Command Line Usage

Use the bash script to run Macaron as a Docker container (for more information on how to get this script, please see Download).


usage: ./ [-h] [-V] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-dp DEFAULTS_PATH] [-lr LOCAL_REPOS_PATH] {analyze,dump-defaults,verify-policy} ...

Macaron’s CLI has multiple common flags (e.g -h, -V) and different commands (e.g. analyze), which have their own set of flags.


Running --help on the main entry macaron will only print out the help for common flags. To print the help messages for command-specific flags, please provide the name of the command you want to know about. For example: ./ analyze --help. The documented flags for each command can be found at Commands.

Common Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

-V, --version

Show Macaron’s version number and exit

-v, --verbose

Run Macaron with more debug logs

-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR

The output destination path for Macaron

-dp DEFAULTS_PATH, --defaults-path DEFAULTS_PATH

The path to the defaults configuration file.

-lr LOCAL_REPOS_PATH, --local-repos-path LOCAL_REPOS_PATH

The directory where Macaron looks for already cloned repositories.

Environment Variables

  • MACARON_IMAGE_TAG: The Docker image tag for a specific version of Macaron.

  • DOCKER_PULL: Whether to pull the Docker image from the GitHub Container registry; must be one of: always, missing, never (default: always).
