FMW Infrastructure domain home in image

The sample scripts demonstrate the creation of a FMW Infrastructure domain home in an image using WebLogic Image Tool (WIT). The sample scripts have the option of putting the WebLogic domain log, server logs, server output files, and the Node Manager logs on an existing Kubernetes PersistentVolume (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). The scripts also generate the domain resource YAML file, which can then be used by the scripts or used manually to start the Kubernetes artifacts of the corresponding domain, including the WebLogic Server pods and services.


Before you begin, read this document, Domain resource.

The following prerequisites must be met prior to running the create domain script:

  • Make sure the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator is running.
  • The operator requires an image with either FMW Infrastructure with patch 29135930 applied or FMW Infrastructure For details on how to obtain or create the image, refer to FMW Infrastructure domains. NOTE: As of December, 2022, Fusion Middleware is no longer supported. The last Critical Patch Updates (CPU) images for FMW Infrastructure were published in October, 2022.
  • Create a Kubernetes Namespace for the domain unless you intend to use the default namespace.
  • If logHomeOnPV is enabled, create the Kubernetes PersistentVolume where the log home will be hosted, and the Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim for the domain in the same Kubernetes Namespace. For samples to create a PV and PVC, see Create sample PV and PVC.
  • Create the Kubernetes Secrets username and password of the administrative account in the same Kubernetes namespace as the domain.
  • Unless you are creating a Restricted-JRF domain, you also need to:
    • Configure access to your database. For details, see here.
    • Create a Kubernetes Secret with the RCU credentials. For details, refer to this document.

Use the script to create a domain

The sample for creating domains is in this directory:

$ cd kubernetes/samples/scripts/create-fmw-infrastructure-domain/domain-home-in-image

Make a copy of the create-domain-inputs.yaml file, update it with the correct values. If fwmDomainType is JRF, also update the input files with configurations for accessing the RCU database schema, including rcuSchemaPrefix, rcuSchemaPassword, rcuDatabaseURL, and rcuCredentialSecrets. Run the create script, pointing it at your inputs file and an output directory, along with user name and password for the WebLogic administrator, and if creating a JFR FMW domain, also provide the password for the RCU schema:

$ ./ \
  -u <username> \
  -p <password> \
  -q <RCU schema password> \
  -i create-domain-inputs.yaml \
  -o /<path to output-directory>

The script and its inputs file are for demonstration purposes only; its contents and the domain resource file that it generates for you might change without notice. In production, we strongly recommend that you use the WebLogic Image Tool and WebLogic Deploy Tooling (when applicable), and directly work with domain resource files instead.

The script will perform the following steps:

  • Create a directory for the generated Kubernetes YAML files for this domain if it does not already exist. The path name is /<path to output-directory>/weblogic-domains/<domainUID>. If the directory already exists, its contents must be removed before using this script.

  • Create a properties file,, in the directory that is created above. This properties file will be used to create a sample FMW Infrastructure domain. The file will be removed upon successful completion of the script.

  • Download the latest WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) and WebLogic Image Tool installer ZIP files to your /tmp/dhii-sample/tools directory. WIT is required to create your Domain in Image container images, and WDT is required if using wdt mode. Visit the GitHub WebLogic Deploy Tooling Releases and WebLogic Image Tool Releases web pages to determine the latest release version for each.

  • Set up the WebLogic Image Tool in the <toolsDir>/imagetool directory, where <toolsDir> is the directory specified in the toolsDir parameter in the inputs YAML file. Set the WIT cache store location to the <tools>/imagetool-cache directory and put a wdt_<WDT_VERSION> entry in the tool’s cache, which points to the path of the WDT ZIP file installer. For more information about the WIT cache, see the WIT Cache documentation.

  • If the optional -n option and an encryption key is provided, invoke the WDT Encrypt Model Tool in a container running the image specified in domainHomeImageBase parameter in your inputs file to encrypt the password properties in file. Note that this password encryption step is skipped if the value of the mode parameter in the inputs YAML file is wlst because the feature is provided by WDT.

