Developer Guide

The WebLogic Kubernetes Toolkit UI is a desktop application designed to help WebLogic users move their applications to run in a Kubernetes environment.

Setting up your development environment

  1. Download and install the latest LTS version of node.js from

  2. If you rely on a proxy server to reach the Internet, set these five environment variables to configure the proxy correctly:

  3. Open a command line and run the following command to update the version of npm to the latest:

    sudo npm install --global npm
  4. Set up your global git configuration by running the following commands:

    git config --global "<your real name>"
    git config --global "<your-oracle-email-address>"
    git config --global core.ignoreCase false

    This last command is critical if you are developing on either Windows or macOS. Yes, the macOS file system is, by default, case-insensitive!

  5. Clone the git repository on GitHub at

  6. Open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui directory and run npm install to download and install the JavaScript dependencies required by the project.

  7. Open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/electron directory and run npm run install-tools.

  8. Open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/webui directory and run npm start.

  9. After the server from the previous step is fully running, open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/electron directory and run npm start.

Building a Windows or macOS installer

  1. Set up your development environment and verify that the application is working properly from it.
  2. Open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/electron directory and run npm run build.
  3. Find the executable and installer(s) in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/dist directory.

Building a Linux installer

  1. Set up your development environment and verify that the application is working properly from it.
  2. Open a command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/webui directory and run npm run build:release.
  3. From the command line in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/scripts directory, run ./
  4. Find the executable and installer(s) in the weblogic-toolkit-ui/dist directory.