Externally managed Cluster infrastructure

By default, Cluster API will create resources on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) when instantiating a new workload cluster. However, it is possible to have Cluster API re-use an existing OCI infrastructure instead of creating a new one. The existing infrastructure could include:

  1. Virtual cloud networks (VCNs)
  2. Network load balancers used as Kubernetes API Endpoint

Example spec for externally managed VCN infrastructure

CAPOCI can be used to create a cluster using existing VCN infrastructure. In this case, only the API Server Load Balancer will be managed by CAPOCI.

Example spec is given below

apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: OCICluster
  name: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
  compartmentId: "${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID}"
    skipNetworkManagement: true
      id: <Insert VCN OCID Here>
          - id: <Insert Control Plane Endpoint NSG OCID Here>
            role: control-plane-endpoint
            name: control-plane-endpoint
          - id: <Insert Worker NSG OCID Here>
            role: worker
            name: worker
          - id: <Insert Control Plane NSG OCID Here>
            role: control-plane
            name: control-plane
        - id: <Insert Control Plane Endpoint Subnet OCID Here>
          role: control-plane-endpoint
          name: control-plane-endpoint
        - id: <Insert Worker Subnet OCID Here>
          role: worker
          name: worker
        - id: <Insert control Plane Subnet OCID Here>
          role: control-plane
          name: control-plane

In the above spec, note that name has to be mentioned for Subnet/NSG. This is so that Kubernetes can merge the list properly when there is an update.

Example OCICluster Spec with external infrastructure

CAPOCI supports externally managed cluster infrastructure.

If the OCICluster resource includes a cluster.x-k8s.io/managed-by annotation, then the controller will skip any reconciliation.

This is useful for scenarios where a different persona is managing the cluster infrastructure out-of-band while still wanting to use CAPOCI for automated machine management.

The following OCICluster Spec includes the mandatory fields to be specified for externally managed infrastructure to work properly. In this example neither the VCN nor the network load balancer will be managed by CAPOCI.

apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: OCICluster
    cluster.x-k8s.io/cluster-name: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
    cluster.x-k8s.io/managed-by: "external"
  name: "${CLUSTER_NAME}"
  compartmentId: "${OCI_COMPARTMENT_ID}"
    host: <Control Plane Endpoint Address should go here>
    port: 6443
      loadBalancerId: <OCID of Control Plane Endpoint LoadBalancer>
      id: <OCID of VCN>
          - id: <OCID of Control Plane NSG>
            name: <Name of Control Plane NSG>
            role: control-plane
          - id: <OCID of Worker NSG>
            name: <Name of Worker NSG>
            role: worker
        - id: <OCID of Control Plane Subnet>
          role: control-plane
        - id: <OCID of Worker Subnet>
          role: worker


As per the Cluster API Provider specification, the OCICluster Status Object has to be updated with ready status as well as the failure domain mapping. This has to be done after the OCICluster object has been created in the management cluster. The following cURL request illustrates this:

Get a list of Availability Domains of the region:

oci iam availability-domain list


Review the OCI CLI documentation for more information regarding this tool.

For 1-AD regions, use the following cURL command to update the status object:

curl -o  -s -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/json, */*" \
-H "Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json" \
--cacert ca.crt \
--cert client.crt \
--key client.key \
https://<management-plane-api-endpoint>/apis/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta2/namespaces/<cluster-namespace>/ociclusters/<cluster-name>/status \
--data '{"status":{"ready":true,"failureDomains":{"1":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:AP-HYDERABAD-1-AD-1","FaultDomain":"FAULT-DOMAIN-1"},"controlPlane":true},"2":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:AP-HYDERABAD-1-AD-1","FaultDomain":"FAULT-DOMAIN-2"},"controlPlane":true},"3":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:AP-HYDERABAD-1-AD-1","FaultDomain":"FAULT-DOMAIN-3"}}}}}'

For 3-AD regions, use the following cURL command to update the status object:

curl -o  -s -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/json, */*" \
-H "Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json" \
--cacert ca.crt \
--cert client.crt \
--key client.key \
https://<management-plane-api-endpoint>/apis/infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta2/namespaces/<cluster-namespace>/ociclusters/<cluster-name>/status \
--data '{"status":{"ready":true,"failureDomains":{"1":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:US-ASHBURN-1-AD-1"},"controlPlane":true},"2":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:US-ASHBURN-1-AD-2"},"controlPlane":true},"3":{"attributes":{"AvailabilityDomain":"zkJl:US-ASHBURN-1-AD-3"}}}}}'