About the WKT UI Application


Before giving you the whirlwind tour of the WKT UI application, it is important to know that the application is a native, desktop application. It uses native operating system features, such as:

  • Native menus - Some of the application’s functionality is available only by using the menus.
  • Registering file extensions - The application installer registers the .wktproj extension and associates itself with that extension. For example, this lets you double-click on the file in the native file browser and have the application start and open the selected project.
  • Recent files integration - As you work with .wktproj files, the application adds those files to the OS-maintained list of recently used files. This causes these files to show up in OS-specific locations to provide shortcuts for opening the file with the application. For example, on macOS, right-clicking on the application icon in the dock will display the recently used .wktproj files and selecting one will open an application window and load the contents of the .wktproj file.

WKT Project File

What is a .wktproj file? Simply put, it is the application’s equivalent of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) project file. It stores:

  • Metadata about the UI project.
  • Pointers to WDT model-related files used by the project.
  • Form field data that you enter into the application.

There are two ways to create a new project:

  • Explicitly - Use File > New Project and select the file location and name.
  • Implicitly - Use the application to start working. After you trigger an action that needs a project file, you are prompted to select the file location and name.

Note that the file extension for project files must be .wktproj. Otherwise, the application will not recognize the file as a project and will not allow it to be opened as a project file.

The WKT UI application uses a one project per window paradigm and most everything you do in the window is affected by the project data, either stored directly in the project file or in the WDT model-related files referenced by the project. However, there are a few exceptions that are covered in Settings Outside the WKT Project File.

Settings Outside the WKT Project File

Multiple factors influence the behavior of the WKT UI application in a particular environment. Other than the WKT Project file, those include:

  • Environment Variables - The application uses the environment it inherits when it is started.
  • User Preferences - The application’s user preferences file stores shared, user-level settings that transcend project boundaries.
  • External Applications - The application or its components depend on an application being available and properly configured.
  • Bundled WKT Applications - The application bundles its own copies of WebLogic Deploy Tooling and WebLogic Image Tool.

Environment Variables

Some of the application’s behavior is influenced by environment variables it inherits when it is started. Environment variables affect the behavior of the WKT UI application when computing default values for application form fields. Some examples are:

  • PATH - Used to locate executables like docker, helm, and kubectl.
  • JAVA_HOME - Used as one way to find the directory where the Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed.
  • ORACLE_HOME and MW_HOME - Used to find the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation directory.

On Windows and Linux platforms, this tends to be the user’s environment that they have configured to be used when they log in. On macOS, native applications do not inherit the user’s login environment. Instead, the application inherits the environment configured by the launchd daemon process. If you are running on macOS, then you should keep this in mind when the application doesn’t behave as you expect. For more information, see Project Settings.

User Preferences

The Preferences menu lets you configure settings that affect the behavior of the WKT UI application for the user across all instances of the application on the machine. These user-visible settings include the following categories:

Settings are also used to store internally used values that impact the appearance of the application. For example, the Window size is stored so that the application will open the window with your last known window size. The list of such appearance-related settings will likely grow over time.

Proxy Configuration

If the WKT UI application is to be run from an environment where a proxy server is required to access the Internet, then you must configure the proxy server settings to allow Internet access. Currently, the UI depends on access to github.com to access release information and download new releases of the WKT tools and the UI itself. This connectivity is used in various places to determine default values for input data (for example, the default image tag to use for installing the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator) and providing updated features for the WKT tools bundled with the application, as well as updating the WKT UI application itself when a new release becomes available. Depending on the project configuration, the application may also require access to other sites, such as Docker Hub and other container registries, Helm chart download sites, and cloud-provider sites for authenticating to and accessing remote Kubernetes clusters.

To configure the proxy environment, use the Preferences menu to add or update the following fields, as needed:

  • HTTPS Proxy URL - The full URL to the proxy server (for example, http://my-proxy-server.mycompany.com:80).
  • Bypass Proxy Hosts - The comma-separated list of DNS or IP patterns that should not go through the proxy. For example, a value of .us.mycompany.com,.emea.mycompany.com,.apac.mycompany.com will skip the proxy for any DNS name that ends in one of the three domain names.
Logging Configuration

Using this section, you can configure the logging output level and control the log file directory. The defaults are:

  • File Transport Log Level - The logging level below which log messages will be discarded. For example, Debug messages will be discarded if the level is set to Info. The default value is Info.
  • Log File Directory - The directory to which log files are written. The default is the user’s temporary directory, as defined by the operating system.
WebLogic Kubernetes Toolkit UI Introduction Configuration

This setting lets you turn on or off the in-application introductory information being displayed at startup. Show Introduction is always accessible from the Help menu.

External Applications

The WKT UI application depends on several external applications for its functionality. As such, it is important to install and configure these external applications properly on the local machine on which the application is running.

  • docker (or podman) - Used to create new images and inspect the contents of custom base images. The WebLogic Image Tool depends on docker (or podman) for this functionality. docker (or podman) is also used to log in to and interact with image registries.
  • kubectl - Used to get, create, and update configuration objects in your Kubernetes cluster. It is critical that the kubectl configuration file is properly set up to allow kubectl to authenticate to the cluster.
  • helm - Used to install the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator and ingress controllers.
  • openssl - Used to generate X.509 TLS certificates, should you ask the application to generate one for your ingress route(s), only if you ask the application to generate it for you.

Bundled WKT Applications

WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) and WebLogic Image Tool (WIT) are bundled with the WKT UI application. These tools are:

  • WDT - Used to support discovering a model from an existing domain, prepare the model for a particular Kubernetes target type, and is used by the WebLogic Image Tool when creating the domain inside the image.
  • WIT - Used to create a new image for your WebLogic Server domain. It is also used to inspect any custom base image that you might specify be used for creating the new image.

Use Help > Check For Updates periodically to make sure you are using the latest versions of these bundled tools.