Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices
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Spring Boot Admin

View Application Details Using the Spring Boot Admin Dashboard

Spring Boot Admin is a web application used for managing and monitoring Spring Boot applications. Applications are discovered from the service registry. Most of the information displayed in the web user interface comes from the Spring Boot Actuator endpoints exposed by the applications:

  1. Expose the Spring Boot Admin dashboard using this command:

    kubectl -n admin-server port-forward svc/admin-server 8989
  2. Open the Spring Boot Admin dashboard URL: http://localhost:8989

    Spring Admin DashboardI
    Spring Admin DashboardI

    On the dashboard you will see all the internal services registered with Eureka. If you have deployed the sample application CloudBank or done the LiveLab for Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices you will see those services.

    If you click (expand) an application and click on the instance of service you will details about the service instance, metrics, configuration, and so on,

    Spring Admin Service Details
    Spring Admin Service Details