Model filters

WebLogic Deploy Tooling supports the use of model filters to manipulate the domain model. The Create Domain, Update Domain, and Deploy Applications Tools apply filters to the model after it is read, before it is validated and applied to the domain. The Discover Domain Tool applies filters to the model after it has been discovered, before the model is validated and written.

Model filters are written in Jython, and must be compatible with the version used in the corresponding version of WLST. A filter must implement the method filter_model(model), which accepts as a single argument the domain model as a Jython dictionary. This method can make any adjustments to the domain model that are required. Filters can be stored in any directory, as long as they can be accessed by WebLogic Deploy Tooling.

The following filter example ( sets the password for two attributes in the SecurityConfiguration WLST folder.

def filter_model(model):
   if model and 'topology' in model:
       if 'SecurityConfiguration' in model['topology']:
           model['topology']['SecurityConfiguration']['CredentialEncrypted'] = 'welcome1'
           model['topology']['SecurityConfiguration']['NodeManagerPasswordEncrypted'] = 'welcome1'
           print 'Replaced SecurityConfiguration password'
           print 'SecurityConfiguration not in the model'

Model filters are configured by creating a model_filters.json file in the WLSDEPLOY_HOME/lib directory. This file has separate sections for filters to be applied for specific tools.

Another option is to configure model filters in a Custom configuration directory. Create the model_filters.json file in the $WDT_CUSTOM_CONFIG directory.

This example configures two filters for the Create Domain Tool: and, and one filter for the Discover Domain tool.

  "create": [
    { "name": "fixPassword", "path": "/home/user/" },
    { "name": "noMail", "path": "/home/user/" }
  "deploy": [
  "discover": [
    { "name": "noMail", "path": "/home/user/" }
  "update": [

Internal Filters

Internal filters are provided by WebLogic Deploy Tooling to perform modifications to the domain model. They are referenced by ID in the target configuration file. This example shows the use of the internal filter wko_filter and a user-defined filter fix-password for use with the Create Domain Tool.

  "create": [
    { "name": "fixPassword", "path": "/home/user/" },
    { "id": "wko_filter" }

Internal filters cannot be copied or modified like other types of filters.

Internal filter wko_filter

This filter prepares the domain model for use with WebLogic Kubernetes Operator. It performs the following modifications:

  • Removes any attributes that can only be deployed in online mode
  • Sets the CalculatedListenPorts attribute to false for dynamic clusters
  • Warns if servers in a static cluster have different listen ports