Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices
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Spring Operations Center

Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices version includes “Spring Operations Center”. More capabilities will be added to this feature in future releases.

The Spring Operations Center provides a web user interface to manage the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices. This release includes the following capabilities:

  • View details about the configuration and health of the environment
  • Manage and deploy workloads (Spring Boot applications) deployed in the environment
  • Easy one-click access to Grafana dashboards for applications
  • Manage users and roles defined in the Spring Authorization Server included in the environment
  • Easy one-click access to Grafana dashboards for the Kubernetes cluster, the applications and the Oracle Database
  • Collect diagnostic data for support

Note: More capabilities will be added to this feature in future releases.

Accessing Spring Operations Center

To access the Spring Operations Center, obtain the public IP address for your environment using this command:

kubectl -n ingress-nginx get service ingress-nginx-controller

The output will be similar to this:

NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP       PORT(S)                      AGE
ingress-nginx-controller   LoadBalancer   80:31393/TCP,443:30506/TCP   158m

Use the EXTERNAL-IP from the results and open a browser to to access the login page.

Note: If you installed with self-signed certificates, which is the default, you will see a browser warning message and will have to click on “Accept risk” or similar. For information about replacing the self-signed certificate with a production certificate, refer to Transport Layer Security

SOC Login Page
SOC Login Page

Login using the obaas-admin user (or another user if you have created one) and the password that you set during installation. If you did not set a password, one was auto-generated for you and can be obtained with this command:

kubectl get secret -n azn-server oractl-passwords -o jsonpath='{.data.admin}' | base64 -d; echo

After logging in, you will see the SOC Dashboard.

The Dashboard

The Spring Operations Center Dashboard provides information about the overall state of the environment including:

  • The version and platform the environment is running on
  • The configuration and sizing of the Kubernetes cluster
  • The configuration and sizing of the Database instance
  • Easy one-click access to Grafana dashboards to see detailed status of the Kubernetes cluster and Database instance
  • The overall system health status
  • How many applications are deployed in the environment
SOC Dashboard
SOC Dashboard

Manage Namespaces

The Manage Namespaces screen is accessible from the Workloads menu, and allows you to view and manage the namespaces that are configured for Spring Boot application deployments. Note that this does not show you all namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster, just those that have be specifically configured for Spring Boot workloads, meaning they have the necessary secrets for pulling images, accessing the database, and so on.

SOC Manage Namespaces screen
SOC Manage Namespaces screen

Clicking on a namespace will allow you to drill down into that namespace and see the workloads (Spring Boot applications) deployed there.

Manage Workloads

The Manage Workloads screen shows the workloads (Spring Boot applications) deployed in a specific namespace, including the status of each workload, and how many replicas are currently running and desired.

SOC Manage Workloads screen
SOC Manage Workloads screen

You can click on the “open” link in the Dashboard column to open the Spring Boot Statistics Grafana dashboard for any workload listed in the table. Note that you may need to authenticate to Grafana the first time.

Grafana Dashboard for Workload
Grafana Dashboard for Workload

More details of this dashboard can be found here.

Manage Identity

The Manage Identity screen is accessible from the Security menu and allows you to view information about the users and roles defined in the Spring Authorization Server included in the platform.

SOC Manage Identity screen
SOC Manage Identity screen

Collect Diagnostic Data

The Collect Diagnostic Data is accessible from the Settings Menu and allows you to collect and download diagnostic data about your installation and platform. Verify its contents for any sensitive information before submitting with any support request.

Diagnostic Data
Diagnostic Data