This document provides guidelines for upgrading WLS and FMW/JRF infrastructure domains to v14.1.2.0.
By default, version WLS and FMW/JRF infrastructure domains in production mode are set to secured production mode, in which their default security configuration is more secure, insecure configurations are logged as warnings, and default authorization and role mapping policies are more restrictive.
Some important secured production mode changes are:
Plain HTTP listen ports are disabled. Any application code, utilities, or ingresses that use plain HTTP listen ports must be changed.
SSL listen ports must be enabled for every server in the domain. Each server must have at least one SSL listen port set up, either in the default channel or in one of the custom network channels. Note that demo SSL certificates should not be used in a production environment; you should set up SSL listen ports with valid SSL certificates in all server instances.
Demo SSL certificates have been changed completely from previous releases; there are special considerations when using them. For more information, see Using demo SSL certificates in v14. or later.
For more information about secured production mode, see the secured production mode documentation.
NOTE: If the domain is not in production mode, then none of the security changes apply.
In general, the process for upgrading WLS and FMW/JRF infrastructure domains in Kubernetes is similar to upgrading domains on premises. For a thorough understanding, we suggest that you read the Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide.
Before the upgrade, you must do the following:
, then:
to Never
. For example:
$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns patch domain sample-domain1 --type=json -p='[ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/serverStartPolicy", "value": "Never"}]'
If your domain is on a persistent volume, WebLogic provides two utilities for performing version upgrades of WebLogic domains: the Upgrade Assistant for upgrading FMW JRF database schemas and the Reconfiguration Wizard for upgrading the domain configuration. When running these utilities, you will need access to the existing domain home directory. Because a typical Kubernetes environment lacks a graphical interface, you must run these utilities with the command-line options.
If your domain is using Model in Image, because the domain will be rebuilt when the model is updated, see the Upgrade Use Cases for details.
The operator provides a helper script, the OPSS wallet utility, for extracting the wallet file and storing it in a Kubernetes walletFileSecret
. In addition, you should save the wallet file in a safely backed-up location, outside of Kubernetes. For example, the following command saves the OPSS wallet for the sample-domain1
domain in the sample-ns
namespace to a file named ewallet.p12
in the /tmp
directory and also stores it in the wallet secret named sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret
$ -n sample-ns -d sample-domain1 -s -r -wf /tmp/ewallet.p12 -ws sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret
For domain on persistent volume, you will need to access the domain home on the shared volume with the WebLogic Server version pod. You can launch a running pod with the PV and PVC helper script.
For example,
$ ./ -n sample-domain1-ns -c sample-domain1-pvc-rwm1 -m /share -i wls14120:fmw
After the pod is deployed, you can kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns exec -it pvhelper -- /bin/sh'
into the pod’s terminal session.
The Upgrade Assistant is for upgrading schemas in a JRF database. It will detect if any schema needs to be upgraded, then upgrade the schemas and also upgrade the system-owned schema version table.
If you have not yet deployed a WebLogic Server pod, see Deploy the server pod.
From the pvhelper
pod, to discover all the command-line options:
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin
$ ./ua -help
Create a file named response.txt
with this content and modify any <TODO:
to match your environment.
