Update Domain Tool

The Update Domain Tool uses a model, the archive, and WLST to update the configuration of an existing WebLogic Server domain, and to deploy applications and resources into the domain in either WLST online or offline mode. The Update Domain Tool will add or re-configure elements from the topology section of the model, and deploy applications and resources from the resources and appDeployments sections.

Like the Discover Domain Tool, the Update Domain Tool can be run in either offline or online mode, and online mode has some options that control its behavior.

  • offline mode - Offline mode uses WLST offline to read and update the domain configuration from the domain home directory. This means that the tool must run on the same host as the domain’s Administration Server and that the user running the tool needs full read and write access to the domain home directory structure.
  • online mode - Online mode uses WLST online to read and update the domain configuration using the Administration Server’s MBeans. The user running the tool needs to provide the administrative credentials and URL to connect to the Administration Server. There are three options when running the tool:
    • Normal mode (default) - In this mode, the tool must run on the same host as the domain’s Administration Server and the user running the tool must have full read and write access to the domain home directory structure, and full read access to any other locations where domain-specific files are stored.
    • -remote mode - This mode allows the tool to be run from a host other than the host where the domain’s Administration Server is located. Since the tool has no direct access to the file system of the host where the Administration Server is running, there are limitations:
      • Any attribute in the model that referenced a path into the archive file unless the path begins with wlsdeploy/applications or wlsdeploy/sharedLibraries will result in an error, as the tool cannot remotely create such directory or file. For example, if you specify a domainBin: [ wlsdeploy/domainBin/setUserOverrides.sh ] which references a file entry in the archive file wlsdeploy/domainBin/setUserOverrides.sh, the tool will fail with an error.
      • Exploded format applications and shared libraries in the archive are not supported. This is due to a limitation in the WebLogic Deploy subsystem where it only supports uploading a file, not a directory.
    • SSH mode - In this mode, the tool can be run from any host for which you have set up SSH connectivity between the host where WDT is running and the host where the Administration Server is running. The -ssh_user (which, by default, is the same user running the tool) must have full read and write access to the domain home directory structure, and full read access to any other locations where domain-specific files are stored. See the SSH support and Verify SSH Tool pages for more information about running in SSH mode.

The Update Domain Tool will only add or update elements in the specified model. It will not attempt to remove any missing elements that are already present in the domain. The Update Domain Tool will not attempt to recreate or add schemas for the RCU database, for domain types that use RCU.

In WLST online mode, the tool tries to minimize the need to redeploy the applications and shared libraries, and the need to restart the server. It does this in a few ways:

  • If the model references an application or shared library that is already deployed, the tool compares the binaries to determine whether redeployment is required. Redeployment of shared libraries is particularly expensive since all applications using the shared library must be redeployed–even if the application has not changed.
  • It looks at the knowledge base to determine which attributes require restart when they are changed. If an attribute requires restart, the tool compares the current domain and model values to make sure that they are different before trying to apply a change.

The goal is to make the tool both able to support iterative deployment and able to minimize service disruption while doing its work when working against a running domain.

Online update for shared libraries

When updating shared library online, it is recommended to deploy a new version of the library by updating the version(s) in the MANIFEST.MF file and update the deployment descriptor of any application that wants to upgrade to use the new library, this avoids complicated issues like in-place update of shared library.

In-place update of shared library online is not supported. If you only update the library contents without updating the version(s) of the library in the MANIFEST.MF file. You will get an error from WebLogic Server indicating the library is referenced by applications and cannot be undeployed. You must undeploy all applications referencing the shared library first before proceeding; this is the same behavior when using the WebLogic Server console. Also, a shared library can potentially be referenced by another shared library module which in turns used by other applications, currently there is no capability within WebLogic Server to handle automating undeploy and deploy of an application that uses shared library when the library is updated in-place.

Using output files

If the -output_dir command-line argument is specified, the tool will generate output files that provide information about servers and resources that need to be restarted. These files are only applicable for online deployments.

The file restart.file contains a list of servers and resources that need to be restarted. Here is an example:


The file non_dynamic_changes.file contains text describing the attributes that will require a restart in order for new values to be applied. Here is an example:

Server re-start is REQUIRED for the set of changes in progress.

