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Install the WebLogic Remote Console

You can install and run the WebLogic Remote Console through a desktop application or from within your internet browser.

We recommend using the desktop application over the browser application whenever possible. Certain features, such as editing WDT model files, work more effectively in the desktop application.

Desktop application

  1. Uninstall any previous versions of the WebLogic Remote Console from your computer.
  2. Download the WebLogic Remote Console. Go to and download the installer applicable for your operating system.
  3. Run the installer.
  4. Optional: Install the WebLogic Remote Console extension in the WebLogic Server domain. The WebLogic Remote Console extension adds additional functionality when using the WebLogic Remote Console.
    1. Create a management-services-ext directory under the domain home.
    2. Download the console-rest-ext-1.0.war from and save it inside the management-services-ext directory you created in the previous step.
    3. Reboot the Administration Server if it is already running.
  5. Launch the WebLogic Remote Console application.


Your computer must have Java SE 11 or later installed. To check your Java version, enter java -version at the command line.

  1. Download the WebLogic Remote Console. Go to and download
  2. Extract the ZIP archive to a directory of your choice. Once its contents are extracted, it creates a console directory that includes:
    • The console executable file console.jar
    • The libraries required to use the console in the libs subdirectory
    • The console extension, console-rest-ext-1.0.war, that you install in the WebLogic Server domain
  3. Optional: Install the WebLogic Remote Console extension in the WebLogic Server domain. The WebLogic Remote Console extension adds additional functionality when using the WebLogic Remote Console.
    1. Create a management-services-ext directory under the domain home.
    2. Download the console-rest-ext-1.0.war from and save it in the management-services-ext directory you created in the previous step.
    3. Reboot the Administration Server if it is already running.
  4. Open a command window and on the command line, enter java -jar <console_home>/console.jar where <console_home> is the directory where you unzipped the installer.
  5. Open a browser window and enter http://localhost:8012 in the address bar.

Connect to a provider

The WebLogic Remote Console supports provider connections to WebLogic Server Administration Servers and WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) model files.

  1. If connecting to a WebLogic Server Administration Server, start the WebLogic Administration Server.

  2. Launch the WebLogic Remote Console in the desktop application or the browser.

  3. Choose a startup task to build your first project. Projects are groups of connections to WebLogic Administration Servers, WebLogic Deploy Tooling (WDT) models or both. See Projects for more information.

    • Add Admin Server Connection Provider: Connect to the Administration Server of a WebLogic Server domain.
    • Add WDT Model File Provider: Import an existing WDT Model file.
    • Create Provider for New WDT Model File: Create a new WDT model file with only the essential configurations for a fresh start.
    • Import Project: Import project settings from another WebLogic Remote Console instance.

    On subsequent launches, the desktop application will open your last active project.

    If you want to create a new project, select File > New Project.

  4. Add additional providers to the project. Click ⋮ beside the project name and select a provider type.

  5. Select an Administration Server or WDT model file from the Kiosk.

  6. Start reviewing or editing the domain configuration.

Next steps