  • Invoke the WebLogic Image Tool to create a new FWM Infrastructure domain based on the FMW Infrastructure image specified in the domainHomeImageBase parameter from your inputs file. The new WebLogic Server domain is created using one of the following options based on the value of the mode parameter in the inputs YAML file:

    • If the value of the mode parameter is wdt, the WDT model specified in the createDomainWdtModel parameter and the WDT variables in file are used by the WebLogic Image Tool to create the new WebLogic Server domain.
    • If the value of the mode parameter is wlst, the offline WLST script specified in the createDomainWlstScript parameter is run to create the new WebLogic Server domain.
  • The generated image is tagged with the image parameter provided in your inputs file.

    Oracle strongly recommends storing the image containing the domain home as private in the registry (for example, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry, GitHub Container Registry, and such) because this image contains sensitive information about the domain, including keys and credentials that are used to access external resources (for example, the data source password). For more information, see Container image protection.

  • Create a Kubernetes domain resource YAML file, domain.yaml, in the directory that is created above. This YAML file can be used to create the Kubernetes resource using the kubectl create -f or kubectl apply -f command:

    $ kubectl apply -f /<path to output-directory>/weblogic-domains/<domainUID>/domain.yaml

As a convenience, using the -e option, the script can optionally create the domain object, which in turn results in the creation of the corresponding WebLogic Server pods and services as well.

The usage of the create script is as follows:

$ sh -h
usage: -o dir -i file -u username -p password [-q rcuSchemaPassword] [-b buildNetworkParam] [-n encryption-key] [-e] [-v] [-h]
  -i Parameter inputs file, must be specified.
  -o Output directory for the generated YAML files, must be specified.
  -u WebLogic administrator user name for the WebLogic domain.
  -p WebLogic administrator Password for the WebLogic domain.
  -q Password for the RCU schema. Required for JRF FMW domain type.
  -e Also create the resources in the generated YAML files, optional.
  -v Validate the existence of persistentVolumeClaim, optional.
  -n Encryption key for encrypting passwords in the WDT model and properties files, optional.
  -b Value to be used in the buildNetwork parameter when invoking WebLogic Image Tool, optional.
  -h Help

If you copy the sample scripts to a different location, make sure that you copy everything in the <weblogic-kubernetes-operator-project>/kubernetes/samples/scripts directory together into the target directory, maintaining the original directory hierarchy.

The default domain created by the script has the following characteristics:

  • An Administration Server named admin-server listening on port 7001.
  • A configured cluster named cluster-1 of size 3.
  • Three Managed Servers, named managed-server1, managed-server2, and so on, listening on port 8001.
  • Log files that are located in /shared/logs/<domainUID>.
  • No applications deployed.
  • No data sources or JMS resources.
  • A T3 channel.

The domain creation inputs can be customized by editing create-domain-inputs.yaml.

Configuration parameters

The following parameters can be provided in the inputs file.

