Startup and shutdown



There are fields on the Domain that specify which servers should be running, which servers should be restarted, and the desired initial state. To start, stop, or restart servers, modify these fields on the Domain (for example, by using kubectl or the Kubernetes REST API). The operator will detect the changes and apply them. Beginning with operator version 2.2.0, there are now fields to control server shutdown handling, such as whether the shutdown will be graceful, the timeout, and if in-flight sessions are given the opportunity to complete.

Starting and stopping servers

The serverStartPolicy and replicas fields of the Domain controls which servers should be running. The operator monitors these fields and creates or deletes the corresponding WebLogic Server instance Pods.

Do not use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to start or stop servers.

serverStartPolicy rules

You can specify the serverStartPolicy property at the domain, cluster, and server levels. Each level supports a different set of values.

Available serverStartPolicy values

Level Default Value Supported Values

Administration Server start and stop rules

Domain Admin Server Started / Stopped
NEVER any value Stopped

Standalone Managed Server start and stop rules

Domain Standalone Server Started / Stopped
ADMIN_ONLY, NEVER any value Stopped

Clustered Managed Server start and stop rules

Domain Cluster Clustered Server Started / Stopped
ADMIN_ONLY, NEVER any value any value Stopped
IF_NEEDED NEVER any value Stopped
IF_NEEDED IF_NEEDED IF_NEEDED Started if needed to get to the cluster’s replicas count

Servers configured as ALWAYS count toward the cluster’s replicas count.

If more servers are configured as ALWAYS than the cluster’s replicas count, they will all be started and the replicas count will be exceeded.

Server start state

For some use cases, such as an externally managed zero downtime patching (ZDP), it may be necessary to start WebLogic Server instances so that at the end of its startup process, the server is in an administrative state. This can be achieved using the serverStartState field, which is available at domain, cluster, and server levels. When serverStartState is set to ADMIN, then servers will progress only to the administrative state. Then you could use the WebLogic Server Administration Console, REST API, or a WLST script to make any necessary updates before advancing the server to the running state.

Changes to the serverStartState property do not affect already started servers.

Common starting and stopping scenarios

Normal running state

Normally, the Administration Server, all of the standalone Managed Servers, and enough Managed Servers members in each cluster to satisfy its replicas count, should be started. In this case, the Domain does not need to specify serverStartPolicy, or list any clusters or servers, but it does need to specify a replicas count.

For example:

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    image: ...
    replicas: 3

Shut down all the servers

Sometimes you need to completely shut down the domain (for example, take it out of service).

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    serverStartPolicy: "NEVER"

Only start the Administration Server

Sometimes you want to start the Administration Server only, that is, take the Managed Servers out of service but leave the Administration Server running so that you can administer the domain.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    serverStartPolicy: "ADMIN_ONLY"

Shut down a cluster

To shut down a cluster (for example, take it out of service), add it to the Domain and set its serverStartPolicy to NEVER.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    - clusterName: "cluster1"
      serverStartPolicy: "NEVER"

Shut down a specific standalone server

To shut down a specific standalone server, add it to the Domain and set its serverStartPolicy to NEVER.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    - serverName: "server1"
      serverStartPolicy: "NEVER"

The Administration Server can be shut down by setting the serverStartPolicy of the adminServer to NEVER. Care should be taken when shutting down the Administration Server. If a Managed Server cannot connect to the Administration Server during startup, it will try to start up in Managed Server Independence (MSI) mode but this could fail due to reasons such as no accessible Authentication Provider from the Managed Server pod.

Force a specific clustered Managed Server to start

Normally, all of the Managed Servers members in a cluster are identical and it doesn’t matter which ones are running as long as the operator starts enough of them to get to the cluster’s replicas count. However, sometimes some of the Managed Servers are different (for example, support some extra services that the other servers in the cluster use) and need to always be started.

This is done by adding the server to the Domain and setting its serverStartPolicy to ALWAYS.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    - serverName: "cluster1_server1"
      serverStartPolicy: "ALWAYS"

The server will count toward the cluster’s replicas count. Also, if you configure more than the replicas servers count to ALWAYS, they will all be started, even though the replicas count will be exceeded.

Shutdown options

The Domain YAML file includes the field serverPod that is available under spec, adminServer, and each entry of clusters and managedServers. The serverPod field controls many details of how Pods are generated for WebLogic Server instances.

