Explore Jaeger

Jaeger provides a way to view the distributed tracing information that is automatically collected by the backend. This allows you to follow requests from the entry point of the platform (the API Gateway) through any number of microservices, including database and messaging operations those services may perform.

  1. View a trace

    Start the tunnel using this command. You can run this in the background if you prefer.

    $ kubectl -n observability port-forward svc/jaegertracing-query 16686

    Open a web browser to http://localhost:16686 to view the Jaeger web user interface. It will appear similar to the image below.

    Jaeger web user interface Jaeger web user interface

    Select one of the Cloudbank services for example account and an operation for example http get /api/v1/account/{account}. Click on the Find traces button to find a trace, open any one and explore the details.

    Jaeger find traces Jaeger find traces

    Click on one of the traces to explore the trace.

    Jaeger explore traces Jaeger explore traces