Eureka Service Discovery
Oracle Backend for Microservices and AI includes the Spring Boot Eureka service registry, which is an application that stores information about client services or applications. Typically, each Microservice registers with the Eureka server at startup and the Eureka server maintains a list of all active instances of the service, including their ports and IP addresses. This information can be accessed by other services using a well-known key. This allows services to interact with each other without needing to know the other addresses at development or deployment time.
To access the Eureka web user interface, process these steps:
Expose the Eureka web user interface using this command:
kubectl port-forward -n eureka svc/eureka 8761
Open the Eureka web user interface URL http://localhost:8761
On the dashboard you will see all the internal services registered with Eureka. If you have deployed the sample application CloudBank or done the LiveLab for Oracle Backend for Microservices and AI you will see those services.