Using private clusters

Note: This section has to be used only if the CAPOCI manages the workload cluster VCN. If externally managed VCN is used, this section is not applicable.

Example Spec for private cluster

CAPOCI supports private clusters where the Kubernetes API Server Endpoint is a private IP Address and is accessible only within the VCN or peered VCNs. In order to use private clusters, the control plane endpoint subnet has to be marked as private. An example spec is given below.

kind: OCICluster
  labels: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
  name: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
  compartmentId: "${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID}"
        - cidr:
          name: control-plane-endpoint
          role: control-plane-endpoint
          type: private
        - cidr:
          name: control-plane
          role: control-plane
          type: private
        - cidr:
          name: service-lb
          role: service-lb
          type: public
        - cidr:
          name: worker
          role: worker
          type: private

Example spec for VCN Peering using Dynamic Routing Gateway (Local)

While using private clusters, the management cluster needs to talk to the workload cluster. If the management cluster and workload cluster are in separate VCN, the VCN peering can be used to connect the management and workload cluster VCNS. CAPOCI supports peering of the workload cluster VCN with another VCN in the same region using Dynamic Routing Gateway.

In case of local VCN peering, a DRG OCID has to be provided and CAPOCI will attach the workload cluster VCN to the provided DRG. The recommendation is to attach the management cluster VCN also to the same DRG so that the VCNs are peered to each other. For more details see Local VCN Peering using Local Peering Gateways.

An example template for this cluster-template-local-vcn-peering.yaml can be found in the Assets section under the CAPOCI release page.

In order to use the template, the following Cluster API parameters have to be set in addition to the common parameters explained in the Workload Cluster Parameters table.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
DRG_IDOCID of the DRG to which the worklaod cluster will be attached.

Example spec for VCN Peering using Dynamic Routing Gateway (Remote)

If the management cluster and workload cluster are in different OCI regions, then DRG can still be used. In this case, in addition to VCN attachment, Remote Peering Connection (RPC) has to be used.

In case of remote VCN peering, a DRG will be created by CAPOCI, and the workload cluster VCN will be attached to the DRG. In addition, a remote DRG has to be provided. CAPOCI will create RPC in the local and remote VCN and connection will be established between the RPCs.

An example template for this cluster-template-remote-vcn-peering.yaml can be found in the Assets section under the CAPOCI release page.

In order to use the template, the following Cluster API parameters have to be set in addition to the common parameters explained in the Workload Cluster Parameters table. Typically, the peer DRG refers to the DRG to which the management cluster VCN is attached.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
PEER_DRG_IDOCID of the peer DRG to which the local DRG will be peered.
PEER_REGION_NAMEThe region to which the peer DRG belongs.