Release 1.4.0

Changes in Release 1.4.0

Major New Features

  • #173: Added support for WebLogic Kubernetes Operator 4.0. While it is now the default, versions 3.3+ are still supported.

Other Changes

  • #175: Added Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Actual Size menu options to the Window menu.
  • #178: Integrated the Prepare Model action with the changes in WebLogic Deploy Tooling 2.4.0.
  • #179: Updated the WebLogic Remote Console integration to support version 2.4.1 (2.4.0 also supported).
  • #188: Added file download functionality to all Code View pages

Bug Fixes

  • #171: Improved workaround for the issue limiting the ability to select text from the Code View scripts (WKTUI-375).
  • #172: Resolved issue when using Domain-in-Image that was causing the domain to not be created.
  • #174: Resolved an issue where the Install Ingress Controller action was always passing the image pull secret–even when the user indicated not to use one.
  • #176: Resolved an issue where the Update Ingress Routes action was always passing the SSL pass-through argument–even when the user did not request it.
  • #182: Resolved Verrazzano 1.4.0+ installation issue caused by a change in the published operator file name.
  • #186: Resolved Verrazzano-related issue where Ingress Trait rules were not including the hosts or destination-related fields.
  • #187: Resolved an issue where the operator domain variable override config map was not being created properly.
  • #187: Resolved an issue with the apiVersion of the Verrazzano component- and application-related being incorrect.
  • #189: Resolved a rendering issue on the Ingress Controller Code View page when switching tabs.

Known Issues

  • On Linux, the open and save dialogs open behind the main application window. This is due to Electron bug 32857.
  • When deploying a Verrazzano application, the Get Application Status button only checks the status of the project’s Verrazzano component containing the WebLogic domain specification.
  • WKTUI does not currently show the Verrazzano URL needed to access the application. The URL will always be of the form https://<gateway-hostname>/<app-path>, where the gateway-hostname is the name created by Verrazzano in the Gateway object. To get the name of the generated gateway object, run kubectl get gateway -n <namespace> --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'. Next, run kubectl get gateway <gateway-name> -n <namespace> -o yaml and review the hosts entry of the .spec.servers section to find the DNS name that corresponds to the gateway-hostname to use in the URL.