# This is a response file for the Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant.
# Individual component upgrades are performed in the order they are described here.
# Each upgrade is introduced by a section header containing the name of the
# component and name of the upgrade plugin. The form of the section header is
# [ComponentName.PluginName]
# These names can be found in the Upgrade Descriptor files for the components.
# Individual input lines consist of a name, an equal sign, and a value.
# The name is in two parts separated by a period. The first part is the "name"
# attribute from the Descriptor File XML tag by which the plugin refers to the value.
# The second part of the name identifies a field within that value. Some input
# types have only one field, while other types can have half a dozen. Do not
# intermix input lines that apply to different XML tags.
# This is the file format version number. Do not change the next line.
fileFormatVersion = 3
# The next section contains information for accessing a WebLogic Server domain.
# The following number uniquely identifies this instance of an
# upgrade plugin. Do not change it.
pluginInstance = 1
# Specifies the WebLogic Server domain directory:
#UASVR.path = /share/domains/sample-domain1
UASVR.path = <TODO: provides the complete domain home path>
# The next section contains the information for performing a schema
# upgrade on Oracle Platform Security Services, as described in the Upgrade
# Descriptor file located at
# /u01/oracle/oracle_common/plugins/upgrade/Opss.xml
# Do not change the next line.
# The following number uniquely identifies this instance of an
# upgrade plugin. Do not change it.
pluginInstance = 10
# The next few lines describe a database connection.
# "Specify the database containing the OPSS schema."
# Specifies the type of database. Supported types for this product are
# Oracle Database, Oracle Database enabled for edition-based redefinition, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2
OPSS.databaseType = Oracle Database
# Specifies the database connection string for the DBA user.
# The format depends upon the database type.
#OPSS.databaseConnectionString = //nuc:1521/orclpdb1
OPSS.databaseConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
# Specifies the database connection string for the user schema.
# The format depends upon the database type.
#OPSS.schemaConnectionString = //nuc:1521/orclpdb1
OPSS.schemaConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
# Specifies the name of the schema or database user
#OPSS.schemaUserName = FMWTEST_OPSS
OPSS.schemaUserName = <TODO: provides the schema name rcuprefix_OPSS >
# Specifies the password for the schema, in encrypted form.
# To specify a different password in cleartext, use the "cleartextSchemaPassword" keyword instead:
OPSS.cleartextSchemaPassword = <TODO: provides the clear text password>
# encrypted password can be generated with command line option -createResponse
#OPSS.encryptedSchemaPassword = 0551CF2EACFC4FE7BCB1F860FCF68E13AA6E61A724E7CFC09E
