Tool property file

You can configure or tune WebLogic Deploy Tooling tools using the tool property file. This property file is installed as <weblogic-deploy>/lib/ To tune the WDT tool, you may change the value of any of the properties in this file. Another option is to configure the tool properties in a Custom Configuration directory. For this option, create the file in the $WDT_CUSTOM_CONFIG directory.

If a property is removed from the file, or a property value is incorrectly formatted, a WARNING message is logged and an internal default value used instead of the missing or bad value.

Property Description
activate.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the activation of configuration changes to complete. A value of -1 means the operation will not timeout.
archive.custom.folder.size.limit The size limit for the replicable custom files archive folder config/wlsdeploy/custom above which extracting the folder will generate a warning (default is 1048576, which is 1 MB).
connect.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the online connect command to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout.
deploy.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the undeployment process to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout.
disable.rcu.drop.schema Whether the RCU drop step should be skipped when running Create Domain with the -run_rco switch (default is false).
enable.create.domain.password.validation Whether Create Domain should try to validate user passwords using the SystemPasswordValidator settings in the model (default is true).
redeploy.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the redeployment process to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout.
set.server.groups.timeout Specifies the amount of time the set server groups connection can be inactive before the connection times out. The default file name of the SSH private key file (default is id_rsa).
start.application.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the start application process to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout.
stop.application.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the stop application process to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout. When discovering security provider data, store the admin user and password passed to the Discover Domain tool in the model’s domainInfo section’s AdminUserName and AdminPassword attributes (default is true). The password will be encrypted using the WDT encryption passphrase. When discovering passwords using the Discover Domain tool, store the discovered passwords in clear text (rather than using WDT model encryption). Setting this to true is not recommended and will result in clear text passwords in the log files and the model/variable files (default is false).
undeploy.timeout The number of milliseconds that WLST waits for the undeployment process to complete. A value of zero (0) means the operation will not timeout.
use.deprecation.exit.code Whether deprecation messages should cause WDT tools to exit with a non-zero exit code (default is false). Whether to use the server’s WebLogic Server version and patch level to initialize the aliases for WDT online operations (default is true).
use.ssh.compression Whether to use SSH compression for all SSH operations (default is true).
wlst.edit.lock.acquire.timeout Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds the WLST online startEdit command will wait trying to acquire the edit lock before it times out.
wlst.edit.lock.exclusive Specifies whether the edit lock acquired by startEdit should be exclusive or shared (default is shared).
wlst.edit.lock.release.timeout Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds the WLST online startEdit command will wait for the edit lock to be released before releasing it automatically.
yaml.max.file.size The maximum size of the YAML model file that the WDT SnakeYAML parser will allow. The default value of zero (0) uses the SnakeYAML default setting of 3145728 (i.e., 3 MB).

You can override the value of a single property using a Java System property with the name wdt.config.<tool-property-name>. For example, adding -Dwdt.config.connect.timeout=5000 will set the effective connect.timeout property to 5000 milliseconds, regardless of what the value in the file might be. To pass one or more of these properties to a WDT shell script (e.g.,, simply set the WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES environment variable prior to calling the shell script. For example:

WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES="-Dwdt.config.connect.timeout=5000 -Dwdt.config.disable.rcu.drop.schema=true"