

Verrazzano Application

A Verrazzano application is comprised of Components. Components encapsulate application implementation details. For detailed information, see Applications in the Verrazzano documentation.

The Application section makes it easy to compose an application that includes the Component for the WebLogic domain.

Design View

Design View provides values for defining the application and customizing it for the target environment.

  • Application Name - The name of the Verrazzano application.
  • Application Namespace - The Kubernetes namespace to which the application will be deployed.
  • Application Version - The version annotation value to add to the Verrazzano application.
  • Application Description - The description annotation value to add to the Verrazzano application.
  • Verrazzano Version - Provide the installed Verrazzano version. Click the icon to retrieve the value from the environment.
  • Use Multicluster Application - Select whether to make this a multicluster application.
    • Create Verrazzano Project - To deploy a multicluster application, a Verrazzano Project that includes the current application’s namespace must exist. Select whether to create a new Verrazzano Project.
    • Secret Names - The secret names in the current namespace to associate with the application. To edit this field, click Choose Secrets.
    • Verrazzano Clusters for Application Placement - The Verrazzano cluster names where the application should be placed. To edit this field, click Choose Verrazzano Clusters.


You can apply Traits to customize Components for the environment. Traits customize Component workloads and generate related resources during deployment.

Use the Add Components button to apply Traits to your application:

  • Ingress Trait - provides a simplified integration with the Istio Ingress Gateway included in the Verrazzano platform.
  • Manual Scalar - lets you specify the desired replica count.
  • Metrics Trait - provides a simplified integration with the Prometheus service included in the Verrazzano platform.
  • Logging Trait - contains the configuration for an additional logging sidecar with a custom image and Fluentd configuration file.

Code View

Code View displays a shell script for deploying the application for the WebLogic domain into Verrazzano as well as the application YAML resource definition and project resource, if applicable.

If it is not already selected, then use the Script Language drop-down menu to choose the desired scripting language. Note that the application is providing a working sample script simply to show how the process might be automated. Before using the script, review the script and make any changes necessary for your environment. One typical change that would be considered a best practice would be to change the script to accept either command-line arguments or externally set environment variables to specify any credentials required by the script to eliminate hard-coding the credentials in the script itself. This change is left as an exercise for you because different environments typically will have existing standards for securely handling such credentials.

Deploy Application

Deploy Application deploys the application to Verrazzano. You access this action by using the Deploy Application button or the Go > Deploy Verrazzano Application menu item.

Undeploy Application

Undeploy Application removes the Verrazzano application from the WebLogic domain and its dependent objects in Kubernetes. Undeploying the application stops the pods associated with the application. In addition, you can choose whether to also delete the corresponding namespace. Removing the application namespace removes all applications, components, secrets, ConfigMaps, and other Kubernetes objects that exist in the Kubernetes namespace. You access these actions by using the Undeploy Application button or the Go > Undeploy Verrazzano Application menu item.