

Verrazzano Component

The Component section provides support for creating and deploying the Verrazzano component for the WebLogic domain.

Design View

Design View helps you specify the data needed to generate the component definition and deploy that resource into a Kubernetes cluster. It provides values for various Kubernetes objects, including model variable overrides and secrets.

Verrazzano Version- The three digit version number of the installed Verrazzano version from the target environment.

The Domain UID field defines the name of the Kubernetes Domain custom resource object. This name must be unique within the Kubernetes namespace where it will be created, which is controlled by the Kubernetes Namespace field.

The default value of the Domain UID field is based on the WebLogic domain’s name, as defined by the WDT model:

  • When using either “Model in Image” or “Domain in Image” domain location, the Domain Home Path field is read-only and its value is set using the Domain Home Directory field under Advanced.
  • When using “Domain in PV”, this field must be set to the fully qualified path to the domain home directory in the persistent volume. For example, if the persistent volume mount path is set to /shared and the domain home is located in /domains/mydomain in the persistent volume, then the Domain Home Path field must be set to /shared/domains/mydomain.

For “Model in Image”, use the Domain Type field to specify the type of domain to create using the model.

Set the Kubernetes secret name where the WebLogic domain credentials will be stored using the WebLogic Credentials Secret Name field. Set the value of the WebLogic Server administration credentials using the WebLogic Admin Username and WebLogic Admin Password fields. Remember that these fields must be set appropriately for the selected domain location:

  • For “Model in Image”, these fields are used to set the WebLogic Server credentials used to create the domain, and by the operator at runtime to perform actions on the domain (for example, start a server).
  • For “Domain in Image”, the domain was created using the WebLogic Image Tool using the credentials specified in the model. These values must match the ones used during the image creation process.
  • For “Domain in PV”, the domain was created outside the application so the values provided in these fields must match the ones used when the domain was created.

When using “Domain in PV”, three additional fields associated with the persistent volume will be shown:

  • Persistent Volume Name - The name of the persistent volume to use in the Domain resource file.
  • Persistent Volume Claim Name - The persistent volume claim to associate with the persistent volume.
  • Persistent Volume Mount Path - The path to the persistent volume within the container(s).
  • Enable Log Home - Enables the ability to separate the logs directory from the domain directory on the persistent volume.
  • Log Home Path - The path to use for the log home when Enable Log Home is enabled.

The following sections describe the other panes that support configuring the generated Domain resource; they are:

Primary Image to Use for the Domain

This pane focuses on the container primary image to use to run the WebLogic Server domain in a container. If you select Create a New Primary Image, then click Go To Create Primary Image Page to configure the image. For detailed information, see the Image section.

  • When using either “Model in Image” or “Domain in Image” domain location, the Primary Image Tag field is read-only; its value is set using the Image Tag field in the Image section.
  • In the case of “Domain in PV”, the Image Tag field is not read-only and is the place to specify the image to use to run the WebLogic domain’s containers.
  • The read-only Image Registry Address field is populated by parsing the value of the Image Tag field to extract any container image registry address. If the tag has no image registry address, then it is assumed to reside on Docker Hub.

Use the Primary Image Pull Policy field to specify when Kubernetes should pull the image from the specified image registry. The choices are:

  • If Not Present (default) - Only pull the image if it is not already present on the Kubernetes node.
  • Always - Pull the image every time the image is needed to start a container.
  • Never - Never pull the image; this will result in an error if the image is not already present on the Kubernetes node.

If pulling the image from the specified image registry does not require authentication, then Specify Image Pull Credentials should be disabled. When enabled, use the Use Existing Image Pull Secret field to tell the application whether to use an existing image pull secret or create a new one. Specify the image pull secret name in the Image Pull Secret Name field. When creating a new secret, specify the secret data using the Image Registry Pull Username, Image Registry Pull Email Address, and Image Registry Pull Password fields.

Auxiliary Image to Use for the Domain

Under Auxiliary Image Configuration, use the radio buttons to specify whether or not to use an Auxiliary Image (an existing one) or create a new one (the default). If you select Create a New Auxiliary Image, then click Go To Create Auxiliary Image Page to configure the image. For detailed information, see the Image section.

