Install CLI

The Oracle Backend for Spring Boot CLI (oractl) is used to configure your backend and to deploy your Spring Boot applications to the backend.

  1. Download the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI

    Download the CLI from here

  2. Install the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI

    To install the CLI, you just need to make sure it is executable and add it to your PATH environment variable.

    chmod +x oractl
    export PATH=/path/to/oractl:$PATH

    NOTE: If environment is a Mac you need run the following command sudo xattr -r -d <downloaded-file> otherwise will you get a security warning and the CLI will not work.

  3. Verify the installation

    Verify the CLI is installed using this command:

       $ oractl version
     _   _           __    _    ___
    / \ |_)  _.  _. (_    /  |   |
    \_/ |_) (_| (_| __)   \_ |_ _|_
    Application Name: Oracle Backend Platform :: Command Line Interface
    Application Version: (1.3.0)
    :: Spring Boot (v3.3.3) ::
    Ask for help:
       - Slack:
       - email:
    Build Version: 1.3.0