Create a workload cluster

Workload Cluster Templates

Choose one of the available templates for to create your workload clusters from the latest released artifacts. Please note that the templates provided are to be considered as references and can be customized further as the [CAPOCI API Reference][api-reference]. Each workload cluster template can be further configured with the parameters below.

Workload Cluster Parameters

The following Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) configuration parameters are available when creating a workload cluster on OCI using one of our predefined templates:

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
OCI_COMPARTMENT_IDThe OCID of the compartment in which to create the required compute, storage and network resources.
OCI_IMAGE_IDThe OCID of the image for the kubernetes nodes. This same image is used for both the control plane and the worker nodes.
OCI_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_TYPEVM.Standard.E4.FlexThe shape of the Kubernetes control plane machine.
OCI_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_TYPE_OCPUS1The number of OCPUs allocated to the control plane instance.
OCI_NODE_MACHINE_TYPEVM.Standard.E4.FlexThe shape of the Kubernetes worker machine.
OCI_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE_OCPUS1The number of OCPUs allocated to the worker instance.
OCI_SSH_KEYThe public SSH key to be added to the Kubernetes nodes. It can be used to login to the node and troubleshoot failures.
OCI_CONTROL_PLANE_PV_TRANSIT_ENCRYPTIONtrueEnables in-flight Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 encryption of data between control plane nodes and their associated block storage devices.
OCI_NODE_PV_TRANSIT_ENCRYPTIONtrueEnables in-flight Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 encryption of data between worker nodes and their associated block storage devices.

Note: Only specific bare metal shapes support in-transit encryption. If an unsupported shape is specified, the deployment will fail completely.

Note: Using the predefined templates the machine's memory size is automatically allocated based on the chosen shape and OCPU count.

The following Cluster API parameters are also available:

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
CLUSTER_NAMEThe name of the workload cluster to create.
CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_COUNT1The number of control plane machines for the workload cluster.
KUBERNETES_VERSIONThe Kubernetes version installed on the workload cluster nodes. If this environment variable is not configured, the version must be specified in the .cluster-api/clusterctl.yaml file
NAMESPACEThe namespace for the workload cluster. If not specified, the current namespace is used.
POD_CIDR192.168.0.0/16CIDR range of the Kubernetes pod-to-pod network.
SERVICE_CIDR10.128.0.0/12CIDR range of the Kubernetes pod-to-services network.
NODE_MACHINE_COUNTThe number of worker machines for the workload cluster.

Create a new workload cluster on virtual instances using an Ubuntu custom image

The following command will create a workload cluster comprising a single control plane node and single worker node using the default values as specified in the preceding Workload Cluster Parameters table:

OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment-id> \
OCI_IMAGE_ID=<ubuntu-custom-image-id> \
OCI_SSH_KEY=<ssh-key>  \
NAMESPACE=default \
clusterctl generate cluster <cluster-name>\
--from cluster-template.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Create a new workload cluster on bare metal instances using an Ubuntu custom image

The following command uses the OCI_CONTROL_PLANE_MACHINE_TYPE and OCI_NODE_MACHINE_TYPE parameters to specify bare metal shapes instead of using CAPOCI's default virtual instance shape. The OCI_CONTROL_PLANE_PV_TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION and OCI_NODE_PV_TRANSIT_ENCRYPTION parameters disable encryption of data in flight between the bare metal instance and the block storage resources.

OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment-id> \
OCI_IMAGE_ID=<ubuntu-custom-image-id> \
OCI_SSH_KEY=<ssh-key>  \
NAMESPACE=default \
clusterctl generate cluster <cluster-name>\
--from cluster-template.yaml| kubectl apply -f -

Create a new workload cluster on virtual instances using an Oracle Linux custom image

OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment-id> \
OCI_IMAGE_ID=<oracle-linux-custom-image-id> \
OCI_SSH_KEY=<ssh-key>  \
NAMESPACE=default \
clusterctl generate cluster <cluster-name>\
--from cluster-template-oraclelinux.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Create a workload cluster in an alternative region

CAPOCI provides a way to launch and manage your workload cluster in multiple regions. Choose the cluster-template-alternative-region.yaml template when creating your workload clusters from the latest released artifacts. Currently, the other templates do not support the ability to change the workload cluster region.

Each cluster can be further configured with the parameters defined in Workload Cluster Parameters and additionally with the parameter below.

ParameterDefault ValueDescription
OCI_WORKLOAD_REGIONConfigured as OCI_REGIONThe OCI region in which to launch the workload cluster.

The following example configures the CAPOCI provider to authenticate in us-phoenix-1 and launch a workload cluster in us-sanjose-1.

Note: Ensure the specified image is available in your chosen region or the launch will fail.

To configure authentication for management cluster, follow the steps in Configure authentication.

Extend the preceding configuration with the following additional configuration parameter and initialize the CAPOCI provider.

export OCI_REGION=us-phoenix-1
clusterctl init --infrastructure oci

Create a new workload cluster in San Jose (us-sanjose-1) by explicitly setting the OCI_WORKLOAD_REGION environment variable when invoking clusterctl:

OCI_WORKLOAD_REGION=us-sanjose-1 \
OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment-id> \
OCI_IMAGE_ID=<in-region-custom-image-id> \
OCI_SSH_KEY=<ssh-key>  \
NAMESPACE=default \
clusterctl generate cluster <cluster-name>\
--from cluster-template-alternative-region.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Access workload cluster Kubeconfig

Execute the following command to list all the workload clusters present:

kubectl get clusters -A

Execute the following command to access the kubeconfig of a workload cluster:

clusterctl get kubeconfig <cluster-name> -n default > <cluster-name>.kubeconfig

Install a CNI Provider

After creating a workload cluster, a CNI provider must be installed in the workload cluster. Until you install a a CNI provider, the cluster nodes will not go into the Ready state.

For example, you can install Calico as follows:

kubectl --kubeconfig=<cluster-name>.kubeconfig \
  apply -f

You can use your preferred CNI provider. Currently, the following providers have been tested and verified to work:

CNICNI VersionKubernetes VersionCAPOCI Version

If you have tested an alternative CNI provider and verified it to work, please send us a PR to add it to the list.

If you have an issue with your alternative CNI provider, please raise an issue on GitHub.

Install OCI Cloud Controller Manager and CSI in a self-provisioned cluster

By default, the OCI Cloud Controller Manager (CCM) is not installed into a workload cluster. To install the OCI CCM, follow these instructions.