The following non-dynamic attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans 
that require server re-start:
MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Log,Server=AdminServer
Attributes changed : RedirectStderrToServerLogEnabled, RedirectStdoutToServerLogEnabled

MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=MailSession-0,Type=MailSession
Attributes changed : SessionPasswordEncrypted

The file results.json contains information about servers and resources need to be restarted, and attribute values that require a restart in order for new values to be applied.

    "nonDynamicChanges" : {
        "com.bea:Name=MailSession-0,Type=MailSession" : [
        "com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Log,Server=AdminServer" : [
    "nonDynamicChangesText" : [
        "Server re-start is REQUIRED for the set of changes in progress.",
        "The following non-dynamic attribute(s) have been changed on MBeans",
        "that require server re-start:",
        "MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=Log,Server=AdminServer",
        "Attributes changed : RedirectStderrToServerLogEnabled, RedirectStdoutToServerLogEnabled",
        "MBean Changed : com.bea:Name=MailSession-0,Type=MailSession",
        "Attributes changed : SessionPasswordEncrypted",
    "restarts" : [
            "server" : "AdminServer",
            "resourceName" : "Generic1",
            "resourceType" : "JDBCSystemResource"
            "server" : "AdminServer"

Running the tool in offline mode

Running the Update Domain Tool in WLST offline mode is very similar to running the Create Domain Tool; simply provide the domain location and archive file, and separate model and variable files, if needed. For example:

$ weblogic-deploy\bin\updateDomain.cmd -oracle_home c:\wls12213 -domain_home domains\DemoDomain -model_file DemoDomain.yaml -variable_file DemoDomain.properties -archive_file DemoDomain.zip

Unlike the Create Domain Tool, the full domain home directory is specified, rather than the domain’s parent directory, because the domain has already been established.

Running the tool in online mode

In WLST online mode, simply remove the -domain_home argument and add the information on how to connect to the WebLogic Server Administration Server. Here is an example of running in online WLST mode from the admin server:

$ weblogic-deploy\bin\updateDomain.cmd -admin_url t3:// -admin_user weblogic -oracle_home c:\wls12213≈ -model_file DemoDomain.yaml -variable_file DemoDomain.properties -archive_file DemoDomain.zip

Here is an example of running the tool in -remote mode:

$ weblogic-deploy\bin\updateDomain.cmd -remote -admin_url t3://my.remote.machine:7001 -admin_user weblogic -oracle_home c:\wls12213 -model_file DemoDomain.yaml -variable_file DemoDomain.properties -archive_file DemoDomain.zip

Running in SSH mode looks very similar. This example assumes that you have already set up and verified SSH connectivity from the host where WDT is running to the host where the domain’s Administration Server is running. It also assumes that the default values for the other SSH-related arguments are sufficient for your configuration.

$ weblogic-deploy\bin\updateDomain.cmd -ssh_host my.remote.machine -admin_url t3://my.remote.machine:7001 -admin_user weblogic -oracle_home c:\wls12213 -model_file DemoDomain.yaml -variable_file DemoDomain.properties -archive_file DemoDomain.zip

As usual, the tool will prompt for the password (it can also be supplied by piping it to standard input of the tool). To bypass the prompt, you can use one of two options:

  • Store the password in an environment variable, and use the variable name with command-line option -admin_pass_env.
  • Store the password in a file. Provide the file name with command-line option -admin_pass_file.

When running the tool in WLST online mode, the update operation may require server restarts or a domain restart to pick up the changes. The update operation can also encounter situations where it cannot complete its operation until the domain is restarted. To communicate these conditions to scripts that may be calling the Update Domain Tool, the shell scripts have two special, non-zero exit codes to communicate these states:

  • 103 - The entire domain needs to be restarted.
  • 104 - The domain changes have been canceled because the changes in the model requires a domain restart and -cancel_changes_if_restart_required is specified.

Using an encrypted model

If the model or variables file contains passwords encrypted with the WDT Encrypt Model Tool, you must provide the WDT encryption passphrase used to encrypt the model so that the Create Domain Tool can decrypt them. To do this, provide one of the following command-line arguments:

  • -passphrase_env <ENV_VAR> - read the passphrase from the specified environment variable,
  • -passphrase_file <file-name> - read the passphrase from a file that contains the passphrase, or
  • -passphrase_prompt - have the tool read the passphrase from stdin, either by prompting or piping the value to the shell script’s standard input.