For “Model in Image” domains only, this pane focuses on the container auxiliary image to use for the domain.

  • The Auxiliary Image Tag field is read-only; its value is set using the Auxiliary Image Tag field in the Auxiliary Image page of the Image section.

  • Use the Auxiliary Image Pull Policy field to specify when to pull the domain’s auxiliary image from the image registry. The choices are:

    • If Not Present (default) - Only pull the image if it is not already present.
    • Always - Pull the image every time the image is needed to start a container.
    • Never - Never pull the image; this will result in an error if the image is not already present.

If pulling the image from the specified image registry does not require authentication, then Specify Auxiliary Image Pull Credentials should be disabled. When enabled, use the Use Existing Auxiliary Image Pull Secret field to tell the application whether to use an existing image pull secret or create a new one. Specify the image pull secret name in the Auxiliary Image Pull Secret Name field. When creating a new secret, specify the secret data using the Auxiliary Image Registry Pull Username, Auxiliary Image Registry Pull Email Address, and Auxiliary Image Registry Pull Password fields.


The Clusters pane lists the names of each cluster in the model and lets you adjust the WebLogic Server startup configuration and Kubernetes resource requests and limits. It is currently populated when Prepare Model is run, which means that projects using “Domain in PV” will not have access to adjust the configuration at the cluster level. “Domain in PV” projects can still use the Domain-Wide Server Settings pane under Advanced.

To view or edit the settings for a cluster, select the edit icon at the right end of the cluster’s row in the table. This opens a dialog that shows all the cluster-related fields and their values. The read-only Cluster Name field shows the name of the cluster, as specified in the underlying model.

Use the Replicas field to adjust the number of managed servers that the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator should start when the domain is deployed. The default value for the Replicas field is set based on the maximum number of servers specified by the model:

  • In the case of a static cluster, it will be the number of servers that are configured to be part of the cluster.
  • When using a dynamic cluster, the value is set based on the maximum number of servers that the dynamic cluster allows.
  • This default value also serves as the upper limit for the Replicas field. In other words, you may only reduce the number of replicas. It is not possible to increase the replica count above the maximum limit defined by the model.

Use the Minimum Heap Size and Maximum Heap Size fields to control the amount of Java heap space available for each server in the cluster. Specify any additional Java command-line options with the Additional Java Options field.

Disable debug logging to standard out disables WebLogic Server debug log messages from being written to standard out. In WebLogic Server, there is an issue that impacts the Oracle JDBC driver processing FAN (Fast Application Notification) events from an Oracle Database. To work around this issue, enable Disable Oracle JDBC Support for FAN Events.

Use pseudo-random number generator controls whether WebLogic Server uses the pseudo-random number generator (that is, /dev/urandom) or the regular random number generator (that is, /dev/random). Because the latter is impacted by the available entropy, it can negatively impact performance when running WebLogic Server on a virtual machine or in a container. Because the servers being configured by this application will always be running in a container, the default is set to use the pseudo-random number generator.

The Kubernetes resource requests and limits values help the Kubernetes scheduler determine which node to use to start a container (to ensure there are sufficient resources available for the container to run). The following fields allow these values to be specified:

  • Kubernetes CPU Request - The requested amount of CPU for each managed server’s container.
  • Kubernetes CPU Limit - The maximum amount of CPU each managed server’s container is allowed to use.
  • Kubernetes Memory Request - The requested amount of memory for each managed server’s container.
  • Kubernetes Memory Limit - The maximum amount of memory each managed server’s container is allowed to use.

For more information about these fields and setting their values, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Model Variables Overrides

Use this pane to override values of model variables when using “Model in Image” to customize the model data already set in the image. For example, the image may contain a variable whose value refers to a JDBC URL to connect to a database. Because the image may be used across development, test, and production environments, overriding the JDBC URL to point to the correct database for the environment helps make the same image usable across all three environments. All override values are added to a Kubernetes ConfigMap that is passed to the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator so that it creates the underlying WebLogic Server domain with the correct values for the environment.

