Create a workload cluster with MachineHealthChecks (MHC)

To better understand MachineHealthChecks please read over the Cluster-API book and make sure to read the limitations sections.

Create a new workload cluster with MHC

In the project's code repository we provide an example template that sets up two MachineHealthChecks at workload creation time. The example sets up two MHCs to allow differing remediation values:

  • control-plane-unhealthy-5m setups a health check for the control plane machines
  • md-unhealthy-5m sets up a health check for the workload machines

NOTE: As a part of the example template the MHCs will start remediating nodes that are not ready after 10 minutes. In order prevent this side effect make sure to install your CNI once the API is available. This will move the machines into a Ready state.

Add MHC to existing workload cluster

Another approach is to install MHC after the cluster is up and healthy (aka Day-2 Operation). This can prevent machine remediation while setting up the cluster.

Adding the MHC to either control-plane or machine is a multistep process. The steps are run on specific clusters (e.g. management cluster, workload cluster):

  1. Update the spec for future instances (management cluster)
  2. Add label to existing nodes (workload cluster)
  3. Add the MHC (management cluster)

Add control-plane MHC

Update control plane spec

We need to add the controlplane.remediation label to the KubeadmControlPlane.

Create a file named control-plane-patch.yaml that has this content:

        controlplane.remediation: ""

Then on the management cluster run kubectl patch KubeadmControlPlane <your-cluster-name>-control-plane --patch-file control-plane-patch.yaml --type=merge.

Add label to existing nodes

Then on the workload cluster add the new label to any existing control-plane node(s) kubectl label node <control-plane-name> controlplane.remediation="". This will prevent the KubeadmControlPlane provisioning new nodes once the MHC is deployed.

Add the MHC

Finally, create a file named control-plane-mhc.yaml that has this content:

kind: MachineHealthCheck
  name: "<your-cluster-name>-control-plane-unhealthy-5m"
  clusterName: "<your-cluster-name>"
  maxUnhealthy: 100%
  nodeStartupTimeout: 10m
      controlplane.remediation: ""
    - type: Ready
      status: Unknown
      timeout: 300s
    - type: Ready
      status: "False"
      timeout: 300s

Then on the management cluster run kubectl apply -f control-plane-mhc.yaml.

Then run kubectl get machinehealthchecks to check your MachineHealthCheck sees the expected machines.

Add machine MHC

Update machine spec

We need to add the machine.remediation label to the MachineDeployment.

Create a file named machine-patch.yaml that has this content:

        machine.remediation: ""

Then on the management cluster run kubectl patch MachineDeployment oci-cluster-stage-md-0 --patch-file machine-patch.yaml --type=merge.

Add label to existing nodes

Then on the workload cluster add the new label to any existing control-plane node(s) kubectl label node <machine-name> machine.remediation="". This will prevent the MachineDeployment provisioning new nodes once the MHC is deployed.

Add the MHC

Finally, create a file named machine-mhc.yaml that has this content:

kind: MachineHealthCheck
  name: "<your-cluster-name>-stage-md-unhealthy-5m"
  clusterName: "oci-cluster-stage"
  maxUnhealthy: 100%
  nodeStartupTimeout: 10m
      machine.remediation: ""
    - type: Ready
      status: Unknown
      timeout: 300s
    - type: Ready
      status: "False"
      timeout: 300s

Then on the management cluster run kubectl apply -f machine-mhc.yaml.

Then run kubectl get machinehealthchecks to check your MachineHealthCheck sees the expected machines.