
The WebLogic Deploy Tooling has a built-in logging framework based on java.util.logging. Its logging configuration is specified in $WDT_HOME/etc/logging.properties. By default, the logging framework writes to both the console and a log file.

Log file

By default, WDT tools write their log files to the $WDT_HOME/logs directory and the log file name reflects the name of the tool. For example, if you run the validateModel tool then the log file will be $WDT_HOME/logs/validateModel.log. These log files are overwritten each time you run a particular tool so the file contains only the logs from the last tool invocation.

If the $WDT_HOME/logs directory is not writable by the user running the tool, the logging framework will search for a location to write the logs. The user must have write permission on the directory in order for it to be selected. The search order is as follows:

  • Check the WLSDEPLOY_LOG_DIRECTORY environment variable.
  • Check the current working directory (as defined by the user.dir Java system property) and create a logs subdirectory.
  • Check the temp directory (as defined by the java.io.tmpdir Java system property) and create a wdt-logs subdirectory.

If none of these locations are writable, the logging framework prints an error message to stderr and exits.

Console output

WDT tools output logging information to stdout and stderr, as appropriate. By default, only INFO level messages are sent to stdout. All WARNING and SEVERE messages are set to stderr. In addition to regular log messages generated as the tool runs, the tools will produce a summary at the end of tool execution that gives the user an overview of the tool execution status. For example, the validateModel tool execution with no warnings or errors will produce output that looks similar to this:

Issue Log for validateModel version 2.0.0 running WebLogic version offline mode:

Total:       WARNING :     0    SEVERE :     0

Logging levels

As mentioned previously, WDT’s logging framework is based on java.util.logging so all logging levels defined in the java.utiul.logging.Level class apply to WDT loggers. For a quick review of those levels, see the javadoc.

WDT uses hierarchical loggers that align with the purpose of the code being executed. The root logger is named wlsdeploy. Many loggers exist underneath the root logger; for example, wlsdeploy.create, wlsdeploy.discover, and wlsdeploy.util. By default, the WDT logging.properties file sets the logging level of the root and several important loggers. If the level for a particular logger is not set, that logger will use the level of its parent logger. This delegation to the parent logger is recursive up the hierarchy until it finds a level to use.

In WDT, the log file will collect log entries from all loggers based on the logger’s level while the console output is limited to INFO and above only. Log entries written to the console will not display any exception stack traces associated with a log entry. To see those, you must look at the log file. The WDT logging framework supports using the wlsdeploy.debugToStdout Java system property to allow debug log messages (those logged at the FINE level or below) to appear in stdout as long as the loggers to which the messages are logged are not filtering those log levels. For example, doing the following will cause debug output to be written to the console:

export WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES=-Dwlsdeploy.debugToStdout=true
weblogic-deploy/bin/prepareModel.sh ...

Log handlers

WDT uses several log handlers to handle logging output of data to various sources.

Log Handler Output Destination Description
java.util.logging.FileHandler WDT tool log file The standard java.util.logging file handler.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.StdoutHandler stdout WDT handler that writes INFO level messages to the console.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.StderrHandler stderr WDT handler that writes WARNING and SEVERE level messages to the console.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.tooling.SummaryHandler stdout WDT handler that writes the tool’s execution summary information to the console.

By default, all four handlers are used and configured appropriately. The logging framework intentionally limits the configurability of these handlers. Only the following logging.properties file settings are allowed.

Property Value(s) Allowed Behavior When Set
handlers comma-separated list of handlers The list of handlers to use (removing a handler from the list is the same as setting its level property to OFF).
java.util.logging.FileHandler.level OFF No logging output will be saved in the log file.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.StdoutHandler.level OFF No INFO level logging output will be written to the console.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.StderrHandler.level OFF No WARNING or ERROR level logging output will be written to the console.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.SummaryHandler.level OFF No tool execution summary output will be written to the console.
oracle.weblogic.deploy.logging.SummaryHandler.size Any number Limits the number of memory-buffered WARNING and ERROR log records (default is 3000).

Use the WLSDEPLOY_LOG_HANDLERS environment variable as an alternative to specifying the list of handlers in the logging.properties file’s handlers property.

Any attempts to set other configuration for these log handlers will simply be discarded by the WDT logging framework at startup.