Explore the WebLogic Remote Console

The WebLogic Remote Console provides a redesigned interface for WebLogic Server domain configuration. The new user interface applies the standards of the Oracle Redwood design system included with Oracle JET.

The WebLogic Remote Console user interface consists of the following sections:


The Kiosk (located in the bottom right corner of the WebLogic Remote Console) is where you perform the administrative aspects of the WebLogic Remote Console. It’s split into two sections: Project Management and Shopping Cart.

In the Project Management tab, you can see and edit the details of your current project, its providers, their connection details and so on. This is also where you can import and export project files.

You can see the connection status of a provider in the upper right corner of the console.

  • Green: Connected to an Administration Server (not applicable to WDT model files)
  • Yellow: Offline. WDT model files are always offline. (not applicable to Administration Servers).
  • Red: Not connected to an Administration Server (not applicable to WDT model files)

In the Shopping Cart tab, you can see the Change Manager, as well as any changes you’ve made to the domain configuration. You can commit (or discard) changes directly from the Shopping Cart. The Shopping Cart doesn’t appear when you edit WDT model files because changes to model files are applied immediately, no commitment necessary.

The Shopping Cart is only visible in the Kiosk if you a. have the console extension, console-rest-ext-1.0.war, installed and b. there are pending changes.

The NavStrip is a small strip on the left edge of the WebLogic Remote Console window that contains icons for toggling the visibility of the navigation tree Navpane icon, and for choosing which perspective to work within. Clicking a NavStrip icon for a perspective is equivalent to clicking a card on the Home Page.

The Domain Structure panel in the WebLogic Server Administration Console is represented in the WebLogic Remote Console as a dynamic navigation tree pane. Different navigation trees are loaded based on the perspective that you are using. For example, if you are using the Configuration perspective, the navigation tree lists the root-level nodes in the domain structure.

An ellipse (…) in the Navigation Tree in a list indicates that there are more than 10 entities of a particular type defined in the domain. When you click the ellipse, the table view for the first 10 entities displays in the main content area. You can then access all the entities in the table view using the arrows at the bottom of the table. For example, if you have 20 server instances defined in a domain, only the first 10 are listed in the navigation tree. Clicking the ellipse displays the Server table in the main content area, where you can view the first 10 servers and navigate to the remaining servers.

Content pane

You’ll make your domain configuration changes in the content pane. As you move through the NavStrip and Navigation Tree, the contents in the Content Pane will update to reflect your location. Your location in the Navigation Tree controls what you see in the content pane.

When you’re on the home page for a provider, you’ll see cards for the different perspectives. Admin Server Connections show three cards, while WDT model files only show a single card.

Domain configuration for Admin Server Connection providers is split into three perspectives:

  • Edit Tree: an editable representation of the WebLogic Server domain. Enter this perspective when you want to make and commit changes to the domain.

  • Configuration Tree: a read-only representation of the WebLogic Server domain. Enter this perspective if you want to see the current settings of the domain, without making any changes.

    If you make changes in the Edit Tree perspective, those changes won’t appear in the Configuration Tree perspective until you commit them, or for non-dynamic changes, until you restart the server.

  • Monitoring Tree: shows the runtime MBean information for select resources in the WebLogic Domain.

WebLogic Server traditionally has three different versions of configuration per domain. While the Edit and Configuration trees are present in the WebLogic Remote Console, the Server Config tree is not.

In contrast to the Admin Server Connection provider, the WDT model file provider has a single perspective:

  • WDT Model Tree: an editable representation of the model for the WebLogic Server domain.

As you traverse the different nodes of the domain, the breadcrumbs along the top of the content pane will update to show your hierarchical location within the domain structure. You can move between related pages under different perspectives by clicking the dropdown button beside the rightmost entry of the breadcrumb trail.

For example, if you’re on Domain/Servers in the Edit Tree, you can jump to Domain Runtime/Running Servers (Monitoring Tree) or Domain Runtime/Server States (Monitoring Tree) from the breadcrumb trail.

Tool bar icons in the content pane

These icons appear along the top of the content pane:

  • Home - Click Home icon in the content pane to return to the landing page for the functional area, such as Configuration or Monitoring. Click Home icon in the left side of the header area to return to the console home page.

  • Navigation History - Click history icon to view a menu with a list of clickable links to the pages you have visited. This history is perspective-scoped.

  • Help - Click Help icon to view reference information about the attributes displayed on the page.

  • Reload - Click Reload icon to reload the form/table once when no auto reload interval is set. This icon changes to active (Sync interval icon) when the reload interval is set. Click the icon to toggle the auto reload on and off.

  • Auto Reload Interval - Click Sync interval icon to set or clear a specified time interval, in seconds, for automatic reload of the form/table. If you select a different tab, or move to another page, automatic page reload stops.

  • Shopping Cart - When changes are pending, click Shopping cart full icon to view, discard, or commit the changes. The Shopping cart empty icon indicates there are no pending changes to the configuration.

Use the WebLogic Remote Console help

The WebLogic Remote Console provides several types of online help on each page.

  • Use the ? icon to the left of each field to access summary and detailed help for the field. If you hover over the ?, a summary help description displays. Click the ? icon to display a more detailed help description, if available.
  • Click the ? icon in the top right of the content pane to toggle the view of the reference information for all of the fields displayed on the page.