Deploy services

The services are now completed, and you are ready to deploy them to the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices.

Note: You already created the Kubernetes secrets necessary for the account service to access the Oracle Autonomous Database in a previous module, and the transfer service does not need access to the database. You also created the journal table that is needed by the update account application in the previous module.

  1. Build the Account and Transfer applications into JAR files

    To build a JAR file from the Account application, issue this command in the account directory. Then issue the same command from the transfer directory to build the Transfer application into a JAR file too.

    $ mvn clean package -DskipTests

    You will now have a JAR file for each application, as can be seen with this command (the command needs to be executed in the parent directory for the Account and Transfer applications):

    $ find . -name \*SNAPSHOT.jar
  2. Deploy the Account and Transfer applications

    You will now deploy your updated account application and new transfer application to the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices using the CLI. You will deploy into the application namespace, and the service names will be account and transfer respectively.

    The Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices admin service is not exposed outside of the Kubernetes cluster by default. Oracle recommends using a kubectl port forwarding tunnel to establish a secure connection to the admin service.

    Start a tunnel using this command:

    $ kubectl -n obaas-admin port-forward svc/obaas-admin 8080:8080

    Start the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI (oractl) in the parent directory using this command:

    $ oractl
     _   _           __    _    ___
    / \ |_)  _.  _. (_    /  |   |
    \_/ |_) (_| (_| __)   \_ |_ _|_
      Application Name: Oracle Backend Platform :: Command Line Interface
      Application Version: (1.3.0)
      :: Spring Boot (v3.3.3) ::
      Ask for help:
      - Slack:
      - email:

    Obtain the obaas-admin password by executing this command:

    kubectl get secret -n azn-server oractl-passwords -o jsonpath='{.data.admin}' | base64 -d

    Connect to the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices admin service using this command. Use obaas-admin as the username and the password you obtained in the previous step.

    oractl> connect
    username: obaas-admin
    password: **************
    Credentials successfully authenticated! obaas-admin -> welcome to OBaaS CLI.

    Run this command to deploy your account service, make sure you provide the correct path to your JAR files.

    oractl:> deploy --app-name application --service-name account --artifact-path /path/to/accounts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --image-version 0.0.1 --liquibase-db admin
    uploading: account/target/accounts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service... successfully deployed

    Run this command to deploy the transfer service, make sure you provide the correct path to your JAR files.

    oractl:> deploy --app-name application --service-name transfer --artifact-path /path/to/transfer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --image-version 0.0.1
    uploading: transfer/target/transfer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service... successfully deployed

    Your applications are now deployed in the backend.