Inspect Image

The inspect command reports on the contents of a container image providing version and location information for Java and WebLogic installations.

Usage: imagetool inspect [OPTIONS]
Parameter Definition Default
--image, -i (Required) The image ID or image name to be inspected.
--builder, -b Executable to inspect Docker images. Use the full path of the executable if not on your path. Defaults to docker, or, when set, to the value in environment variable WLSIMG_BUILDER.
--format The output format. Supported values: JSON JSON
--patches Include OPatch information in the output, including a list of WebLogic patches that are applied.

Use an argument file

You can save all arguments passed for the Image Tool in a file, then use the file as a parameter.

For example, create a file called build_args:

--image wls:

Use the argument file on the command line, as follows:

$ imagetool @/path/to/build_args

Usage scenarios

  • Inspect an image created with the create command where the latest PSU was applied.

    $ inspect --image example:12214 --patches

    The output will be in JSON format and will be similar to:

      "oraclePatches" : [
          "patch" : "xxxxxxx",
          "description" : "WLS PATCH SET UPDATE"
      "javaHome" : "/u01/jdk",
      "javaVersion" : "1.8.0_xxx",
      "opatchVersion" : "",
      "oracleHome" : "/u01/oracle",
      "oracleHomeGroup" : "oracle",
      "oracleHomeUser" : "oracle",
      "oracleInstalledProducts" : "WLS,COH,TOPLINK",
      "packageManager" : "YUM",
      "wlsVersion" : ""
  • Inspect the same image without the optional --patches switch.

    $ inspect --image example:12214

    The output will be in JSON format and will be similar to:

      "javaHome" : "/u01/jdk",
      "javaVersion" : "1.8.0_xxx",
      "oracleHome" : "/u01/oracle",
      "oracleHomeGroup" : "oracle",
      "oracleHomeUser" : "oracle",
      "oracleInstalledProducts" : "WLS,COH,TOPLINK",
      "packageManager" : "YUM",
      "wlsVersion" : ""