Using multiple models

The Update Domain Tool supports the use of multiple models, as described in Using multiple models.

Environment variables

The following environment variables may be set.

  • JAVA_HOME The location of the JDK. This must be a valid Java 7 or later JDK.
  • WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES System properties that will be passed to WLST.

When running the Update Domain Tool (and any other tool that use WLST), the actual JDK used to run the tool will be the JDK used to install WebLogic Server in the Oracle Home and not the one defined by the JAVA_HOME environment variable. The best practice is to set JAVA_HOME to point to the same JDK installation that was used to install WebLogic Server.

Opening an issue against the Update Domain Tool

Please provide the full console output of the tool (that is, what is printed to stdout and stderr) and the log file, updateDomain.log, which is typically found in the <install home>/weblogic-deploy/logs directory. If possible, please provide the model, variable and archive files, and any other information that helps to understand the environment, what you are doing, and what is happening. For example, when running in online mode and encountering an error deploying an application, the domain’s Administration Server log file will often be the key to understanding the cause of the error.

Parameter table for updateDomain

Parameter Definition Default
-admin_pass_env An alternative to entering the admin password at a prompt. The value is an environment variable name that WDT will use to retrieve the password.
-admin_pass_file An alternative to entering the admin password at a prompt. The value is a the name of a file that contains a password string that the tool will read to retrieve the password.
-admin_url The admin server URL for online update.
-admin_user The admin user name for online update.
-archive_file The path to the archive file to use. If the -model_file argument is not specified, the model file in this archive will be used. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of archive files. The overlapping contents in each archive take precedence over previous archives in the list.
-cancel_changes_if_restart_required Cancel the changes if the update requires domain restart.
-discard_current_edit Discard all existing domain edits before the update.
-domain_home (Required for offline mode) The location of the existing local domain home. For online mode, the server’s value.
-domain_type The type of domain. (for example, WLS, JRF) WLS
-model_file The location of the model file. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of model locations, where each successive model layers on top of the previous ones.
-oracle_home Home directory of the Oracle WebLogic installation. Required if the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set.
-passphrase_env An alternative to entering the encryption passphrase at a prompt. The value is an environment variable name that WDT will use to retrieve the passphrase.
-passphrase_file An alternative to entering the encryption passphrase at a prompt. The value is a the name of a file with a string value which WDT will read to retrieve the passphrase.
-passphrase_prompt Allow WDT to prompt for the encryption passphrase or read it from stdin.
-update_dir If specified, files containing restart information are written to this directory, including restart.file, non_dynamic_changes.file, and results.json.
-use_encryption (deprecated) Replaced by the -passphrase_prompt argument.
-variable_home The location of the property file containing the values for variables used in the model. This can also be specified as a comma-separated list of property files, where each successive set of properties layers on top of the previous ones.
-wait_for_edit_lock Skip checks for active edit sessions and pending changes before trying to acquire the WLST online edit lock to modify domain configuration.
-remote Update the domain from a remote machine.
-ssh_host The DNS name or IP address of the remote host.
-ssh_port The TCP port on the remote host where the sshd daemon is listening for connection requests. 22
-ssh_user The user name on the remote host to use for authentication purposes. Same as the local user running the tool.
-ssh_pass_env The environment variable name to use to retrieve the remote user’s password when authenticating with user name and password.
-ssh_pass_file The file name of a file that contains the password string for the remote user’s password when authenticating with user name and password.
-ssh_pass_prompt A flag to force the tool to prompt the user to provide the remote user’s password through standard input when authenticating with user name and password. Do not prompt or read from standard input.
-ssh_private_key The local file name of the user’s private key file to use when authenticating with a public/private key pair. $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
-ssh_private_key_pass_env The environment variable name to use to retrieve user’s private key passphrase when authenticating with a public/private key pair.
-ssh_private_key_pass_file The file name of a file that contains the user’s private key passphrase string when authenticating with a public/private key pair.
-ssh_private_key_pass_prompt A flag to force the tool to prompt the user to provide their private key passphrase through standard input when authenticating with a public/private key pair. Do not prompt or read from standard input.