Database Access

The Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices includes an Oracle Database. An instance of an Oracle Autonomous Database (Shared) is created during installation.

To access the database from a local machine you need to download the wallet and configure SQLcl to use the downloaded wallet.

Download the Wallet

  1. Login into the OCI Console. Oracle Cloud

  2. Navigate to Autonomous Transaction Processing.

    Autonomous Transaction Processing Autonomous Transaction Processing

  3. Make sure that you have the right compartment selected and click on the database name. The database name is composed by the application name you gave during install with the suffix of DB. In the picture below the Application Name is CBANK so the database name is CBANKDB. If you didn’t provide an Application name, the database will name will be a random pet name with the suffix DB in the compartment you deployed application.

    Choose ATB Database Choose ATB Database

  4. Click Database Connection to retrieve the Wallet.

    Database Connection Database Connection

  5. Click Download Wallet to download the Wallet.

    Download Wallet Download Wallet

  6. You will need to provide a password for the Wallet. Make a note of where the wallet is located you’ll be needing it when connection to the Database.

    Wallet Password Wallet Password

  7. Close the Database Connection Dialog Box

    Close Dialog Box Close Dialog Box

Access the Database using SQLcl and the Wallet

  1. Obtain the ADMIN password

    To get the ADMIN password for the database you need to read a k8s secret. Replace the cbankdb with the Database name for you deployment in the command below. The name is composed by the Application Name you gave during deployment with the suffix DB. If you didn’t provide an Application name, the database will name will be a random pet name with the suffix DB in the compartment you deployed application. Get the password using this command:

    $ kubectl -n application get secret cbankdb-db-secrets -o jsonpath='{.data.db\.password}' | base64 -d
  2. Start SQLcl and connect to the Database:

    Start SQLcl using the following command:

    $ sql /nolog
    SQLcl: Release 22.4 Production on Fri Mar 03 10:33:33 2023
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2023, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Run the following command to load the wallet. Make sure you use the right location and name of the wallet

    SQL> set cloudconfig /path/to/wallet/

    Display the TNS Entries by executing the following command. The TNS Entries will be different for your deployment.

    SQL> show tns
    CLOUD CONFIG set to: /path/to/wallet/
    TNS Lookup Locations
    TNS Locations Used
    1. /path/to/wallet/
    2.  /Users/atael
    Available TNS Entries

    Connect to the Database using this command. Replace the ADMIN-PASSWORD with the password obtained from the k8s secret and replace TNS-ENTRY with your database name followed by _TP. In this example it would be CBANKDB_TP


    You can now close the connection or leave it open as you are going to need it in later Labs.