Instance Management

yo nmi

Send diagnostic interrupt (NMI) to one or more instance (dangerous)

usage: yo nmi [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--dry-run] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to interrupt

Default: []

Named Arguments


Interrupt all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False


Do not actually interrupt the instances

Default: False

yo protect

Enable or disable Yo’s termination protection.

usage: yo protect [-h] [--name NAME] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [name_pos] {on,off}

Positional Arguments


Name of the instance to filter by


Possible choices: on, off

whether termination protection is on or off

Named Arguments

--name, -n

Name of the instance to filter by

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

yo reboot

Reboot one or more OCI instances.

usage: yo reboot [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--force] [--dry-run] [--wait] [--ssh] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to reboot

Default: []

Named Arguments


Reboot all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False


Forcibly perform the action without notifying the OS. This risks losing data, but it is best for handling a machine whose OS is hung.

Default: False


Do not actually reboot the instances

Default: False

--wait, -w

Wait for instance state RUNNING

Default: False

--ssh, -s

SSH to the instance once it is running (implies –wait)

Default: False

yo rebuild

Rebuild a saved & torn down instance.

usage: yo rebuild [-h] [--exact-name] [--wait] [--ssh] name

Positional Arguments


Name of instance in SAVED state

Named Arguments

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.

--wait, -w

Wait for the instance to start running

Default: False

--ssh, -s

SSH to the instance once it is running (implies –wait)

Default: False

yo rename

Give an instance a new name.

usage: yo rename [-h] [--name NAME] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [name_pos] new_name

Positional Arguments


Name of the instance to filter by


new name for instance

Named Arguments

--name, -n

Name of the instance to filter by

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

yo resize

Resize (change shape) and reboot an OCI instance.

usage: yo resize [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--dry-run] [--wait] [--ssh] [--shape SHAPE] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to resize

Default: []

Named Arguments


Resize all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False


Do not actually resize the instances

Default: False

--wait, -w

Wait for instance state RUNNING

Default: False

--ssh, -s

SSH to the instance once it is running (implies –wait)

Default: False

--shape, -S

Instance shape to select (REQUIRED)

yo start

Start (boot up) one or more OCI instances.

usage: yo start [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--dry-run] [--wait] [--ssh] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to start

Default: []

Named Arguments


Start all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False


Do not actually start the instances

Default: False

--wait, -w

Wait for instance state RUNNING

Default: False

--ssh, -s

SSH to the instance once it is running (implies –wait)

Default: False

yo stop

Stop (shut down) one or more OCI instances

usage: yo stop [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--force] [--dry-run] [--wait] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to stop

Default: []

Named Arguments


Stop all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False


Forcibly perform the action without notifying the OS. This risks losing data, but it is best for handling a machine whose OS is hung.

Default: False


Do not actually stop the instances

Default: False

--wait, -w

Wait for instance state STOPPED

Default: False

yo teardown

Save block volume and instance metadata, then terminate.

usage: yo teardown [-h] [--name NAME] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [name_pos]

Positional Arguments


Name of the instance to filter by

Named Arguments

--name, -n

Name of the instance to filter by

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False

yo terminate

Terminate one or more instances.

This command offers a “–dry-run” mode for safety. It also requires that you confirm the instances you terminate, or else run with “–yes” if you’re confident.

You can save preserve the instance’s boot volume with “-p”, and if you’d like, you can even preserve it and specify a more useful name using “-s”. In the future, you can launch an instance from that boot volume using “yo launch -V”.

usage: yo terminate [-h] [--all] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--yes] [--preserve-volume] [--no-preserve-volume] [--dry-run] [--wait] [instances ...]

Positional Arguments


Instance names to terminate

Default: []

Named Arguments


Terminate all of my instances

Default: False

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--yes, -y

Do not prompt for confirmation, assume yes

Default: False

--preserve-volume, -p

Do not remove the root volume for this instance

--no-preserve-volume, -P

Remove the root volume for this instance


Do not actually terminate the instances

Default: False

--wait, -w

Wait for instance state TERMINATED

Default: False

yo wait

Wait for an instance to enter a state.

usage: yo wait [-h] [--name NAME] [--exact-name] [--no-exact-name] [--state STATE] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [name_pos]

Positional Arguments


Name of the instance to filter by

Named Arguments

--name, -n

Name of the instance to filter by

--exact-name, -E

Do not standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username if necessary.


Standardize the name by prefixing it with your system username (this is the default, but can be used to override your Yo configuration file)

--state, -s

State to wait for the instance to enter

Default: “RUNNING”


How long to wait (in seconds)

Default: 600