Kubernetes resources so that the operator is ready to manage WebLogic Server instances in that namespace.

When the operator is managing the default namespace, the following example Helm command adds the namespace ns1 to the domainNamespaces list, where weblogic-operator is the release name of the operator:

$ helm upgrade \
  weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
  --reuse-values \
  --set "domainNamespaces={default,ns1}" \

You can verify that the operator has initialized a namespace by confirming the existence of the required configmap resource.

$ kubetctl get cm -n <namespace>

For example, the following example shows that the domain configmap resource exists in the namespace ns1.

$ kubectl get cm -n ns1
NAME                 DATA      AGE

weblogic-scripts-cm   14        12m

When using a label selector or regular expression

For operators configured to select managed namespaces through the use of a label selector or regular expression, you need to create a namespace with the appropriate labels or with a name that matches the expression, respectively.

If your operator Helm enableClusterRoleBinding configuration value is false, then a running operator will not have privilege to manage the newly added namespace until you upgrade the operator’s Helm release. See Ensuring the operator has permission to manage a namespace.

Delete a Kubernetes namespace from a running operator

The following are steps for deleting namespaces that are managed by a running operator.

When using a namespace list

When the operator is configured to manage a list of namespaces and you no longer want a namespace to be managed by the operator, you need to:

  • First, remove the namespace from the operator’s domainNamespaces list.
  • Then, delete the namespace.

While the operator is running and managing the default and ns1 namespaces, the following example Helm command removes the namespace ns1 from the domainNamespaces list, where weblogic-operator is the release name of the operator:

$ helm upgrade \
  weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
  --reuse-values \
  --set "domainNamespaces={default}" \

When using a label selector or regular expression

For operators configured to select managed namespaces through the use of a label selector or regular expression, you need to delete the namespace. For the label selector option, you can also adjust the labels on the namespace so that the namespace no longer matches the selector.

Recreate a previously deleted Kubernetes namespace with a running operator

The following are steps for recreating previously deleted namespaces that are managed by a running operator.

When using a namespace list

If you deleted a namespace (and the resources in it) and then want to recreate it:

  • First, add back (recreate) the namespace, for example, using the kubectl create command.
  • Then, add the namespace back to the domainNamespaces list using the helm upgrade command illustrated previously.

If a domain custom resource is created before the namespace is ready, you might see that the introspector job pod fails to start, with a warning like the following, when you review the description of the introspector pod. Note that domain1 is the name of the domain in the following example output.

  Type     Reason                 Age               From               Message
  ----     ------                 ----              ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled              1m                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned domain1-introspector-bz6rw to slc16ffk
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  1m                kubelet, slc16ffk  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "weblogic-credentials-volume"
  Normal   SuccessfulMountVolume  1m                kubelet, slc16ffk  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-jzblm"
  Warning  FailedMount            27s (x8 over 1m)  kubelet, slc16ffk  MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "weblogic-scripts-cm-volume" : configmaps "weblogic-scripts-cm" not found

If you still run into problems after you perform the helm upgrade to re-initialize a namespace that was deleted and recreated, then you can try forcing the operator to restart.

When using a label selector or regular expression

If your operator Helm enableClusterRoleBinding configuration value is false, then a running operator will not have privilege to manage the newly recreated namespace until you upgrade the operator’s Helm release. See Ensuring the operator has permission to manage a namespace.