# Specifies the name of the database administrator account.
OPSS.dbaUserName = <TODO: provide dba user name, e.g. sys as sysdba>
# Specifies the password for the database administrator account, in encrypted form.
# To specify a different password in cleartext, use the "cleartextDbaPassword" keyword
# instead:
OPSS.cleartextDbaPassword = <TODO: provides clear text dba password>
#OPSS.encryptedDbaPassword = 057B3698F71FB2EE583D32EF36234174DCC2C7276FC11F77E7
# The next section contains the information for performing a schema
# upgrade on Oracle Metadata Services, as described in the Upgrade
# Descriptor file located at
# /u01/oracle/oracle_common/plugins/upgrade/mds.xml
# Do not change the next line.
pluginInstance = 11
MDS.databaseConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
MDS.schemaConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
MDS.schemaUserName = <TODO: provides the schema name rcuprefix_MDS >
MDS.cleartextSchemaPassword = <TODO: provides the clear text password>
MDS.dbaUserName = <TODO: provide dba user name, e.g. sys as sysdba>
MDS.cleartextDbaPassword = <TODO: provides clear text dba password>
# The next section contains the information for performing a schema
# upgrade on Oracle Audit Services, as described in the Upgrade
# Descriptor file located at
# /u01/oracle/oracle_common/plugins/upgrade/audit.xml
# Do not change the next line.
pluginInstance = 6
IAU.databaseType = Oracle Database
IAU.databaseConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
IAU.schemaConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
IAU.schemaUserName = <TODO: provides the schema name rcuprefix_IAU >
IAU.cleartextSchemaPassword = <TODO: provides the clear text password>
IAU.dbaUserName = <TODO: provide dba user name, e.g. sys as sysdba>
IAU.cleartextDbaPassword = <TODO: provides clear text dba password>
# The next section contains the information for performing a schema
# upgrade on Common Infrastructure Services, as described in the Upgrade
# Descriptor file located at
# /u01/oracle/oracle_common/plugins/upgrade/cie.xml
# Do not change the next line.
pluginInstance = 4
STB.databaseType = Oracle Database
STB.databaseConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
STB.schemaConnectionString = <TODO: provides the connection string>
STB.schemaUserName = <TODO: provides the schema name rcuprefix_STB >
STB.cleartextSchemaPassword = <TODO: provides the clear text password>
STB.dbaUserName = <TODO: provide dba user name, e.g. sys as sysdba>
STB.cleartextDbaPassword = <TODO: provides clear text dba password>
# This secion is not needed for pure JRF domain.
# The next section contains the information for performing a schema
# upgrade on Oracle WebLogicServer, as described in the Upgrade
# Descriptor file located at
# /u01/oracle/oracle_common/plugins/upgrade/wlsservices.xml
# Do not change the next line.
#pluginInstance = 7
#WLS.databaseType = Oracle Database
#WLS.databaseConnectionString =
#WLS.schemaConnectionString =
#WLS.schemaUserName =
#WLS.encryptedSchemaPassword = 05FEC474FC653B49B15ED79A53565A8B00F49ADADA72D30816
#WLS.dbaUserName =
# WLS.cleartextDbaPassword =
#WLS.encryptedDbaPassword = 0543C93F9A28FBAFBF3FCC49E78EB2C6B3AA02F53098BB322C
Copy the response file to the pod.
$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns cp response.txt pvhelper:/tmp
Run the Upgrade Assistant readiness check to verify the input values and whether the schema needs to be upgraded.
$ ./ua -readiness -response /tmp/response.txt -logDir /tmp
Check the output to see if there are any errors.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant
Log file is located at: /tmp/ua2023-10-04-17-23-32PM.log
Reading installer inventory, this will take a few moments...
...completed reading installer inventory.
Using response file /tmp/response.txt for input
Oracle Metadata Services schema readiness check is in progress
Oracle Audit Services schema readiness check is in progress
Oracle Platform Security Services schema readiness check is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema readiness check is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema readiness check finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Metadata Services schema readiness check finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Audit Services schema readiness check finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Platform Security Services schema readiness check finished with status: ready for upgrade
Readiness Check Report File: /tmp/readiness2023-10-04-17-24-55PM.txt
Upgrade readiness check completed successfully.
UPGAST-00281: Upgrade is being skipped because the -readiness flag is set
Actual upgrades are not done when the -readiness command line option is set.
If you want to perform an actual upgrade remove the -readiness flag from the command line. If you intended to perform just the readiness phase, no action is necessary.
If there are no errors and you are ready to upgrade, then run the command again without the -readiness
$ ./ua -response /tmp/response.txt -logDir /tmp
Check the output again.
Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant
Log file is located at: /u01/oracle/oracle_common/upgrade/logs/ua2023-10-05-14-03-18PM.log
Reading installer inventory, this will take a few moments...
...completed reading installer inventory.
Using response file /tmp/response.txt for input
Oracle Platform Security Services schema examine is in progress
Oracle Metadata Services schema examine is in progress
Oracle Audit Services schema examine is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema examine is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema examine finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Platform Security Services schema examine finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Audit Services schema examine finished with status: ready for upgrade
Oracle Metadata Services schema examine finished with status: ready for upgrade
Schema Version Registry saved to: /u01/oracle/oracle_common/upgrade/logs/ua2023-10-05-14-03-18PM.xml
Oracle Platform Security Services schema upgrade is in progress
Oracle Audit Services schema upgrade is in progress
Oracle Metadata Services schema upgrade is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema upgrade is in progress
Common Infrastructure Services schema upgrade finished with status: succeeded
Oracle Audit Services schema upgrade finished with status: succeeded
Oracle Platform Security Services schema upgrade finished with status: succeeded
Oracle Metadata Services schema upgrade finished with status: succeeded
If there are any errors, you need to correct them or contact Oracle Support for assistance.
The Reconfiguration Wizard will upgrade the domain configuration to the version.
If you have not yet deployed a WebLogic Server pod, see Deploy the server pod.
From the pvhelper
pod, use the following WLST commands to reconfigure a domain to the version.
$ /u01/oracle/oracle_common/bin/
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
wls:/offline> readDomainForUpgrade('<your domain home directory path>')
wls:/offline> updateDomain()
wls:/offline> closeDomain()
If there are any errors, you need to correct them or contact Oracle Support for assistance.
