Block Volume Management

Yo now allows you to manage block volumes. These are useful for a variety of reasons, such as keeping long-term data around after you’ve terminated an instance, or for having a larger storage area without expanding a root device, or possibly for filesystem testing.

OCI has two kinds of volumes: boot volumes, and block volumes. Boot volumes are created from the image you selected when you launch the instance. Block volumes are blank when created, and must be manually attached to the instance.

Once created, volumes can be “attached” in a few ways, but the most common are:

  • “Paravirtualized” - meaning that the hypervisor will create a virtualized disk and notify your instance’s OS that a new disk is available. This is the simplest way to attach block devices, and it’s the default. It shouldn’t require any setup on the instance. However, paravirtualized disks are only available for VM instances, because BM instances don’t have hypervisors.

  • “iSCSI” - meaning that the disk is made available over the iSCSI protocol, but first your instance must be configured to connect to it.

A volume can be attached to more than one instance (if attached in shared mode) and instances may of course be attached to more than one volume.

Yo provides commands to create, list, attach, detach, and delete block devices. For iSCSI disks, these commands can also automatically run commands which will connect the disk.

A note about volume names

If you use yo frequently, you know that it has strong opinions about how to name instances. Yo is the same about block volumes as well: you should prefix them with your global username.

Yo will automatically add that prefix if it isn’t found, and there is currently no --exact-name argument to disable this behavior (but it can be added if absolutely necessary).

However, yo will not attempt to enforce unique naming for your volumes. So, if you create an instance named “stepbren-volume1” and then create a second one named “stepbren-volume1”, yo will not prevent this. The reason is mainly for efficiency: refreshing the volume list is quite slow, even with multiple threads. Thus, you should be careful to avoid duplicate names. If you do create a duplicate, you may need to visit the OCI Web Console to remedy the situation.

yo volume-create

Creates a new, blank block volume. You need to provide at least three arguments:

  • name - we will use this to refer to your volume. This will get automatically prefixed by your username (if not already done), but yo will not check for duplicate names, nor automatically increment trailing numbers.

  • size_gbs - the size, in gigabytes, of your volume.

  • OCI places volumes into a particular availability domain, and they can be accessed only by instances in the same AD. By default, yo uses your default instance profile’s AD. However, you can customize it with the --ad AVAILABILITY_DOMAIN flag. More usefully, you can instead provide --for INSTANCE_NAME to tell yo to use the same availability domain as that instance.

Unlike some of the other commands, yo will always wait for your volume to become ready.

Creating a volume is frequently followed by attaching a volume. So, you can also use the --attach option to attach the volume to an instance after it is created. If you do so, you must use --for to tell yo which instance to attach it to. You can also provide the attachment arguments accepted by yo attach.

yo attach

Given a volume, attach it to a running instance. You need to provide at least two things:

  • volume_name - the name of the volume

  • instance_name - which instance to attach to

The operation won’t succeed if the instances are in different ADs. This command will wait until the attachment succeeds. You can provide the following arguments to customize the block volume attachment (which can also be provided to yo volume-create --attach):

  • --ro - attach read-only

  • --shared - use shared mode, to support attaching to multiple instances

  • --no-setup - do not run setup commands for iSCSI

  • Select the attachment method with one of --iscsi, --pv (default), --emulated, --service-determined. The last two options are provided by the API, but they are not recommended. Please use either --iscsi or --pv for best results.

yo detach

Given a volume, attach it from a specific instance, or all. You should provide at least the volume name, as the first argument. You can specify what to detach by providing one of the two options:

  • --from INSTANCE - detach from a particular instance

  • --all - detach from all instances

By default, yo will run detachment commands from iSCSI instances. To avoid this, use --no-teardown.

yo volume-delete

Delete a volume. Since you typically want to ensure that the volume is detached from all instances prior to this, yo will automatically detach each attachment, that is still connected, including the iSCSI commands as necessary. These can be controlled by --no-detach and --no-teardown respectively.

yo volume-list

List all volumes. This command gives an overview of all volumes, regardless of whether they are attached to anything. The view includes both boot and block volumes.

yo attached

This is the slightly more useful volume listing command, though it is also a bit slower. This lists each instance which has attached boot or block devices (which, of course, is all instances), and then shows their attached devices. Here is an example of the output.

┃ Instance/Volume                     ┃ Kind  ┃ GiB ┃ Volume State ┃ Att. State ┃ Att. Kind       ┃
│ stepbren-ol8-1:                     │       │     │              │            │                 │
│ - stepbren-drgnutils-images-2       │ block │ 512 │ AVAILABLE    │ ATTACHED   │ paravirtualized │
│ - stepbren-ol8-1 (Boot Volume)      │ boot  │ 47  │ AVAILABLE    │ ATTACHED   │ boot            │
│ stepbren-flamescope:                │       │     │              │            │                 │
│ - stepbren-flamescope (Boot Volume) │ boot  │ 47  │ AVAILABLE    │ ATTACHED   │ boot            │
│ stepbren-ol8-3:                     │       │     │              │            │                 │
│ - stepbren-ol8-3 (Boot Volume)      │ boot  │ 47  │ AVAILABLE    │ ATTACHED   │ boot            │
│ stepbren-focal-1:                   │       │     │              │            │                 │
│ - stepbren-focal-1 (Boot Volume)    │ boot  │ 47  │ AVAILABLE    │ ATTACHED   │ boot            │