
Prerequisites for all domain types

  1. Choose the type of domain you’re going to use throughout the sample, WLS or JRF.

    • The first time you try this sample, we recommend that you choose WLS even if you’re familiar with JRF.
    • This is because WLS is simpler and will more easily familiarize you with Model in Image concepts.
    • We recommend choosing JRF only if you are already familiar with JRF, you have already tried the WLS path through this sample, and you have a definite use case where you need to use JRF.
  2. The JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set and must reference a valid JDK 8 or 11 installation.

  3. Get the operator source and put it in /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator.

    For example:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ git clone --branch v3.4.7

    Note: We will refer to the top directory of the operator source tree as /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator; however, you can use a different location.

    For additional information about obtaining the operator source, see the Developer Guide Requirements.

  4. Copy the sample to a new directory; for example, use directory /tmp/mii-sample.

    $ mkdir /tmp/mii-sample
    $ cp -r /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-weblogic-domain/model-in-image/* /tmp/mii-sample

    Note: We will refer to this working copy of the sample as /tmp/mii-sample; however, you can use a different location.

  5. Make sure an operator is set up to manage namespace sample-domain1-ns. Also, make sure a Traefik ingress controller is managing the same namespace and listening on port 30305.

    For example, follow the same steps as the Quick Start guide up through the Prepare for a domain step.

    Make sure you stop when you complete the “Prepare for a domain” step and then resume following these instructions.

  6. Set up ingresses that will redirect HTTP from Traefik port 30305 to the clusters in this sample’s WebLogic domains.

    • Option 1: To create the ingresses, use the following YAML file to create a file called /tmp/mii-sample/ingresses/myingresses.yaml and then call kubectl apply -f /tmp/mii-sample/ingresses/myingresses.yaml:

      kind: IngressRoute
        name: traefik-ingress-sample-domain1-admin-server
        namespace: sample-domain1-ns
          weblogic.domainUID: sample-domain1
        - kind: Rule
          match: PathPrefix(`/console`)
          - kind: Service
            name: sample-domain1-admin-server
            port: 7001
      kind: IngressRoute
        name: traefik-ingress-sample-domain1-cluster-cluster-1
        namespace: sample-domain1-ns
          weblogic.domainUID: sample-domain1
        - kind: Rule
          match: Host(``)
          - kind: Service
            name: sample-domain1-cluster-cluster-1
            port: 8001
      kind: IngressRoute
        name: traefik-ingress-sample-domain2-cluster-cluster-1
        namespace: sample-domain1-ns
          weblogic.domainUID: sample-domain2
        - kind: Rule
          match: Host(``)
          - kind: Service
            name: sample-domain2-cluster-cluster-1
            port: 8001
    • Option 2: Run kubectl apply -f on each of the ingress YAML files that are already included in the sample source /tmp/mii-sample/ingresses directory:

      $ cd /tmp/mii-sample/ingresses
      $ kubectl apply -f traefik-ingress-sample-domain1-admin-server.yaml
      $ kubectl apply -f traefik-ingress-sample-domain1-cluster-cluster-1.yaml
      $ kubectl apply -f traefik-ingress-sample-domain2-cluster-cluster-1.yaml

    NOTE: We give each cluster ingress a different host name that is decorated using both its operator domain UID and its cluster name. This makes each cluster uniquely addressable even when cluster names are the same across different clusters. When using curl to access the WebLogic domain through the ingress, you will need to supply a host name header that matches the host names in the ingress.

    For more information on ingresses and load balancers, see Ingress.

  7. Obtain the WebLogic image that is required to create the sample’s model images.

    a. Use a browser to access Oracle Container Registry.

    b. Choose an image location: for JRF domains, select Middleware, then fmw-infrastructure; for WLS domains, select Middleware, then weblogic.

    c. Select Sign In and accept the license agreement.

    d. Use your terminal to log in to the container registry: docker login

    e. Later in this sample, when you run WebLogic Image Tool commands, the tool will use the image as a base image for creating model images. Specifically, the tool will implicitly call docker pull for one of the above licensed images as specified in the tool’s command line using the --fromImage parameter. For JRF, this sample specifies, and for WLS, the sample specifies

    The example base images are General Availability (GA) images that are suitable for demonstration and development purposes only where the environments are not available from the public Internet; they are not acceptable for production use. In production, you should always use CPU (patched) images from OCR or create your images using the WebLogic Image Tool (WIT) with the --recommendedPatches option. For more guidance, see Apply the Latest Patches and Updates in Securing a Production Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  8. Download the latest WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) and WebLogic Image Tool (WIT) installer ZIP files to your /tmp/mii-sample/model-images directory. Both WDT and WIT are required to create your Model in Image container images.

    $ cd /tmp/mii-sample/model-images
    $ curl -m 120 -fL \
      -o /tmp/mii-sample/model-images/
    $ curl -m 120 -fL \
      -o /tmp/mii-sample/model-images/
  9. To set up the WebLogic Image Tool, run the following commands:

    $ cd /tmp/mii-sample/model-images
    $ unzip
    $ ./imagetool/bin/ cache deleteEntry --key wdt_latest
    $ ./imagetool/bin/ cache addInstaller \
      --type wdt \
      --version latest \
      --path /tmp/mii-sample/model-images/

    Note that the WebLogic Image Tool cache deleteEntry command does nothing if the wdt_latest key doesn’t have a corresponding cache entry. It is included because the WIT cache lookup information is stored in the $HOME/cache/.metadata file by default, and if the cache already has a version of WDT in its --type wdt --version latest location, then the cache addInstaller command would fail. For more information about the WIT cache, see the WIT Cache documentation.

    These steps will install WIT to the /tmp/mii-sample/model-images/imagetool directory, plus put a wdt_latest entry in the tool’s cache which points to the WDT ZIP file installer. You will use WIT and its cached reference to the WDT installer later in the sample for creating model images.

Additional prerequisites for JRF domains

NOTE: If you’re using a WLS domain type, skip this section and continue here.

JRF Prerequisites Contents

Introduction to JRF setups

NOTE: The requirements in this section are in addition to Prerequisites for all domain types.

A JRF domain requires an infrastructure database, initializing this database with RCU, and configuring your domain to access this database. You must perform all these steps before you create your domain.

Set up and initialize an infrastructure database

A JRF domain requires an infrastructure database and requires initializing this database with a schema and a set of tables for each different domain. The following example shows how to set up a database and use the RCU tool to create the infrastructure schemas for two JRF domains. The database is set up with the following attributes:

Attribute Value
database Kubernetes namespace default
database Kubernetes pod oracle-db
database image
database password Oradoc_db1
infrastructure schema prefixes FMW1 and FMW2 (for domain1 and domain2)
infrastructure schema password Oradoc_db1
database URL oracle-db.default.svc.cluster.local:1521/devpdb.k8s
  1. Ensure that you have access to the database image, and then create a deployment using it:

    • Use a browser to log in to, select Database -> enterprise and accept the license agreement.

    • Get the database image:

      • In the local shell, docker login
      • In the local shell, docker pull
    • Use the sample script in /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-oracle-db-service to create an Oracle database running in the pod, oracle-db.

      $ cd /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-oracle-db-service

      This script will deploy a database in the default namespace with the connect string oracle-db.default.svc.cluster.local:1521/devpdb.k8s, and administration password Oradoc_db1.

      This step is based on the steps documented in Run a Database.

      NOTE: If your Kubernetes cluster nodes do not all have access to the database image in a local cache, then deploy a Kubernetes docker secret to the default namespace with login credentials for, and pass the name of this secret as a parameter to using -s your-image-pull-secret. Alternatively, copy the database image to each local Docker cache in the cluster. For more information, see the Cannot pull image FAQ.

      WARNING: The Oracle Database images are supported only for non-production use. For more details, see My Oracle Support note: Oracle Support for Database Running on Docker (Doc ID 2216342.1).

  2. Use the sample script in /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-rcu-schema to create an RCU schema for each domain (schema prefixes FMW1 and FMW2).

    Note that this script assumes Oradoc_db1 is the DBA password, Oradoc_db1 is the schema password, and that the database URL is oracle-db.default.svc.cluster.local:1521/devpdb.k8s.

    $ cd /tmp/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-rcu-schema
    $ ./ -s FMW1 -i
    $ ./ -s FMW2 -i

    NOTE: If your Kubernetes cluster nodes do not all have access to the FMW infrastructure image in a local cache, then deploy a Kubernetes docker secret to the default namespace with login credentials for, and pass the name of this secret as a parameter to ./ using -p your-image-pull-secret. Alternatively, copy the FMW infrastructure image to each local Docker cache in the cluster. For more information, see the Cannot pull image FAQ.