The shutdown field of serverPod controls how managed servers will be shut down and has the following four properties: shutdownType, timeoutSeconds, ignoreSessions and waitForAllSessions. The operator runtime monitors these properties but will not restart any server pods solely to adjust the shutdown options. Instead, server pods created or restarted because of another property change will be configured to shutdown, at the appropriate time, using the shutdown options set when the WebLogic Server instance Pod is created.

Field Default Value Supported Values Description
shutdownType Graceful Graceful or Forced Specifies how the operator will shut down server instances.
timeoutSeconds 30 Whole number in seconds where 0 means no timeout. For graceful shutdown only, number of seconds to wait before aborting in-flight work and shutting down the server.
ignoreSessions false true or false Boolean indicating if active sessions should be ignored; only applicable if shutdown is graceful.
waitForAllSessions false true or false For graceful shutdown only, set to true to wait for all HTTP sessions during in-flight work handling; false to wait for non-persisted HTTP sessions only during in-flight work handling.

The waitForAllSessions property does not apply when the ignoreSessions property is true. When the ignoreSessions property is false then waitForAllSessions property is taken into account during the WebLogic graceful shutdown process. When thewaitForAllSessions is true, the graceful shutdown process will wait for all HTTP sessions to complete or be invalidated before proceeding. When waitForAllSessions is false, the graceful shutdown process will wait only for non-persisted HTTP sessions to complete or be invalidated before proceeding.

Shutdown environment variables

The operator configures shutdown behavior with the use of the following environment variables. Users may instead simply configure these environment variables directly. When a user-configured environment variable is present, the operator will not override the environment variable based on the shutdown configuration.

Environment Variables Default Value Supported Values
SHUTDOWN_TYPE Graceful Graceful or Forced
SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT 30 Whole number in seconds where 0 means no timeout
SHUTDOWN_IGNORE_SESSIONS false Boolean indicating if active sessions should be ignored; only applicable if shutdown is graceful
SHUTDOWN_WAIT_FOR_ALL_SESSIONS false true to wait for all HTTP sessions during in-flight work handling; false to wait for non-persisted HTTP sessions only ; only applicable if shutdown is graceful

shutdown rules

You can specify the serverPod field, including the shutdown field, at the domain, cluster, and server levels. If shutdown is specified at multiple levels, such as for a cluster and for a member server that is part of that cluster, then the shutdown configuration for a specific server is the combination of all of the relevant values with each field having the value from the shutdown field at the most specific scope.

For instance, given the following Domain YAML file:

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
        shutdownType: Graceful
        timeoutSeconds: 45
    - clusterName: "cluster1"
          ignoreSessions: true
    - serverName: "cluster1_server1"
          timeoutSeconds: 60
          ignoreSessions: false

Graceful shutdown is used for all servers in the domain because this is specified at the domain level and is not overridden at any cluster or server level. The “cluster1” cluster defaults to ignoring sessions; however, the “cluster1_server1” server instance will not ignore sessions and will have a longer timeout.

Restarting servers

The operator automatically recreates (restarts) WebLogic Server instance Pods when fields on the Domain that affect Pod generation change (such as image, volumes, and env). The restartVersion field on the Domain lets you force the operator to restart a set of WebLogic Server instance Pods.

The operator does rolling restarts of clustered servers so that service is maintained.

Fields that cause servers to be restarted

The operator will restart servers when any of the follow fields on the Domain that affect the WebLogic Server instance Pod generation are changed:

  • auxiliaryImages
  • auxiliaryImageVolumes
  • containerSecurityContext
  • domainHome
  • domainHomeInImage
  • domainHomeSourceType
  • env
  • image
  • imagePullPolicy
  • imagePullSecrets
  • includeServerOutInPodLog
  • logHomeEnabled
  • logHome
  • livenessProbe
  • nodeSelector
  • podSecurityContext
  • readinessProbe
  • resources
  • restartVersion
  • volumes
  • volumeMounts

For Model in Image, a change to the introspectVersion field, which causes the operator to initiate a new introspection, will result in the restarting of servers if the introspection results in the generation of a modified WebLogic domain home. See the documentation on Model in Image runtime updates for a description of changes to the model or associated resources, such as Secrets, that will cause the generation of a modified WebLogic domain home.

If the only change detected is the addition or modification of a customer-specified label or annotation, the operator will patch the Pod rather than restarting it. Removing a label or annotation from the Domain will cause neither a restart nor a patch. It is possible to force a restart to remove such a label or annotation by modifying the restartVersion.