Parameter Definition Default
adminPort Port number of the Administration Server inside the Kubernetes cluster. 7001
adminNodePort Port number of the Administration Server outside the Kubernetes cluster. 30701
adminServerName Name of the Administration Server. admin-server
clusterName Name of the WebLogic cluster instance to generate for the domain. cluster-1
configuredManagedServerCount Number of Managed Server instances to generate for the domain. This value is ignored when using WDT with a model that creates configured cluster where the number of Managed Server instances is determined by the WDT model specified by createDomainWdtModel. 5
createDomainWdtModel WDT model YAML file that the create domain script uses to create a WebLogic domain when using wdt mode. This value is ignored when the mode is set to wlst. wdt/wdt_model_configured.yaml or wdt/wdt_model_restricted_jrf_configured.yaml depending on the value of fmwDomainType
createDomainWlstScript WLST script that the create domain script uses to create a WebLogic domain when using wlst mode. This value is ignored when the mode is set to wdt (which is the default mode). ../../common/ or ../../common/ depending on the value of fmwDomainType
domainHome Domain home directory of the WebLogic domain to be created in the generated WebLogic Server image. /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/<domainUID>
domainHomeImageBase Base OracleFMWInfrastructure binary image used to build the OracleFMWInfrastructure domain image. FMW Infrastructure image. NOTE: This sample uses General Availability (GA) images. GA images are suitable for demonstration and development purposes only where the environments are not available from the public Internet; they are not acceptable for production use. In production, you should always use CPU (patched) images from OCR or create your images using the WebLogic Image Tool (WIT) with the --recommendedPatches option. For details on how to obtain or create the image, see FMW Infrastructure domains.
domainPVMountPath Mount path of the domain persistent volume. /shared
domainUID Unique ID that will be used to identify this particular domain. Used as the name of the generated WebLogic domain as well as the name of the Domain. This ID must be unique across all domains in a Kubernetes cluster. This ID cannot contain any character that is not valid in a Kubernetes Service name. domain1
exposeAdminNodePort Boolean indicating if the Administration Server is exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster. false
exposeAdminT3Channel Boolean indicating if the T3 administrative channel is exposed outside the Kubernetes cluster. false
fmwDomainType FMW Infrastructure Domain Type. Legal values are JRF or RestrictedJRF. JRF
httpAccessLogInLogHome Boolean indicating if server HTTP access log files should be written to the same directory as logHome. Otherwise, server HTTP access log files will be written to the directory specified in the WebLogic domain home configuration. true
image Oracle FMW Infrastructure Server image that the operator uses to start the domain. The create domain scripts generate a Oracle FMW Infrastructure Server image with a domain home in it. By default, the scripts tag the generated Oracle FMW Infrastructure Server image as domain-home-in-image, and use it plus the tag that is obtained from the domainHomeImageBase to set the image element in the generated domain resource YAML file. If this property is set, the create domain scripts will use the value specified, instead of the default value, to tag the generated image and set the image in the domain resource YAML file. A unique value is required for each domain that is created using the scripts. If you are running the sample scripts from a machine that is remote to the Kubernetes cluster where the domain is going to be running, you need to set this property to the image name that is intended to be used in a registry local to that Kubernetes cluster. You also need to push the image to that registry before starting the domain using the kubectl create -f or kubectl apply -f command. domain-home-in-image:<tag from domainHomeImageBase>
imagePullPolicy Oracle FMW Infrastructure Server image pull policy. Legal values are IfNotPresent, Always, or Never. IfNotPresent
imagePullSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret to access the container registry to pull the WebLogic Server image. The presence of the secret will be validated when this parameter is specified.
includeServerOutInPodLog Boolean indicating whether to include the server .out in the pod’s stdout. true
initialManagedServerReplicas Number of Managed Servers to start initially for the domain. 1
javaOptions Java options for starting the Administration Server and Managed Servers. A Java option can have references to one or more of the following pre-defined variables to obtain WebLogic domain information: $(DOMAIN_NAME), $(DOMAIN_HOME), $(ADMIN_NAME), $(ADMIN_PORT), and $(SERVER_NAME). -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
logHome The in-pod location for the domain log, server logs, server out, Node Manager log, introspector out, and server HTTP access log files. If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as /shared/logs/<domainUID>. /shared/logs/domain1
managedServerNameBase Base string used to generate Managed Server names. managed-server
managedServerPort Port number for each Managed Server. 8001
mode Whether to use the WDT model specified in createDomainWdtModel or the offline WLST script specified in createDomainWlstScript to create a WebLogic domain. Legal values are wdt or wlst. wdt
namespace Kubernetes Namespace in which to create the domain. default
persistentVolumeClaimName Name of the persistent volume claim. If not specified, the value is derived from the domainUID as <domainUID>-weblogic-sample-pvc. domain1-weblogic-sample-pvc
productionModeEnabled Boolean indicating if production mode is enabled for the domain. true
serverStartPolicy Determines which WebLogic Server instances will be started. Legal values are NEVER, IF_NEEDED, ADMIN_ONLY. IF_NEEDED
t3ChannelPort Port for the T3 channel of the network access point. 30012
t3PublicAddress Public address for the T3 channel. This should be set to the public address of the Kubernetes cluster. This would typically be a load balancer address. For development environments only, in a single server (all-in-one) Kubernetes Deployment, this may be set to the address of the master, or at the very least, it must be set to the address of one of the worker nodes. If not provided, the script will attempt to set it to the IP address of the Kubernetes cluster.
weblogicCredentialsSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret for the Administration Server user name and password. If not specified, then the value is derived from the domainUID as <domainUID>-weblogic-credentials. domain1-weblogic-credentials
serverPodCpuRequest, serverPodMemoryRequest, serverPodCpuCLimit, serverPodMemoryLimit The maximum amount of compute resources allowed, and minimum amount of compute resources required, for each server pod. Please refer to the Kubernetes documentation on Managing Compute Resources for Containers for details. Resource requests and resource limits are not specified.
rcuCredentialsSecret The Kubernetes Secret containing the database credentials. domain1-rcu-credentials
rcuDatabaseURL The database URL. database:1521/service
rcuSchemaPrefix The schema prefix to use in the database, for example SOA1. You may wish to make this the same as the domainUID to simplify matching domains to their RCU schemas. domain1
toolsDir The directory where WebLogic Deploy Tool and WebLogic Image Tool are installed. The script will install these tools to this directory if they are not already installed. /tmp/dhii-sample/tools
wdtVersion Version of the WebLogic Deploy Tool to be installed by the script. This can be a specific version, such as 1.9.10, or LATEST. LATEST
witVersion Version of the WebLogic Image Tool to be installed by the script. This can be a specific version, such as 1.9.10, or LATEST. LATEST

