Tune the Remote Console Environment

Although not required, you may want to tune your environment to optimize the performance of the console.

Customize the Default Configuration

By default, the WebLogic Remote Console uses the application.yaml file inside the runnable/console-backend-server-{version}.jar file.

If the default configuration is sufficient, then you don’t need to do anything. However, if you need to modify the configuration, you can update the Java system properties by changing the properties in a config.json file or, for the browser version, by passing the modified Java system properties at the command line when starting the Remote Console.

The config.json file is located in:

  • Linux: $HOME/.config/weblogic-remote-console/config.json
  • macOS: /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/weblogic-remote-console/config.json
  • Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\weblogic-remote-console\config.json
    • Any Windows file paths entered in config.json must be properly escaped. For example, enter C:\Users\Jane\myTrust.jks as C:\\Users\\Jane\\myTrust.jks.

You may need to create the config.json file manually.

You can modify the following Java system properties:

  • console.disableHostnameVerification Default: false
  • console.enableSameSiteCookieValue Default: false
  • console.valueSameSiteCookie Default: Lax (Possible values: Lax, Strict, None)
  • console.readTimeoutMillis Default: 20000
  • console.connectTimeoutMillis Default: 10000
  • server.host Default:
  • server.port Default: 8012

For example, to set the Remote Console to listen on a host other than localhost (IP address

At the command line:

java -Dserver.host= -jar <console_home>/console.jar

In the config.json file:

{"server.host": ""}

Change the Network Timeout Settings for the Server

To change the defaults for the connection and read timeout settings used with a WebLogic domain from the Remote Console, change the following Java system properties:

  • Set console.readTimeoutMillis=<millis> for the timeout when waiting on a response, Default: 20 seconds
  • Set console.connectTimeoutMillis=<millis> for the timeout when waiting to connect, Default: 10 seconds

For example:

java -Dconsole.readTimeoutMillis=60000 -Dconsole.connectTimeoutMillis=30000 -jar <console_home>/console.jar

In this example, <console_home> represents the directory where you unzipped the installer, and will result in the console waiting 60 seconds before giving up on a response from the WebLogic domain.

or in config.json, add:

    "console.readTimeoutMillis": "60000",
    "console.connectTimeoutMillis": "30000"

When changing network timeout settings, the primary impact will be the response time for Console threads, while the browser will show no data when a timeout occurs. Examples of where timeouts may happen include requests where WebLogic experiences longer initialization or execution times such as for runtime monitoring actions of servers.

Set the SameSite Cookie attribute if Required for Web Browser Support

When the WebLogic Remote Console establishes a connection with the WebLogic Domain, a HTTP Cookie is established with the Web Browser session.

For security reasons, the SameSite attribute of the HTTP Cookie may need to be set for the Web Browser to accept the HTTP session Cookie. There are two settings that control the Remote Console behavior:

  • Set console.enableSameSiteCookieValue=true to include the SameSite attribute in the HTTP Cookie, Default: false
  • Set console.valueSameSiteCookie="<value>" to specify the value of the SameSite attribute, Default: Lax

For example:

java -Dconsole.enableSameSiteCookieValue=true -jar <console_home>/console.jar


{"console.enableSameSiteCookieValue": "true"}

results in the HTTP session Cookie including the SameSite attribute with a value of Lax.