If the model has one or more variables, then the Kubernetes Config Map Name field is visible and allows the name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap name to be controlled. The table will be populated with the model variables, as defined by the model variables file. Because the model variables file is typically already set in the image by the time you reach this page, both the Model Variable Name and the Model Variable File Value entries are read-only. Enter an Model Variable Override Value for any variable whose Model Variable File Value should be overridden. Note that the ConfigMap will only be created if one or more variables have an override value specified.


When using “Model in Image”, use this pane to set the value of any secrets referenced in the model (other than the WebLogic administrator credentials secret). The secrets that appear in the table are pulled from the model file directly; as such, the Secret Name field is read-only. Set the appropriate Username and Password field values for each secret in the table. These values are required and will be used to create or update the secret with the specified values.

Runtime Encryption Secret

When using “Model in Image”, the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator requires a runtime encryption secret it uses to encrypt sensitive WebLogic Server domain data stored in Kubernetes. For more information, see Required runtime encryption secret in the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator documentation.

Use the Runtime Encryption Secret Name field to control the name of the secret, if needed. Typically, the default name is sufficient. The Runtime Encryption Secret Value field’s default value is generated but may be changed, if desired.

WebLogic Kubernetes Operator Introspection Configuration

This pane controls the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator introspection job configuration. Use the Introspection Job Active Deadline Seconds field to control how long the operator waits for the introspection job to complete. The application sets the default to 900 seconds (15 minutes); this overrides the underlying default of 120 seconds (2 minutes) built into the operator. As such, clearing the value of this field will cause the effective value to be set to 120 seconds.

Domain-Wide Server Settings

This pane lets you adjust the WebLogic Server startup configuration and Kubernetes resource requests and limits default values for every WebLogic Server container in the WebLogic Server domain. Any fields set here will be applied only if they are not overridden elsewhere. For example, setting the Minimum Heap Size will set WebLogic Server’s minimum heap size to the specified value only if the cluster to which the server belongs does not override the minimum heap size. For typical domains with an Administration Server and one or more clusters, the best practice is to use this section to configure the Administration Server and use the Clusters pane to configure each cluster explicitly.

The fields in this pane have similar meaning to the equivalent fields previously described in Clusters; refer to that section for more information.

Domain-Wide Node Selector

This pane lets you specify the nodes on which to run.

Code View

Code View displays a shell script for deploying the Verrazzano components for this WebLogic domain into Kubernetes and creating its dependent resources as well as the Component Resource YAML definition and the Model Variables Overrides ConfigMap, if applicable.

If it is not already selected, then use the Script Language drop-down menu to choose the desired scripting language. Note that the application is providing a working sample script simply to show how the process might be automated. Before using the script, review the script and make any changes necessary for your environment. One typical change that would be considered a best practice would be to change the script to accept either command-line arguments or externally set environment variables to specify any credentials required by the script to eliminate hard-coding the credentials in the script itself. This change is left as an exercise for you because different environments typically will have existing standards for securely handling such credentials.

Prepare Model

Prepare Model is the same as was previously described in the Model section. It is only surfaced here because the Clusters pane of the Design View is populated only when Prepare Model is run.

Deploy Component

Deploy Component creates the domain custom object and any of its dependent objects (for example, namespace, secrets, ConfigMap) in Kubernetes. You access this action by using the Deploy Component button or the Go > Deploy Verrazzano Component menu item.

Undeploy Component

Undeploy Component removes the domain custom object for the WebLogic domain and its dependent objects in Kubernetes. Undeploying the Verrazzano component will make any Verrazzano applications referencing these components invalid. In addition, you can choose whether to also delete the corresponding namespace. Removing the Verrazzano components' namespace removes all applications, components, secrets, ConfigMaps, and other Kubernetes objects that exist in the Kubernetes namespace. You access these actions by using the Undeploy Component button or the Go > Undeploy Verrazzano Component menu item.