macaron.parsers package



macaron.parsers.actionparser module

This module contains the parser for GitHub Actions Workflow files.


Parse the GitHub Actions workflow YAML file.


workflow_path (str) – Path to the GitHub Actions.


The parsed workflow.

Return type:



ParseError – When parsing fails with errors.


Get the parsed GitHub Action run step for inlined shell scripts.

If the run step cannot be validated this function returns None.


step (Step) – The parsed step object.


The inlined run script or None if the run step cannot be validated.

Return type:

str | None

macaron.parsers.actionparser.get_step_input(step, key)

Get an input value from a GitHub Action step.

If the input value cannot be found or the step inputs cannot be validated this function returns None.

  • step (Step) – The parsed step object.

  • key (str) – The key to be looked up.


The input value or None if it doesn’t exist or the parsed object validation fails.

Return type:

str | None

macaron.parsers.bashparser module

This module is a Python wrapper for the compiled bashparser binary.

The bashparser Go module is based on the Go module and is distributed together with Macaron as a compiled binary.

See Also

class macaron.parsers.bashparser.BashScriptType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

This class is used for different bash script types.

NONE = 'None'
INLINE = 'inline'
FILE = 'file'
class macaron.parsers.bashparser.BashNode(name, node_type, source_path, parsed_step_obj, parsed_bash_obj, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseNode

This class represents a callgraph node for bash commands.

__init__(name, node_type, source_path, parsed_step_obj, parsed_bash_obj, **kwargs)

Initialize instance.

  • name (str) – Name of the bash script file or the step name if the script is inlined.

  • node_type (BashScriptType) – The type of the script.

  • source_path (str) – The path of the script.

  • parsed_step_obj (Step | None) – The parsed step object.

  • parsed_bash_obj (dict) – The parsed bash script object.

macaron.parsers.bashparser.parse_file(file_path, macaron_path=None)

Parse a bash script file.

  • file_path (str) – Bash script file path.

  • macaron_path (str | None) – Macaron’s root path (optional).


The parsed bash script in JSON (dict) format.

Return type:



ParseError – When parsing fails with errors.

macaron.parsers.bashparser.parse(bash_content, macaron_path=None)

Parse a bash script’s content.

  • bash_content (str) – Bash script content

  • macaron_path (str | None) – Macaron’s root path (optional).


The parsed bash script in JSON (dict) format.

Return type:



ParseError – When parsing fails with errors.

macaron.parsers.bashparser.create_bash_node(name, node_id, node_type, source_path, ci_step_ast, repo_path, caller, recursion_depth, macaron_path=None)

Create a callgraph node for a bash script.

A bash node can have the following types:

  • name (str) – A name to be used as the identifier of the node.

  • node_id (str | None) – The node ID if defined.

  • node_type (BashScriptType) – The type of the node.

  • source_path (str) – The file that contains the bash script.

  • ci_step_ast (Step | None) – The AST of the CI step that runs a bash script.

  • repo_path (str) – The path to the target repo.

  • caller (BaseNode) – The caller node.

  • recursion_depth (int) – The number of times this function is called recursively.

  • macaron_path=None – The path to the Macaron module.


A bash node object.

Return type:



CallGraphError – When unable to create a bash node.

macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model module

class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Inputs

Bases: TypedDict

description: NotRequired[str]
deprecationMessage: NotRequired[str]
required: NotRequired[bool]
type: Literal['boolean', 'number', 'string']
default: NotRequired[bool | float | str]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Secrets

Bases: TypedDict

description: NotRequired[str]
required: bool
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.WorkflowCall

Bases: TypedDict

inputs: NotRequired[dict[str, Inputs]]
secrets: NotRequired[dict[str, Secrets]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Inputs1

Bases: TypedDict

description: str
deprecationMessage: NotRequired[str]
required: NotRequired[bool]
default: NotRequired[Any]
type: NotRequired[Literal['string', 'choice', 'boolean', 'number', 'environment']]
options: NotRequired[list[str]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.WorkflowDispatch

Bases: TypedDict

inputs: NotRequired[dict[str, Inputs1]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.ScheduleItem

Bases: TypedDict

cron: NotRequired[str]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Credentials

Bases: TypedDict

username: NotRequired[str]
password: NotRequired[str]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Environment

Bases: TypedDict

name: str
url: NotRequired[str]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.RunsOn

Bases: TypedDict

group: NotRequired[str]
labels: NotRequired[str | list[str]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Step1

Bases: TypedDict

uses: str
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Step2

Bases: TypedDict

run: str
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Defaults

Bases: TypedDict

run: NotRequired[Run]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.On

Bases: TypedDict

branch_protection_rule: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
check_run: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
check_suite: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
create: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
delete: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
deployment: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
deployment_status: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
discussion: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
discussion_comment: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
fork: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
gollum: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
issue_comment: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
issues: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
label: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
merge_group: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
milestone: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
page_build: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
project: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
project_card: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
project_column: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
public: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
pull_request: NotRequired[Ref1]
pull_request_review: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
pull_request_review_comment: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
pull_request_target: NotRequired[Ref1]
push: NotRequired[Ref1]
registry_package: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
release: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
status: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
watch: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
workflow_call: NotRequired[WorkflowCall]
workflow_dispatch: NotRequired[WorkflowDispatch]
workflow_run: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
repository_dispatch: NotRequired[Optional[dict[str, Any]]]
schedule: NotRequired[list[ScheduleItem]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Container

Bases: TypedDict

image: str
credentials: NotRequired[Credentials]
env: NotRequired[Union[dict[str, Union[str, float, bool]], str]]
ports: NotRequired[list[float | str]]
volumes: NotRequired[list[str]]
options: NotRequired[str]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.ReusableWorkflowCallJob

Bases: dict

name: NotRequired[str]
needs: NotRequired[Union[list[str], str]]
permissions: NotRequired[Union[Literal['read-all', 'write-all'], PermissionsEvent]]
if: NotRequired[Union[bool, float, str]]
uses: str
with: NotRequired[Union[dict[str, Union[str, float, bool]], str]]
secrets: NotRequired[Union[dict[str, Union[str, float, bool]], str, Literal['inherit']]]
strategy: NotRequired[Strategy]
concurrency: NotRequired[Union[str, Concurrency]]
class macaron.parsers.github_workflow_model.Identified(id, obj)

Bases: Generic[T]

id: str
obj: TypeVar(T)
__init__(id, obj)
Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


macaron.parsers.pomparser module

This module contains the parser for POM files.


Parse the passed POM string using defusedxml.


pom_string (str) – The contents of a POM file as a string.


The parsed element representing the POM’s XML hierarchy.

Return type:

Element | None