Prior to version 2.2.0, the operator incorrectly restarted servers when the serverStartState field was changed. Now, this property has no affect on already running servers.

Rolling restarts

Clustered servers that need to be restarted are gradually restarted (for example, “rolling restarted”) so that the cluster is not taken out of service and in-flight work can be migrated to other servers in the cluster.

The maxUnavailable field on the Domain determines how many of the cluster’s servers may be taken out of service at a time when doing a rolling restart. It can be specified at the domain and cluster levels and defaults to 1 (that is, by default, clustered servers are restarted one at a time).

When using in-memory session replication, Oracle WebLogic Server employs a primary-secondary session replication model to provide high availability of application session state (that is, HTTP and EJB sessions). The primary server creates a primary session state on the server to which the client first connects, and a secondary replica on another WebLogic Server instance in the cluster. Specifying a maxUnavailable property value of 1 protects against inadvertent session state loss which could occur if both the primary and secondary servers are shut down at the same time during the rolling restart process.

If you are supplying updated models or secrets for a running Model in Image domain, and you want the configuration updates to take effect using a rolling restart, consult Modifying WebLogic Configuration and Runtime updates before consulting this document.

Draining a node and PodDisruptionBudget

A Kubernetes cluster administrator can drain a Node for repair, upgrade, or scaling down the Kubernetes cluster.

Beginning in version 3.2, the operator takes advantage of the PodDisruptionBudget feature offered by Kubernetes for high availability during a Node drain operation. The operator creates a PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) for each WebLogic cluster in the Domain namespace to limit the number of WebLogic Server pods simultaneously evicted when draining a node. The maximum number of WebLogic cluster’s server pods evicted simultaneously is determined by the maxUnavailable field on the Domain resource. The .spec.minAvailable field of the PDB for a cluster is calculated from the difference of the current replicas count and maxUnavailable value configured for the cluster. For example, if you have a WebLogic cluster with three replicas and a maxUnavailable of 1, the .spec.minAvailable for PDB is set to 2. In this case, Kubernetes ensures that at least two pods for the WebLogic cluster’s Managed Servers are available at any given time, and it only evicts a pod when all three pods are ready. For details about safely draining a node and the PodDisruptionBudget concept, see Safely Drain a Node and PodDisruptionBudget.

Common restarting scenarios

Using restartVersion to force the operator to restart servers

The restartVersion property lets you force the operator to restart servers.

Each time you want to restart some servers, you need to set restartVersion to a different value. The specific value does not matter so most customers use whole number values.

The operator will detect the new value and restart the affected servers (using the same mechanisms as when other fields that affect the WebLogic Server instance Pod generation are changed, including doing rolling restarts of clustered servers).

The restartVersion property can be specified at the domain, cluster, and server levels. A server will be restarted if any of these three values change.

The servers will also be restarted if restartVersion is removed from the Domain (for example, if you had previously specified a value to cause a restart, then you remove that value after the previous restart has completed).

Restart all the servers in the domain

Set restartVersion at the domain level to a new value.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    restartVersion: "5"

Restart all the servers in the cluster

Set restartVersion at the cluster level to a new value.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    - clusterName : "cluster1"
      restartVersion: "5"
      maxUnavailable: 2

Restart the Administration Server

Set restartVersion at the adminServer level to a new value.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
      restartVersion: "5"

Restart a standalone or clustered Managed Server

Set restartVersion at the managedServer level to a new value.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    - serverName: "standalone_server1"
      restartVersion: "1"
    - serverName: "cluster1_server1"
      restartVersion: "2"

Full domain restarts

To do a full domain restart, first shut down all servers (Administration Server and Managed Servers), taking the domain out of service, then restart them. Unlike rolling restarts, the operator cannot detect and initiate a full domain restart; you must always manually initiate it.

To manually initiate a full domain restart:

  1. Change the domain-level serverStartPolicy on the Domain to NEVER.
  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    serverStartPolicy: "NEVER"
  1. Wait for the operator to stop ALL the servers for that domain.

  2. To restart the domain, set the domain level serverStartPolicy back to IF_NEEDED. Alternatively, you do not have to specify the serverStartPolicy as the default value is IF_NEEDED.

  kind: Domain
    name: domain1
    serverStartPolicy: "IF_NEEDED"
  1. The operator will restart all the servers in the domain.

Domain lifecycle sample scripts

See the Life cycle sample scripts for scripts that help with initiating domain life cycle operations.