Coherence requirements

If you are running Coherence on Kubernetes, either inside a WebLogic domain or standalone, then there are some additional requirements to make sure that Coherence can form clusters.

Note that some Fusion Middleware products, like SOA Suite, use Coherence and so these requirements apply to them.

Unicast and Well Known Address

When the first Coherence process starts, it will form a cluster. The next Coherence process to start (for example, in a different pod), will use UDP to try to contact the senior member.

If you create a WebLogic domain which contains a Coherence cluster using the samples provided in this project, then that cluster will be configured correctly so that it is able to form; you do not need to do any additional manual configuration.

If you are running Coherence standalone (outside a WebLogic domain), then you should configure Coherence to use unicast and provide a “well known address (WKA)” so that all members can find the senior member. Most Kubernetes overlay network providers do not support multicast.

This is done by specifying Coherence well known addresses in a variable named coherence.wka as shown in the following example:


In this example my-cluster-service should be the name of the Kubernetes service that is pointing to all of the members of that Coherence cluster.

For more information about running Coherence in Kubernetes outside of a WebLogic domain, refer to the Coherence operator documentation.

Operating system library requirements

In order for Coherence clusters to form correctly, the conntrack library must be installed. Most Kubernetes distributions will do this for you. If you have issues with clusters not forming, then you should check that conntrack is installed using this command (or equivalent):

$ rpm -qa | grep conntrack

You should see output similar to that shown above. If you do not, then you should install conntrack using your operating system tools.

Firewall (iptables) requirements

Some Kubernetes distributions create iptables rules that block some types of traffic that Coherence requires to form clusters. If you are not able to form clusters, then you can check for this issue using the following command:

$ iptables -t nat -v  -L POST_public_allow -n
Chain POST_public_allow (1 references)
pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
164K   11M MASQUERADE  all  --  *      !lo  
   0     0 MASQUERADE  all  --  *      !lo  

If you see output similar to the example above, for example, if you see any entries in this chain, then you need to remove them. You can remove the entries using this command:

$ iptables -t nat -v -D POST_public_allow 1

Note that you will need to run that command for each line. So in the example above, you would need to run it twice.

After you are done, you can run the previous command again and verify that the output is now an empty list.

After making this change, restart your domains and the Coherence cluster should now form correctly.

Make iptables updates permanent across reboots

The recommended way to make iptables updates permanent across reboots is to create a systemd service that applies the necessary updates during the startup process.

Here is an example; you may need to adjust this to suit your own environment:

  • Create a systemd service:
$ echo 'Set up systemd service to fix iptables nat chain at each reboot (so Coherence will work)...'
$ mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/
$ cat > /etc/systemd/system/fix-iptables.service << EOF
Description=Fix iptables


  • Create the script to update iptables:
$ cat > /sbin/ << EOF
echo 'Fixing iptables rules for Coherence issue...'
TIMES=$((`iptables -t nat -v -L POST_public_allow -n --line-number | wc -l` - 2))
while [ $COUNTER -le $TIMES ]; do
  iptables -t nat -v -D POST_public_allow 1
  • Start the service (or just reboot):
$ echo 'Start the systemd service to fix iptables nat chain...'
$ systemctl enable --now fix-iptables