Developer Guide


To build the WebLogic Remote Console, you need the following software installed in your local build environment:

Verify Prerequisites

   java -version
   mvn --version
   node -v
   ojet --version

Build the Remote Console From Source

  1. Clone the repository at
  2. In a command window, navigate to the home directory of the cloned repository.
  3. Run mvn clean install.

When the build is successful, a file is created in the console-backend/installer/target directory. You can now install and run the Remote Console as described in Install and Configure the WebLogic Remote Console

Use an Alternate File

By default, the WebLogic Remote Console uses the file inside the runnable/console-backend-server-{version}.jar file.

If the default configuration is sufficient, then you don’t need to do anything. However, if you need to tweak the logger configuration WITHOUT regenerating the runnable/console-backend-server-{version}.jar file, you can pass the -Djava.util.logging.config.file=<> Java system property when starting the console.

For example:


If there is a problem using the specified path, then the inside the runnable/console-backend-server-{version}.jar file is used. Either way, a log message is written to STDOUT stating which file was used:

Logging configured using /gitlab-odx/weblogic/console-backend/runnable/etc/


Logging configured using /

For examples of entries that can be placed into the custom specified above, see the repository source file located at server/src/main/resources/