Model Help Tool

The Model Help Tool provides information about the folders and attributes that are valid for sections and folders of a domain model. This is useful when creating a new domain model, or expanding an existing model, including discovered models.

Here is a simple example using the Model Help Tool:

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle resources:/JDBCSystemResource

This will result in the following output:

Attributes and sub-folders for resources:/JDBCSystemResource

            CompatibilityName:       # string            *
            DeploymentOrder:         # integer           (default=100) *
            DeploymentPrincipalName: # string            *
            DescriptorFileName:      # string            *
            ModuleType:              # string            *
            Notes:                   # string            *
            SourcePath:              # string            *
            Target:                  # delimited_string  *

                # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/SubDeployment

This bean defines a system-level JDBC resource.  It links a separate
descriptor that specifies the definition.

There are several important parts of this output.

  • the list of attributes for the folder
  • the list of sub-folders
  • the MBean description

The following three sections discuss each of these in more detail.


The sample output shows the eight attributes and two sub-folders available for the JDBCSystemResource folder in the resources section of the model. Each attribute includes a comment describing the type of the value to be added. An asterisk (*) next to an attribute indicates that the attribute has additional information available, possibly including a default value, valid range, and a description. To access this additional information, simply add the attribute name to the end of the path and re-invoke the Model Help Tool.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle /JDBCSystemResource/DeploymentOrder
Attributes and sub-folders for resources:/JDBCSystemResource/DeploymentOrder

            DeploymentOrder: # integer


An integer value that indicates when this unit is deployed, relative 
to other deployable units on a server, during startup. 
 Units with lower values are deployed before those with higher 


Folders that support multiple instances, such as SubDeployment in this example, are shown with a derived name, such as 'SubDeployment-1'. Each sub-folder includes a comment with a model path that can be used to display additional information about that sub-folder. For example, to determine the attributes and sub-folders for 'SubDeployment-1', the Model Help Tool could be re-invoked with the model path from the comment:

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle /JDBCSystemResource/SubDeployment
Attributes and sub-folders for resources:/JDBCSystemResource/SubDeployment

                    CompatibilityName: # string            *
                    ModuleType:        # string            *
                    Notes:             # string            *
                    Target:            # delimited_string  *

This bean represents an individually targetable entity within 
a deployment package, which is deployable on WLS. This includes 
 Modules in an EAR 
 JMS resources within a app scoped JMS module in an EAR

The /JDBCSystemResource/SubDeployment path omits the leading resources: element but still works because the Model Help Tool is able to determine which folder is being requested.

MBean description

The text at the bottom of the output comes directly from the WebLogic Server MBean description. This text varies by MBean and some MBeans have more useful information than others.

Path patterns

There are a number of ways to specify model location in the path argument. Here are some examples:


List all the top-level model sections, such as topology, resources, and such.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle top
Attributes and sub-folders for top:/

# see domainInfo:

# see topology:

# see resources:

# see appDeployments:

# see kubernetes:

# see verrazzano:

Section names

List the attributes and folders within a section, such as topology, resources, and such.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle appDeployments
Attributes and sub-folders for appDeployments:/


    # see /Application

    # see /Library


List all the attributes and folders within a folder. As previously discussed, the path to the folder can include or exclude the top-level section name. If the section is not provided for a folder, then it will be derived and included in the output text. For example, resources:/JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource and /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource are equivalent and will produce the same output.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource
Attributes and sub-folders for resources:/JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource

                Version: # string  *

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource/JDBCConnectionPoolParams

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource/JDBCDataSourceParams

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource/JDBCDriverParams

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource/JDBCOracleParams

                    # see /JDBCSystemResource/JdbcResource/JDBCXAParams

The top of the JDBC data source bean tree. 
 JDBC data sources all have a JDBCDataSourceBean as their root 
bean (a bean with no parent).  The schema namespace that corresponds 
to this bean is ""

Attribute help

To show help for a particular attribute in a folder, simply add it to the model path. Note that the folder listing will include an asterisk at the end of an attribute line that has additional help information.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle topology:/Server/Log/StdoutSeverity
Attributes and sub-folders for topology:/Server/Log/StdoutSeverity

                StdoutSeverity: # string

Legal values:

The minimum severity of log messages going to the standard out.
Messages with a lower severity than the specified value will
not be published to standard out.

Output options

There are several command-line options that you can use to control the output text for the model path. Use only one of these options at a time. If no output options are specified, then the attributes and immediate sub-folders for the specified path are listed.

When the top sections are listed using the path top, any output options are ignored.


This option will list only the attributes for the specified path.


This option will list only the immediate sub-folders for the specified path.


This option will recursively list all the sub-folders within the specified path. No attributes are listed.

$ weblogic-deploy/bin/ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle -recursive resources:/JDBCSystemResource
Recursive sub-folders only for resources:/JDBCSystemResource


Interactive option

To access an interactive command line for exploring model paths using a directory style syntax, omit the model path from the command line.

$ -oracle_home /tmp/oracle
Model Help running in interactive mode.  Type help for help.

Starting at location top

[top] --> help


  ls                      - List contents of current location
  ls [path]               - List contents of specified location
  top, cd, cd /, cd top   - Change to the top-level location
  cd [path]               - Change to the specified location
  cat [path]              - Show details for the specified attribute location
  history                 - Show the history of visited locations
  exit                    - Exit interactive mode and the tool

  [path] Examples:
    x/y/z               - Relative path from the current location
    ../../a             - Relative path from the current location
    section[:[/a/b/c]]  - Absolute path to section and location, if specified
    /a[/b[/c]]          - Find the section that contains the specified folder


  domainInfo, topology, resources, appDeployments, kubernetes, verrazzano


  cd topology
  cd topology:/Server/Log/StdoutSeverity
  cd /Server/Log/StdoutSeverity
  cd ../../../ServerTemplate/DynamicServers

[top] -->

Environment variables

The following environment variables may be set.

  • JAVA_HOME The location of the JDK. This must be a valid Java 7 or later JDK.
  • WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES System properties that will be passed to Java.

Since the Model Help Tool uses Jython directly without using WLST, the JAVA_HOME will be the JDK used to execute the command (unlike other tools that use WLST).

Parameter table for model_help

Parameter Definition Default
-attributes_only List only the attributes for the specified model path.
-folders_only List only the folders for the specified model path.
-oracle_home Home directory of the Oracle WebLogic installation. Required if the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
-recursive List only the folders for the specified model path, and recursively include the folders below that path.
-target <target> The target platform, such as wko (the default). This determines the structure of the kubernetes and verrazzano sections. NOTE: Verrazzano support is deprecated in WDT 4.0.0.
-target_mode <mode> The WLST mode to use to load the aliases. The mode is either online or offline (the default).
<model_path> The path to the model element to be examined. The format is [^<section^>:][/^<folder^>]... Omit this argument to start in interactive mode.