    NOTE: If you need to drop the repository, use this command:

    $ -s FMW1
Increase introspection job timeout

The JRF domain home creation can take more time than the introspection job’s default timeout. You should increase the timeout for the introspection job. Use the configuration.introspectorJobActiveDeadlineSeconds in your Domain to override the default with a value of at least 300 seconds (the default is 120 seconds). Note that the JRF versions of the Domain YAML files that are provided in /tmp/mii-sample/domain-resources already set this value.

Important considerations for RCU model attributes, Domain fields, and secrets

To allow Model in Image to access the database and OPSS wallet, you must create an RCU access secret containing the database connect string, user name, and password that’s referenced from your model and an OPSS wallet password secret that’s referenced from your Domain before deploying your domain. It’s also necessary to define an RCUDbInfo stanza in your model.

The sample includes examples of JRF models and Domain YAML files in the /tmp/mii-sample/model-images and /tmp/mii-sample/domain-resources directories, and instructions in the following sections will describe setting up the RCU and OPSS secrets.

When you follow the instructions in the samples, avoid instructions that are WLS only, and substitute JRF for WLS in the corresponding model image tags and Domain YAML file names.

For example, in this sample:

  • JRF Domain YAML files have an configuration.opss.walletPasswordSecret field that references a secret named sample-domain1-opss-wallet-password-secret, with walletPassword=welcome1.

  • JRF image models have a domainInfo -> RCUDbInfo stanza that reference a sample-domain1-rcu-access secret with appropriate values for attributes rcu_prefix, rcu_schema_password, and rcu_db_conn_string for accessing the Oracle database that you deployed to the default namespace as one of the prerequisite steps.

Important considerations for reusing or sharing OPSS tables

We do not recommend that users share OPSS tables. Extreme caution is required when sharing OPSS tables between domains.

When you successfully deploy your JRF Domain YAML file for the first time, the introspector job will initialize the OPSS tables for the domain using the domainInfo -> RCUDbInfo stanza in the WDT model plus the configuration.opss.walletPasswordSecret specified in the Domain YAML file. The job will also create a new domain home. Finally, the operator will also capture an OPSS wallet file from the new domain’s local directory and place this file in a new Kubernetes ConfigMap.

There are scenarios when the domain needs to be recreated between updates, such as when WebLogic credentials are changed, security roles defined in the WDT model have been changed, or you want to share the same infrastructure tables with different domains. In these scenarios, the operator needs the walletPasswordSecret as well as the OPSS wallet file, together with the exact information in domainInfo -> RCUDbInfo so that the domain can be recreated and access the same set of tables. Without the wallet file and wallet password, you will not be able to recreate a domain accessing the same set of tables, therefore we strongly recommend that you back up the wallet file.

To recover a domain’s OPSS tables between domain restarts or to share an OPSS schema between different domains, it is necessary to extract this wallet file from the domain’s automatically deployed introspector ConfigMap and save the OPSS wallet password secret that was used for the original domain. The wallet password and wallet file are needed again when you recreate the domain or share the database with other domains.

To save the wallet file, assuming that your namespace is sample-domain1-ns and your domain UID is sample-domain1:

  $ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns \
    get configmap sample-domain1-weblogic-domain-introspect-cm \
    -o jsonpath='{.data.ewallet\.p12}' \
    > ./ewallet.p12

Alternatively, you can save the file using the sample’s wallet utility:

  $ /tmp/mii-sample/utils/ -n sample-domain1-ns -d sample-domain1 -wf ./ewallet.p12
  # For help: /tmp/mii-sample/utils/ -?

Important! Back up your wallet file to a safe location that can be retrieved later.

To reuse the wallet file in subsequent redeployments or to share the domain’s OPSS tables between different domains:

  1. Load the saved wallet file into a secret with a key named walletFile (again, assuming that your domain UID is sample-domain1 and your namespace is sample-domain1-ns):
$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns create secret generic sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret \
$ kubectl -n sample-domain1-ns label secret sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret \

Alternatively, use the sample’s wallet utility:

  $ /tmp/mii-sample/utils/ -n sample-domain1-ns -d sample-domain1 -wf ./ewallet.p12 -ws sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret
  # For help: /tmp/mii-sample/utils/ -?
  1. Modify your Domain JRF YAML files to provide the wallet file secret name, for example:
      # Name of secret with walletPassword for extracting the wallet
      walletPasswordSecret: sample-domain1-opss-wallet-password-secret
      # Name of secret with walletFile containing base64 encoded opss wallet
      walletFileSecret: sample-domain1-opss-walletfile-secret

NOTE: The sample JRF Domain YAML files included in /tmp/mii-sample/domain-resources already have the above YAML file stanza.