Output Files Guide


Please see Common Options for the instructions on how to set the output directory of Macaron.

Output files of macaron analyze

Top level structure

    ├── .gradle/
    ├── .m2/
    ├── build_log/
    ├── git_repos/
    ├── reports/
    ├── debug.log
    ├── macaron.db
    └── sbom_debug.json


The report files of Macaron (from using the analyze command) are generated into the reports directory.

└── reports/
    └── ...

Unique result path

For each target software component, Macaron creates a directory under reports to store the report files. This directory path is formed from the PURL string of that component. The final path is created using the following template:


For more information on the three fields type, namespace and name of a PURL string, please see PURL Specification.

Typically, when a repository path is provided as the main software component of the analyze command, a PURL is generated from the repository path, which is then later used in generating the unique report path.

For example, when running this command:

./run_macaron.sh analyze -rp https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core

The report files will be stored into:



In the unique path, only ASCII letters, digits and - are allowed. Prohibited characters are changed into _. No changes to the letter case are made.

For example, the reports for https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core will be stored under <path_to_output>/reports/github_com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core.

Report types

Macaron creates three types of reports:

  1. JSON reports (*.json files): contain the analysis result.

  2. HTML reports (*.html files): display the analysis result in HTML pages.

  3. Dependencies report (dependencies.json): contain the list of dependencies that Macaron found for the target repository.


The JSON and HTML reports for dependencies (if any) are stored in the same directory as the target repository.

For example, for https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core the report directory can have the following structure:

└── reports/
    └── github_com/
        └── micronaut-projects
            └── micronaut-core
                ├── dependencies.json
                ├── micronaut-core.html
                ├── micronaut-core.json
                ├── dependency_1.html
                ├── dependency_1.json
                ├── dependency_2.html
                ├── dependency_2.json
                └── ...

Cloned repositories

The git_repos directory is used to clone repositories into during the analysis. Each remote repository is cloned to a unique path within git_repos following the same strategy as Unique result path.

For example, https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-core will be cloned into:

└── git_repos
    └── micronaut-projects
        └── micronaut-core

By default, if a local path is provided to the analyze command, this path will be treated as a relative path to the directory:

└── git_repos
    └── local_repos


Please see Analyzing a repository on the local file system to know how to set the directory for analyzing local repositories.

Output files of macaron verify-policy

As part of the macaron verify-policy command, Macaron generates a Verification Summary Attestation (VSA) with the following strategy:

  • If the Datalog policy applies to a unique software component identified by a unique PURL, a VSA is generated based on the latest analysis results for that specific software component in the Macaron database.

  • Otherwise, if the Datalog policy applies to multiple software components identified by multiple different PURLs, no VSA will be generated.

The VSA file will be generated into output/vsa.intoto.jsonl by default.

└── vsa.intoto.jsonl

Users can manually inspect the payload of the VSA generated by Macaron with the following command:

cat output/vsa.intoto.jsonl | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq

For more details about the Macaron-generated VSAs, please refer to the Verification Summary Attestation page.



The file is the SQLite database used by Macaron for storing analysis results. See table_definitions for the database schema.


This file stores the log messages from the latest run of Macaron.


This is the directory for storing the log from running external components such as CycloneDx SBOM Maven plugin, CycloneDx SBOM Gradle plugin or the slsa-verifier.


This file contain the debug information for running the SBOM generator to obtain dependencies of a repository.

.m2 and .gradle

These two directories cache the content of ~/.m2 and ~/.gradle in the Docker container between different runs (which are mainly updated by the CycloneDX SBOM plugins). This will helps subsequent runs on the same target repository faster.