Consider the following use case scenarios, depending on your WebLogic domain type (WLS
or JRF
) and domain home source type (Domain on PV or Model in Image).
to IfNeeded
to restart the domain. For example,
kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns patch domain sample-domain1 --type=json -p='[ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/serverStartPolicy", "value": "Never"}, {"op": "replace", "path":"/spec/image", "value":"<WebLogic 14120 base image>"]'
to IfNeeded
to restart the domain. For example,
kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns patch domain sample-domain1 --type=json -p='[ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/serverStartPolicy", "value": "Never"}, {"op": "replace", "path":"/spec/image", "value":"<Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 14120 image>"]'
Existing Domain | Upgrade Actions |
Domain is already using secured production mode | Update the domain resource to use the WebLogic 14120 base image and redeploy the domain. |
Domain is not using secured production mode but ready to switch to use secured production mode | Enable secured production mode. See the Sample WDT YAML, update the domain resource to use the WebLogic 14120 base image and redeploy the domain. |
Domain is not using secured production mode but not ready to switch to use secured production mode | Update the domain resource to use the WebLogic 14120 base image and redeploy the domain, the operator will automatically disable the secured production mode for you, but your domain will not have the added benefits of a secured production mode. |
Domain is not using secured production mode and wanted to start from scratch to rebuild the domain | Delete the domain first, enable secure production mode. See the Sample WDT YAML, update the domain resource YAML to use the WebLogic 14120 base image and deploy the domain. |
kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns patch domain sample-domain1 --type=json -p='[ {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/serverStartPolicy", "value": "Never"}, {"op": "replace", "path":"/spec/image", "value":"<WebLogic 14120 base image>"]'
FMW/JRF domains using Model in Image has been deprecated since WebLogic Kubernetes Operator 4.1. Before upgrading to FMW v14.1.2.0, we recommend moving your domain home to Domain on Persistent Volume. For more information, see Domain On Persistent Volume.
# Change type to PersistentVolume
domainHomeSourceType: PersistentVolume
image: <Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 14120 base image>
# specify the volume and volume mount information
- name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
claimName: sample-domain1-pvc-rwm1
- mountPath: /share
name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
# specify a new configuration section, remove the old configuration section.
# secrets that are referenced by model yaml macros
# sample-domain1-rcu-access is used for JRF domains
secrets: [ sample-domain1-rcu-access ]
name: sample-domain1-pvc-rwm1
storageClassName: my-storage-class
storage: 10Gi
createIfNotExists: Domain
- image: 'myaux:v6'
domainType: JRF
domainCreationConfigMap: sample-domain1-wdt-config-map
# Make sure you have already saved the wallet file secret. This allows the domain to use
# an existing JRF database schemas.
walletFileSecret: sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret
walletPasswordSecret: sample-domain1-opss-wallet-password-secret
If you are upgrading an existing domain to and your existing domain does not have secured production mode enabled, the operator, by default, will disable secured production mode. If you want to override this behavior, you must enable it explicitly. Optionally, you can delete the existing domain and let the operator completely rebuild the domain and, by default, secured production mode will be enabled; you do not have to enable it explicitly.
The following is a code snippet of a WDT model for setting up secured production mode and SSL.
# Production mode must be true for secured production mode
ProductionModeEnabled: true
# If you are updating an existing, pre domain that does not have secure mode enabled,
# and want to use secured production mode, make sure you enable secure mode; otherwise the
# operator will disable it by default.
SecureModeEnabled: true
# Make sure SSL is set up in all servers and server templates.
CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName: 'wlsdeploy/servers/admin-server/trust-keystore.jks'
CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName: 'wlsdeploy/servers/admin-server/identity-keystore.jks'
KeyStores: CustomIdentityAndCustomTrust
CustomIdentityKeyStoreType: JKS
CustomTrustKeyStoreType: JKS
ListenPort: 7002
Enabled : true
ServerPrivateKeyAlias: adminkey
CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName: 'wlsdeploy/servers/managed-server/trust-keystore.jks'
CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName: 'wlsdeploy/servers/managed-server/identity-keystore.jks'
KeyStores: CustomIdentityAndCustomTrust
CustomIdentityKeyStoreType: JKS
CustomTrustKeyStoreType: JKS
ListenPort: 7102
Enabled : true
ServerPrivateKeyAlias: mykey