Source Finder

This tutorial demonstrates how Macaron can find the source commit of a given artifact, and optionally the source repository, while performing no analyses. This operation exists as a standalone feature, using the find-source command, for users that wish to utilise only these features of Macaron without spending time performing additional unnecessary steps.

Unlike the integrated commit finder (demonstrated in another tutorial here), the find-source command does not require cloning the target repository, thereby saving time in many cases, and disk space in all cases. For those who still wish to clone the repository as part of the process, a configuration option exists and will be explained below.

Installation and Prerequisites

Skip this section if you already know how to install Macaron.

Please follow the instructions here. In summary, you need:

  • Docker

  • the script to run the Macaron image.


At the moment, Docker alternatives (e.g. podman) are not supported.

You also need to provide Macaron with a GitHub token through the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

To obtain a GitHub Token:

  • Go to GitHub settingsDeveloper Settings (at the bottom of the left side pane) → Personal Access TokensFine-grained personal access tokensGenerate new token. Give your token a name and an expiry period.

  • Under "Repository access", choosing "Public Repositories (read-only)" should be good enough in most cases.

Now you should be good to run Macaron. For more details, see the documentation here.


To use the find-source command and find the repository and commit for an artifact, Macaron can be run with the following command:

./ find-source -purl pkg:npm/semver@7.6.2

The output of the command will be written to the command line, and to a report file in the JSON format. The report can be found within the output folder under the respective path of the artifact that was passed to the command. (See Output Files Guide). In this case, Macaron created a report file: output/reports/npm/semver/semver.source.json, which contains the repository and commit that was found.

To open the report and view the contents, you can use the following:

open output/reports/npm/semver/semver.source.json

Inside you will find the repo and commit properties have been populated with and eb1380b1ecd74f6572831294d55ef4537dfe1a2a respectively. As this is a GitHub repository, Macaron also creates a URL that leads directly to the reported commit, found under the url property. You can find the JSON schema for this output file here.

If the repository for an artifact is already known, the find-source command can be given it to save looking it up again. To do this, the command changes to:

./ find-source -purl pkg:npm/semver@7.6.2 -rp


If you are unfamiliar with PackageURLs (purl), see this link: PURLs.

Execution with Clone

For the case where cloning the repository is desirable, perhaps because further use of the contents are planned, Macaron requires this to be specified in a custom ini configuration file that is passed as input. See How to change the default configuration for more details. Within the configuration file the following option should be set:

find_source_should_clone = True

Then Macaron can be run with:

./ -dp <path-to-modified-default.ini> find-source -purl pkg:npm/semver@7.6.2