Note that the names of the Kubernetes resources in the generated YAML files may be formed with the value of some of the properties specified in the inputs YAML file. Those properties include the adminServerName, clusterName, and managedServerNameBase. If those values contain any characters that are invalid in a Kubernetes Service name, those characters are converted to valid values in the generated YAML files. For example, an uppercase letter is converted to a lowercase letter and an underscore ("_") is converted to a hyphen ("-").

The sample demonstrates how to create a FMW Infrastructure domain home and associated Kubernetes resources for a domain that has one cluster only. In addition, the sample provides the capability for users to supply their own scripts to create the domain home for other use cases. The generated domain resource YAML file could also be modified to cover more use cases.

Verify the results

The create script will verify that the domain was created, and will report failure if there was any error. However, it may be desirable to manually verify the domain, even if just to gain familiarity with the various Kubernetes objects that were created by the script.

Note that the example results below use the default Kubernetes Namespace. If you are using a different namespace, you need to replace NAMESPACE in the example kubectl commands with the actual Kubernetes Namespace.

Generated YAML files with the default inputs

The content of the generated domain.yaml:

# Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
# This is an example of how to define a Domain resource.
apiVersion: ""
kind: Domain
  name: fmwdomain
  namespace: default
    weblogic.domainUID: fmwdomain
  # The WebLogic Domain Home
  domainHome: /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/fmwdomain

  # The domain home source type
  # Set to PersistentVolume for domain-in-pv, Image for domain-in-image, or FromModel for model-in-image
  domainHomeSourceType: Image

  # The WebLogic Server image that the Operator uses to start the domain
  image: "domain-home-in-image:"

  # imagePullPolicy defaults to "Always" if image version is :latest
  imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"

  # Identify which Secret contains the credentials for pulling an image
  #- name:

  # Identify which Secret contains the WebLogic Admin credentials (note that there is an example of
  # how to create that Secret at the end of this file)
    name: fmwdomain-weblogic-credentials

  # Whether to include the server out file into the pod's stdout, default is true
  includeServerOutInPodLog: true

  # Whether to enable log home
  # logHomeEnabled: false

  # Whether to write HTTP access log file to log home
  # httpAccessLogInLogHome: true

  # The in-pod location for domain log, server logs, server out, introspector out, and Node Manager log files
  # logHome: /shared/logs/domain1
  # An (optional) in-pod location for data storage of default and custom file stores.
  # If not specified or the value is either not set or empty (e.g. dataHome: "") then the
  # data storage directories are determined from the WebLogic domain home configuration.
  dataHome: ""

