Modeling security providers

WebLogic Server security configuration requires special handling and causes the need for the model semantics to differ from other folders. Because provider ordering is important, and to make sure that the ordering is correctly set in the newly created domain, the Create Domain Tool and Update Domain Tool require that all providers be specified in the model for any provider type that will be created or altered. For example, if you want to change one of the providers in the provider type AuthenticationProvider, your model must specify all of the AuthenticationProvider providers and any non-default attributes for those providers. In order to apply security providers, these tools will delete all providers from the target domain for those provider types specified in the model before adding the providers from the model to the target domain. Provider types that are omitted from the model will be unchanged. Example provider types are Adjudicator, AuthenticationProvider, Authorizer, CertPathProvider, CredentialMapper, PasswordValidator, and RoleMapper.

For example, if the model specified an LDAPAuthenticator and an LDAPX509IdentityAsserter similar to what is shown below, the DefaultAuthenticator and DefaultIdentityAsserter would be deleted. In this example, other provider types like RoleMapper and CredentialMapper are not specified and would be left untouched by the tools.

                    My LDAP authenticator:
                            ControlFlag: SUFFICIENT
                            PropagateCauseForLoginException: true
                            EnableGroupMembershipLookupHierarchyCaching: true
                            Port: 389
                            UserObjectClass: person
                            GroupHierarchyCacheTTL: 600
                            SSLEnabled: true
                            UserNameAttribute: cn
                            Principal: 'cn=foo,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
                            UserBaseDn: 'OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com'
                            UserSearchScope: subtree
                            UserFromNameFilter: '(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=person))'
                            AllUsersFilter: '(memberOf=CN=foo,OU=mygroups,DC=example,DC=com)'
                            GroupBaseDN: 'OU=mygroups,DC=example,DC=com'
                            AllGroupsFilter: '(&(foo)(objectclass=group))'
                            StaticGroupObjectClass: group
                            StaticMemberDNAttribute: cn
                            StaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter: '(&(member=%M)(objectclass=group))'
                            DynamicGroupObjectClass: group
                            DynamicGroupNameAttribute: cn
                            UseRetrievedUserNameAsPrincipal: true
                            KeepAliveEnabled: true
                            GuidAttribute: uuid
                    My LDAP IdentityAsserter:
                            ActiveType: AuthenticatedUser
                            Port: 389
                            SSLEnabled: true

In order to keep the DefaultAuthenticator and DefaultIdentityAsserter while changing/adding providers, they must be specified in the model with any non-default attributes as shown in the example below. Keep in mind, the ordering of providers in the model will be the order the providers are set in the WebLogic security configuration.

                    My LDAP authenticator:
                            ControlFlag: SUFFICIENT
                            PropagateCauseForLoginException: true
                            EnableGroupMembershipLookupHierarchyCaching: true
                            Port: 389
                            UserObjectClass: person
                            GroupHierarchyCacheTTL: 600
                            SSLEnabled: true
                            UserNameAttribute: cn
                            Principal: 'cn=foo,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
                            UserBaseDn: 'OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com'
                            UserSearchScope: subtree
                            UserFromNameFilter: '(&(cn=%u)(objectclass=person))'
                            AllUsersFilter: '(memberOf=CN=foo,OU=mygroups,DC=example,DC=com)'
                            GroupBaseDN: 'OU=mygroups,DC=example,DC=com'
                            AllGroupsFilter: '(&(foo)(objectclass=group))'
                            StaticGroupObjectClass: group
                            StaticMemberDNAttribute: cn
                            StaticGroupDNsfromMemberDNFilter: '(&(member=%M)(objectclass=group))'
                            DynamicGroupObjectClass: group
                            DynamicGroupNameAttribute: cn
                            UseRetrievedUserNameAsPrincipal: true
                            KeepAliveEnabled: true
                            GuidAttribute: uuid
                    My LDAP IdentityAsserter:
                            ActiveType: AuthenticatedUser
                            Port: 389
                            SSLEnabled: true
                            ControlFlag: SUFFICIENT

Trust service identity asserter

The Trust Identity Asserter Security Provider is installed by JRF in 12c versions and newer.

The JRF installed Trust Identity Asserter does not supply a schema file by default. Before you can configure this asserter with WLST offline or WDT offline, you must first build the schema file using the prepareCustomProvider script.

Here is an example of how to prepare and install a schema file from its MBean Jar File (MJF):

$ export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS=-DSchemaTypeSystemName=TrustServiceIdentityAsserter

$ ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/ -mjf=ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jps/jps-wls-trustprovider.jar -out ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/lib/schematypes/jps-wls-trustprovider.schema.jar

For FMW versions 12.1.2 and 12.1.3, replace oracle.jps in the example path above with: oracle.jps_12.1.2, or oracle.jps_12.1.3, respectively.

Custom security providers

Creating and updating domains with custom security providers is limited to WebLogic version 12.1.2 and newer.

Prior to using this tooling to create or update a domain with a custom security provider, there are several prerequisites. First, WebLogic Server requires the custom MBean JAR to be in the Oracle Home directory before it can be configured, WLSERVER/server/lib/mbeantypes. Second, WebLogic Scripting Tool, WLST, requires that the schema JAR be placed in the Oracle Home directory before WLST offline can be used to discover it or configure it, ORACLEHOME/oracle_common/lib/schematypes. Generating an MBean JAR documentation can be found in the WebLogic Server documentation. Generating the schema JAR can be done with the prepareCustomProvider script provided in the WebLogic Server installation.

For the MBean JAR, WLST offline allows you to define an alternate directory other than WLSERVER/server/lib/mbeantypes by using the system property -Dfmwconfig.alternateTypesDirectory=dir. For the WebLogic MBean schema type JAR, you can use an alternate location by using -Dfmwconfig.alternateSchemaDirectory=dir. In order for the custom provider JARs to be loaded correctly by WLST offline when discovering or creating a domain, set this system property in the WLSDEPLOY_PROPERTIES environment variable. Both of the properties take a comma-separated list of paths to directories containing the corresponding type of jar.

If you create a domain using the -Dfmwconfig.alternateTypesDirectory=dir and -Dfmwconfig.alternateSchemaDirectory=dir system properties, you will need to make sure to specify the -Dweblogic.alternateTypesDirectory=dir and -Dweblogic.alternateSchemaDirectory=dir system properties to the WebLogic Server servers' startup environment. The Admin Server and all managed servers in the domain will require these properties to locate, load, and configure the custom security provider from these alternative locations.

The format for a custom security provider is slightly different from a built-in provider in that the custom provider must supply the fully-qualified name of the class for the provider in the model between the provider name and the attributes for that provider. Note that the generated Impl suffix is omitted from the name. In the custom CredentialMapper example below, note the location in the model of ‘’:

            Sample CredentialMapper:
                    CredentialMappingDeploymentEnabled: true

Known limitations

  • Adjudicator provider types cannot be added or modified due to a limitation in WLST.
  • PasswordCredentials provider types cannot be updated in WLST online.