
  • A container image client on the build machine, such as Docker or Podman.
    • For Docker, a minimum version of 18.03.1.ce is required.
    • For Podman, a minimum version of 3.0.1 is required.
  • An installed version of Java to run Image Tool, version 8+.
  • Installers for Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle JDK from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud for installation into the new image.
  • When using the imagetool alias from instead of the shell script (, Bash version 4.0 or later is required for <tab> command completion.
  • When using any of the patching options, --patches, --recommendedPatches, or --latestPSU, you will need to provide Oracle Support credentials.

The WebLogic Image Tool does not support a Stack Patch Bundle (SPB; see Doc ID 2764636.1), because an SPB is not a patch but a mechanism for applying all PSU and recommended CPU and SPU patches to a WebLogic Server installation, similar to invoking the Image Tool create or update command with the --recommendedPatches option.