  # serverStartPolicy legal values are "NEVER", "IF_NEEDED", or "ADMIN_ONLY"
  # This determines which WebLogic Servers the Operator will start up when it discovers this Domain
  # - "NEVER" will not start any server in the domain
  # - "ADMIN_ONLY" will start up only the administration server (no managed servers will be started)
  # - "IF_NEEDED" will start all non-clustered servers, including the administration server and clustered servers up to the replica count
  serverStartPolicy: "IF_NEEDED"

    # an (optional) list of environment variable to be set on the servers
    - name: JAVA_OPTIONS
      value: "-Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false"
    - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
      value: " -Xms256m -Xmx1024m "
    # volumes:
    # - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume
    #   persistentVolumeClaim:
    #     claimName: weblogic-sample-pvc
    # volumeMounts:
    # - mountPath: /shared
    #   name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume

  # adminServer is used to configure the desired behavior for starting the administration server.
    # serverStartState legal values are "RUNNING" or "ADMIN"
    # "RUNNING" means the listed server will be started up to "RUNNING" mode
    # "ADMIN" means the listed server will be start up to "ADMIN" mode
    serverStartState: "RUNNING"
    # The Admin Server's NodePort
       - channelName: default
         nodePort: 30701
    # Uncomment to export the T3Channel as a service
    #    - channelName: T3Channel
      # an (optional) list of environment variable to be set on the admin servers
      - name: USER_MEM_ARGS
        value: " -Xms512m -Xmx1024m "

  # clusters is used to configure the desired behavior for starting member servers of a cluster.  
  # If you use this entry, then the rules will be applied to ALL servers that are members of the named clusters.
  - clusterName: cluster-1
    serverStartState: "RUNNING"
      # Instructs Kubernetes scheduler to prefer nodes for new cluster members where there are not
      # already members of the same cluster.
            - weight: 100
                    - key: "weblogic.clusterName"
                      operator: In
                        - $(CLUSTER_NAME)
                topologyKey: ""
    replicas: 1
  # The number of managed servers to start for unlisted clusters
  # replicas: 1

  # Istio
  # configuration:
  #   istio:
  #     enabled:
  #     readinessPort:

Verify the domain

To confirm that the domain was created, use this command:

$ kubectl describe domain DOMAINUID -n NAMESPACE

Replace DOMAINUID with the domainUID and NAMESPACE with the actual namespace.

Here is an example of the output of this command:

Name:         fmwdomain
Namespace:    default
Labels:       weblogic.domainUID=fmwdomain
API Version:
Kind:         Domain
  Creation Timestamp:  2021-05-11T17:13:56Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    39039230
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 447a6d1f-cb6f-4884-82bf-c7b3dd1f898d
  Admin Server:
    Admin Service:
        Channel Name:  default
        Node Port:     30701
    Server Pod:
        Name:            USER_MEM_ARGS
        Value:  -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
    Server Start State:  RUNNING
    Cluster Name:  cluster-1
    Replicas:      1
    Server Pod:
        Pod Anti Affinity:
          Preferred During Scheduling Ignored During Execution:
            Pod Affinity Term:
              Label Selector:
                Match Expressions:
                  Key:       weblogic.clusterName
                  Operator:  In
              Topology Key:
            Weight:               100
    Server Start State:           RUNNING
  Data Home:                      
  Domain Home:                    /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/fmwdomain
  Domain Home Source Type:        Image
  Image:                          domain-home-in-image:
  Image Pull Policy:              IfNotPresent
  Include Server Out In Pod Log:  true
  Server Pod:
      Name:             JAVA_OPTIONS
      Value:            -Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false
      Name:             USER_MEM_ARGS
      Value:   -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
  Server Start Policy:  IF_NEEDED
  Web Logic Credentials Secret:
    Name:  fmwdomain-weblogic-credentials
    Cluster Name:      cluster-1
    Maximum Replicas:  3
    Minimum Replicas:  0
    Ready Replicas:    1
    Replicas:          1
    Replicas Goal:     1
    Last Transition Time:        2021-05-11T17:16:42.202063Z
    Reason:                      ServersReady
    Status:                      True
    Type:                        Available
  Introspect Job Failure Count:  0
  Replicas:                      1
    Desired State:  RUNNING
      Activation Time:  2021-05-11T17:15:43.355000Z
      Overall Health:   ok
        Subsystem Name:  ServerRuntime
    Node Name:      alai-1
    Server Name:    admin-server
    State:          RUNNING
    Cluster Name:   cluster-1
    Desired State:  RUNNING
      Activation Time:  2021-05-11T17:16:36.586000Z
      Overall Health:   ok
        Subsystem Name:  ServerRuntime
    Node Name:      alai-1
    Server Name:    managed-server1
    State:          RUNNING
    Cluster Name:   cluster-1
    Desired State:  SHUTDOWN
    Server Name:    managed-server2
    Cluster Name:   cluster-1
    Desired State:  SHUTDOWN
    Server Name:    managed-server3
  Start Time:       2021-05-11T17:13:56.329656Z
  Type    Reason                     Age   From  Message
  ----    ------                     ----  ----  -------
  Normal  DomainProcessingCompleted  59m         Successfully completed processing domain resource fmwdomain

