Deploy CloudBank

  1. Obtain the obaas-admin password.

    Execute the following command to get the obaas-admin password:

    kubectl get secret -n azn-server oractl-passwords -o jsonpath='{.data.admin}' | base64 -d
  2. Start a tunnel to the backend service.

    The Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices admin service is not exposed outside the Kubernetes cluster by default. Use kubectl to start a port forwarding tunnel to establish a secure connection to the admin service.

    Start a tunnel using this command:

    $ kubectl -n obaas-admin port-forward svc/obaas-admin 8080:8080
    Forwarding from -> 8080
    Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
  3. Start the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI oractl

    Open a new terminal Window or Tab and start the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI (oractl) using this command:

    $ oractl
     _   _           __    _    ___
    / \ |_)  _.  _. (_    /  |   |
    \_/ |_) (_| (_| __)   \_ |_ _|_
      Application Name: Oracle Backend Platform :: Command Line Interface
      Application Version: (1.3.0)
      :: Spring Boot (v3.3.3) ::
      Ask for help:
      - Slack:
      - email:
  4. Connect to the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices admin service called obaas-admin

    Connect to the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices admin service using this command. Use thr password you obtained is Step 1.

    oractl> connect
    username: obaas-admin
    password: **************
    Credentials successfully authenticated! obaas-admin -> welcome to OBaaS CLI.
  5. Deploy CloudBank

    CloudBank will be deployed using a script into the namespace application. The script does the following:

    • Executes the bind command for the services that requires database access.
    • Deploys the CloudBank services.

    What happens when you use the oractl CLI bind command? When you run the bind command, the oractl tool does several things for you:

    • Asks for Database user credentials.
    • Creates or updates a k8s secret with the provided user credentials.
    • Creates a Database Schema with the provided user credentials.

    What happens when you use the Oracle Backend for Spring Boot and Microservices CLI (oractl) deploy command? When you run the deploy command, oractl does several things for you:

    • Uploads the JAR file to server side
    • Builds a container image and push it to the OCI Registry
    • Inspects the JAR file and looks for bind resources (JMS)
    • Create the microservices deployment descriptor (k8s) with the resources supplied
    • Applies the k8s deployment and create k8s object service to microservice

    The services are using Liquibase. Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management solution which enables you to manage revisions of your database changes easily. When the service gets deployed the tables and sample data will be created and inserted by Liquibase. The SQL executed can be found in the source code directories of CloudBank.

    Run the following command to deploy CloudBank. When asked for Database/Service Password: enter the password Welcome1234##. You need to do this multiple times. NOTE: The deployment of CloudBank will take a few minutes.

    oractl:>script --file deploy-cmds/deploy-cb-java21.txt

    The output should look similar to this:

    Database/Service Password: *************
    Schema {account} was successfully Created and Kubernetes Secret {application/account} was successfully Created.
    Database/Service Password: *************
    Schema {account} was successfully Not_Modified and Kubernetes Secret {application/checks} was successfully Created.
    Database/Service Password: *************
    Schema {customer} was successfully Created and Kubernetes Secret {application/customer} was successfully Created.
    Database/Service Password: *************
    Schema {account} was successfully Not_Modified and Kubernetes Secret {application/testrunner} was successfully Created.
    uploading: account/target/account-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S
    uploading: checks/target/checks-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S
    uploading: customer/target/customer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S
    uploading: creditscore/target/creditscore-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S
    uploading: testrunner/target/testrunner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S
    uploading: transfer/target/transfer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    building and pushing image...
    creating deployment and service...
    obaas-cli [deploy]: Application was successfully deployed.
    NOTICE: service not accessible outside K8S