Verify SSH Tool

With the Verify SSH Tool, you can verify that an SSH connection can be successfully established by WDT and optionally, if files can be transferred between the machines using the provided arguments. Before running the Verify SSH Tool, you must ensure you have performed the SSH Prerequisites.

Public/private key authentication

To verify SSH connectivity using a user’s public/private key for authentication, simply provide the user name on the remote machine and the user’s private key file, as needed. The Verify SSH Tool (and other WDT tools that support SSH) have a reasonable set of defaults for every SSH-related command-line parameter except the remote SSH host. For example, if the local and remote user name is the same, the user’s private key is in $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa, and the user’s private key has no passphrase, simply run the Verify SSH Tool as shown.

./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host
Issue Log for verifySSH version 4.0.0 running WebLogic version in offline mode:

Total:   SEVERE :    0  WARNING :    0 completed successfully (exit code = 0) 

If the user’s private key has a passphrase assigned, simply provide the private key passphrase using one of the supported parameters. For example, to pipe the passphrase to standard input, use the -ssh_private_key_prompt parameter as shown.

echo 'Welcome1' | ./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host -ssh_private_key_pass_prompt

If the remote user name is different than the local user name, simply use the -ssh_user parameter to specify the remote user name as shown.

./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host -ssh_user robertpatrick

User name and password authentication

To verify SSH connectivity using a user name and password for authentication, simply provide the user name on the remote machine and the user’s password using one of the supported parameters. For example, to read password from a file, use the -ssh_pass_file parameter as shown.

./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host -ssh_user robertpatrick -ssh_pass_file /path/to/password/file.txt

Testing file upload and download

An SSH connection typically is sufficient to download a remote file or upload a local file to the remote system provided that the local and remote users have the necessary file system permissions. The Verify SSH tool allows you to optionally test uploading or downloading a file. For example, to test file upload, run verifySSH as shown.

./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host -local_test_file /path/to/local/file.txt -remote_output_dir /tmp

To test file download, run verifySSH as shown.

./weblogic-deplog/bin/ -oracle_home $MW_HOME -ssh_host -remote_test_file /path/to/remote/file.txt -local_output_dir /tmp

Environment variables

The following environment variables may be set.

  • JAVA_HOME The location of the JDK. This must be a valid Java 7 or later JDK.
  • WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES System properties that will be passed to WLST.

When running the Verify SSH Tool (and any other tool that use WLST), the actual JDK used to run the tool will be the JDK used to install WebLogic Server in the Oracle Home and not the one defined by the JAVA_HOME environment variable. The best practice is to set JAVA_HOME to point to the same JDK installation that was used to install WebLogic Server.

Parameter table for verifySSH

Parameter Definition Default
-oracle_home Home directory of the Oracle WebLogic installation. Required if the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
-ssh_host The DNS name or IP address of the remote host.
-ssh_port The TCP port on the remote host where the sshd daemon is listening for connection requests. 22
-ssh_user The user name on the remote host to use for authentication purposes. Same as the local user running the tool.
-ssh_pass_env The environment variable name to use to retrieve the remote user’s password when authenticating with user name and password.
-ssh_pass_file The file name of a file that contains the password string for the remote user’s password when authenticating with user name and password.
-ssh_pass_prompt A flag to force the tool to prompt the user to provide the remote user’s password through standard input when authenticating with user name and password. Do not prompt or read from standard input.
-ssh_private_key The local file name of the user’s private key file to use when authenticating with a public/private key pair. $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
-ssh_private_key_pass_env The environment variable name to use to retrieve user’s private key passphrase when authenticating with a public/private key pair.
-ssh_private_key_pass_file The file name of a file that contains the user’s private key passphrase string when authenticating with a public/private key pair.
-ssh_private_key_pass_prompt A flag to force the tool to prompt the user to provide their private key passphrase through standard input when authenticating with a public/private key pair. Do not prompt or read from standard input.
-remote_test_file The file name of a remote file to download to the local output directory during the verification process.
-local_output_dir The local directory name to use to write the remote test file being downloaded during the verification process.
-local_test_file The file name of a local file to upload to the remote output directory during the verification process.
-remote_output_dir The remote directory name to use to write the local test file being uploaded during the verification process.