In the Status section of the output, the available servers and clusters are listed. Note that if this command is issued very soon after the script finishes, there may be no servers available yet, or perhaps only the Administration Server but no Managed Servers. The operator will start up the Administration Server first and wait for it to become ready before starting the Managed Servers.

Verify the pods

Use the following command to see the pods running the servers:

$ kubectl get pods -n NAMESPACE

Here is an example of the output of this command:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
fmwdomain-admin-server                   1/1     Running   0          14m
fmwdomain-managed-server1                1/1     Running   0          12m

Verify the services

Use the following command to see the services for the domain:

$ kubectl get services -n NAMESPACE

Here is an example of the output of this command:

$ kubectl get services
NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
fmwdomain-admin-server              ClusterIP   None             <none>        7001/TCP          15h
fmwdomain-admin-server-ext          NodePort     <none>        7001:30731/TCP    15h
fmwdomain-cluster-cluster-1         ClusterIP    <none>        8001/TCP          15h
fmwdomain-managed-server1           ClusterIP   None             <none>        8001/TCP          15h

Delete the domain

The generated YAML file in the /<path to output-directory>/weblogic-domains/<domainUID> directory can be used to delete the Kubernetes resource. Use the following command to delete the domain:

$ kubectl delete -f domain.yaml

Delete the generated image.

When no longer needed, delete the generated image. If the image is in a local repository, use the following command to delete an image tagged with domain-home-in-image:

$ docker rmi domain-home-in-image:

Delete the tools directory.

When no longer needed, delete the directory where WebLogic Deploy Tool and WebLogic Image Tool are installed. By default, they are installed under /tmp/dhii-sample/tools directory.

$ rm -rf /tmp/dhii-sample/tools/


Message: Failed to build JDBC Connection object

If the WebLogic Image Tool failed to create a domain and the following error is seen in the output:

Configuring the Service Table DataSource...
fmwDatabase  jdbc:oracle:thin:@
Getting Database Defaults...
Error: getDatabaseDefaults() failed. Do dumpStack() to see details.
Error: runCmd() failed. Do dumpStack() to see details.
Problem invoking WLST - Traceback (innermost last):
File "/u01/oracle/", line 332, in ?
File "/u01/oracle/", line 44, in createInfraDomain
File "/u01/oracle/", line 151, in extendDomain
File "/tmp/", line 267, in getDatabaseDefaults
File "/tmp/", line 19, in command
Failed to build JDBC Connection object:
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor131.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( Got exception when auto configuring the schema component(s) with data obtained from shadow table:
Failed to build JDBC Connection object:

First, verify that the JDBC connection URL shown in the output is correct. Update the rcuDatabaseURL parameter in the inputs YAML file to the correct value if necessary.

If the JDBC connection URL is correct, it is possible that the container in which the WebLogic Image Tool is running for creating a WebLogic domain, is not using the correct networking stack. The optional -b option in the script can be used to specify the networking mode for the RUN instruction during image build. For example, to use the host’s network stack, invoke with -b host. Please refer to Docker Network Settings references for supported networking options.