macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service package
The ci_service package contains the supported CI services for Macaron.
macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.base_ci_service module
This module contains the BaseCIService class to be inherited by a CI service.
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.base_ci_service.BaseCIService(name)
This abstract class is used to implement CI services.
- abstract get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- is_detected(repo_path, git_service=None)
Return True if this CI service is used in the target repo.
- Parameters:
repo_path (str) – The path to the target repo.
git_service (BaseGitService) – The Git service that hosts the target repo (currently an unused argument).
- Returns:
True if this CI service is detected, else False.
- Return type:
- abstract build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- has_kws_in_config(kws, build_tool_name, repo_path)
Check the content of all config files in a repository for any build keywords.
For now, it only checks the file content directly.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- keywordstr
The keyword that was found.
- configstr
The config file name that the keyword was found in.
- Return type:
tuple[keyword, config]
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type:
- workflow_run_in_date_time_range(repo_full_name, workflow, publish_date_time, commit_date_time, job_id, step_name, step_id, time_range=0, callee_node_type=None)
Check if the repository has a workflow run started before the date_time timestamp within the time_range.
This method queries the list of workflow runs using the GitHub API for the provided repository full name.
It will filter out the runs that are not triggered by the given workflow.
It will only accept the runs that from date_time - time_range to date_time.
If a step_name is provided, checks that it has started before the date_time and has succeeded.
- Parameters:
repo_full_name (str) – The target repo’s full name.
workflow (str) – The workflow URL.
publish_date_time (datetime) – The artifact publishing datetime object.
commit_date_time (datetime) – The artifact’s source-code commit datetime object.
job_id (str) – The job that triggers the run.
step_name (str) – The step in the GitHub Action workflow that needs to be checked.
time_range (int) – The date-time range in seconds. The default value is 0. For example a 30 seconds range for 2022-11-05T20:30 is 2022-11-05T20:15..2022-11-05T20:45.
- Returns:
The set of URLs found for the workflow within the time range.
- Return type:
- workflow_run_deleted(timestamp)
Check if the CI run data is deleted based on a retention policy.
- Parameters:
timestamp (datetime) – The timestamp of the CI run.
- Returns:
True if the CI run data is deleted.
- Return type:
- get_build_tool_commands(callgraph, build_tool)
Traverse the callgraph and find all the reachable build tool commands.
- Parameters:
callgraph (CallGraph) – The callgraph reachable from the CI workflows.
build_tool (BaseBuildTool) – The corresponding build tool for which shell commands need to be detected.
- Yields:
BuildToolCommand – The object that contains the build command as well useful contextual information.
- Raises:
CallGraphError – Error raised when an error occurs while traversing the callgraph.
- Return type:
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.base_ci_service.NoneCIService
This class can be used to initialize an empty CI service.
- __init__()
Initialize instance.
- get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- get_build_tool_commands(callgraph, build_tool)
Traverse the callgraph and find all the reachable build tool commands.
- Parameters:
callgraph (CallGraph) – The callgraph reachable from the CI workflows.
build_tool (BaseBuildTool) – The corresponding build tool for which shell commands need to be detected.
- Yields:
BuildToolCommand – The object that contains the build command as well useful contextual information.
- Raises:
CallGraphError – Error raised when an error occurs while traversing the callgraph.
- Return type:
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type:
macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.circleci module
This module analyze Circle CI.
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.circleci.CircleCI
This class implements CircleCI service.
- __init__()
Initialize instance.
- get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type:
macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.gitlab_ci module
This module analyzes GitLab CI.
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.gitlab_ci.GitLabCI
This class implements GitLab CI service.
- __init__()
Initialize instance.
- get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type:
macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.jenkins module
This module analyzes Jenkins CI.
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.jenkins.Jenkins
This class implements Jenkins CI service.
- __init__()
Initialize instance.
- get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type:
macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.travis module
This module analyzes Travis CI.
- class macaron.slsa_analyzer.ci_service.travis.Travis
This class implements Travis CI service.
- __init__()
Initialize instance.
- get_workflows(repo_path)
Get all workflows in a repository.
- build_call_graph(repo_path, macaron_path='')
Build the call Graph for this CI service.
- has_latest_run_passed(repo_full_name, branch_name, commit_sha, commit_date, workflow)
Get the latest run of a workflow in the repository.
This workflow run must be based on the latest commit according to the commit sha in the Analyze context.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The feed back of the check, or empty if no passing workflow is found.
- Return type: